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RE: 👨🏼‍💻 #Proposal-86: Change Log - Edited Files

in Steem Dev2 months ago

Something I've been wondering about for a while is whether you're leaving space available somewhere for advertising and for the market price graphs of STEEM, SBD, TRX, BTC, etc? If the user has to scroll all the way down below "My Wallet" in the left-hand menu to see the ads - or even below the subscription list, that's a lot of scrolling.

Not sure how important the price graphs are, but the ability to display ads in a place where they'll be seen is probably important (even if my browser blocks them. ;-).

I did read this:

The steemMarketData needed to be retrieved from the app state, returned to the component for rendering and then output to the new right sidebar. This only get displayed within a post and not a reply (isStory) and not within the pane when the post is being edited (!isEdit).

But I'm not sure if that's referring to the price graphs that I see in the right-hand sidebar at steemit? If so, I don't see them anywhere in your demo site - not , post, reply, while editing, or in any of the various feeds.

 2 months ago 

I've not moved or removed the Market Price (other than introducing it to the Post page) so presumably there's an environment setting making it appear or not (there certainly appears to be logic that if there's no data, the component doesn't display). I've tried "forcing" it into the page but something (possibly external to my code) is preventing it from displaying. I'll need to spend some more time trying to understand what's happening but the code's there, unchanged.

There appears to be environment logic around the Ads too - I hadn't moved them until your reply - So I've now moved them into the right column, underneath whatever content is in that area at the time (in a similar vein to it currently being underneath the left sidebar content). I can "hard code" these to be switched on and they look ok there.