WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 10 - Poetry Game - Day 2 (when my old age comes)

in Steem Schools3 years ago (edited)

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when my old age comes

when my old age comes
my body is weak and helpless
I can't even move
all desires have been shattered

when my old age comes
My hair is white, full of gray
my eyesight began to dim
I can no longer enjoy the sound of nature

when my old age comes
my voice was hoarse gone, no longer heard
only heart can make me calm
remember Allah is the creator

when my old age comes
death is the last for me
the cemetery becomes a new home
the crochet is my bed

when my old age comes
my dream is not known anymore
but between the letters of this rhyme
I wrote a story to overcome

author @ahmadbaidawi

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