Art - Thougts of a Curator

in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕyesterday (edited)

If you upvote, you curate
If you vote as one of the first, you earn the most

The more the one you upvote earns
and the higher the vote you give is,
the bigger your share is.
You do not need SC to earn
If you would only use your right to vote...
If you upvote, you curate


Art is the "het ondergeschoven kindje". Not "the ignored child" like Google Translate will tell you but the foundling that you find on your doorstep one day. A stranger that you have to care for.
Not only the average person but also the government has a hard time with art. For decoration, an amount is budgeted for which a piece of rusty iron is bought with tax money that is placed out of sight next to the highway. With that, the artist has been given an amount and it can be said that money is indeed spent on art. Is it?

Strangely enough, little attention is paid to art skills at schools these days.
Drawing lessons, sculpting, wood carving, etching, singing, dancing, theatre, writing stories, and poetry, just like playing a musical instrument are rare. Every skill has now disappeared from education and even reading comprehension is something that the average person can hardly do. Those who do not understand what is written will never be able to learn to discuss and ask questions about what is labeled as literature.

Who decides what is literature and what is not? If I accept the definition of art below, then that means that if art means nothing to me, I feel nothing when I hear a song or see a dance, painting, or object, then it is not art!.

Steemit & Art

More than once I heard the artist on Steemit say that there is no attention to art. I agree with this, but it is also a fact that the average artist makes little effort to promote himself and only hopes that he or she will be discovered. By the way: more than once I have asked whether there should be a community for Art and the answer is always: What is the point, It will never be successful Steemit doesn't care.

Aren't we Steemit?

If this is the attitude of the average artist, then it will indeed be dead before it starts.
I would love to start a community for Art myself, but when the motivation of the average artist is so extremely low, then it is indeed pointless.

Anyone who does not believe in his creative art should not expect someone else to do so and expect an upvote.

Curator of Art

I tried to upvote art but I noticed that the average artist doesn't use the #art hashtag, pays less attention to be found, and hardly comments or replies. I left more than one message behind and asked to use the right hashtags but there was no response, no change, and with that, my expectations of artists dropped fast. So artists, if no one notices you check your posts and ask yourself how come.

I would like to be, in addition to the Curator of Comments, a Curator of Art but boy oh boy, that is not easy.
Long before I started Team True Colors I have been scouring Steemit for something special, something that I see as art.
Art is definitely present on Steemit, there are great drawings, photos, and stories and so are other skills such as crochet (needlework) as well as sculpture but at the same time, I also see that not everyone is passionate and there are those who, in addition to good, also post a drawing that a 3-year-old would not make. If I see this I ask myself, even if you only make a quick post to receive your automatic upvote why not post something better? This behaviour does not ensure that you are taken seriously as an artist and when I scroll through such an account I think: Never mind, I will not visit this account again.

One of the definitions of Art

Meaning & definition
Art is the ability to express what lives or is awakened in the mind or spirit in such a way that it can move through beauty. Art is a craft that is intended to stimulate the senses.
Art can be divided into pure and free art (referring to beauty only) and into bound art. Inbound art, non-aesthetic purposes also apply, such as arts and crafts and eloquence. A classification can be made from the point of view of sensory perception. This refers to colours, shapes, sounds, and tones. Art that is only intended for the eye includes, for example, architecture, sculpture, and painting, especially in resting images.
Poetry and music are art forms that focus only on the hearing, just like dance and theatre which are also intended for the eye. Art stems from one of the most fundamental tendencies of man. Since prehistoric times, cave paintings of hunting animals and decorations have been made.
source translation


Header/Photogrid: Canva

#steemit #chat #art #thoughts #kittywu #club75 #steemexclusive

 yesterday (edited)

First of all, I want to thank you for sharing your thoughts about the topic of Art . By Reading it i got answers of many questions in my mind. Your observation is very deep and based on reality. Some of the points I have noted too.

As far as I understand, the reason for Curators not paying attention to Art topics on Steemit is that artists do not pay attention to each other's work. And neither do they communicate with each other. I am not talking about paintings only its about all categories related with art . Maybe after putting in double effort (making art and then making a post), they get so tired that they don't have the energy to pay attention to someone else's work. That is, artists only value their own work. They don't care what other artists are doing.

Apart from this, I have noted one more thing. You will get comments like "Good job", "Well done", or "Beautiful" on Art posts. Maybe that's why Curators ignore them. Because there is no engagement on this topic. Many people don't want to create their own work, they just trace someone else's picture with a pencil and make a post.

If I talk about myself, I am trying to present my work in a better way day by day. By Hoping, this will catch the attention of Curators in the Art category. And i know this will not be possible until artists start paying attention to each other's work.

It would be great if there was engagement along with entertainment. But I wish it was possible.


Actually, what you are saying I see everywhere no matter if it's photography, writing, or whatever. The average attitude is post and leave or perhaps a part does invest time in answering notifications. If it comes to art or something great there are times when "awesome" is enough especially, if it's said by someone you more frequently talk to or who shows overall interest.

I know I find it hard to promote myself and for sure many more, especially artists, deal with that part. Promoting is time-consuming and that's why authors have publishers doing that work for them, film producers do the same. Should Art on Steemit have their own art critics to do the promoting? It could help but on the other hand who's that crazy to invest time in doing so?

A community Art might be a big help and could highlight some entries. Will it make any of those who publish in it rich? If it comes to that the chance is as big as posting elsewhere. Will it help to be surrounded by other art lovers? It might since no matter if we comment we do see another and being with like minded can already be a big help. If needed there's someone nearby and you don't need days to find someone since the #art and #review hashtags just like #story #poetry #photography and #creativewriting are rarely the places where art can be found.

#comment @jiva34 @vwrites @ibesso @yaladeeds

Actually did some shoddy art and still got a deviant art account somewhere, but I more or less stopped. Mainly because AI made it seem pointless and I wasn't that good at it anyhow.


That's a self-portrait I did in oil 2022. If you're wondering I was bending over a mirror. The background is the ceiling.

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