Spend a few minutes reading it, your life will change if you obey it

in Steem Schools3 years ago

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Remember one thing,
Your lonely sky will one day be filled with stars. Your loneliness will be destroyed one day. All your depression will disappear in the air. All your sorrows will be fulfilled. Exactly that day, the day you stop relying on your lover. The parasite will make the entity self-living. The day you will be your own guru.

You will think about yourself even if you spend half an hour in daily silence. You will know yourself, you will know. I am telling you the way to know yourself. First of all you will think why you came to this world, what you are doing, where you will go at the end of this life The day you find the answer to these three questions, you will understand that you have recognized yourself. And on that day, your human birth will be worthwhile. Then you will see how beautiful your life is.

There are hundreds of millions of stupid all over the world. They are looking for the whole world. For example, who did what, where what happened, etc., etc. They waste their time watching different trolls, watching memes, watching ticks. They don't give themselves any time. Why did they do that, why the phone waiting goes into depression with this ash. This is normal. Because they have no need of this world. They are a kind of garbage. Their life has no meaning.

No matter how great an educated scholar you are, if you don't know yourself yet, I would say you are a fool.

An extreme truth is that we are all alone in this world.
We have to accept it.
Whoever comes to give love, I will fill him with love. Whoever wants to leave, I will put him at the door. He who does not have such heroism in his midst can no longer be a human being.

When you get involved in a relationship with a complete argument. Then spread as much emotion as you can. No problem.
In every decision of life, first reason, then emotion.

If you think that if all your dreams come true, if you get the love of the desired people, if you get crores of rupees, expensive cars and houses, or whatever you want, then I swear, it is the highest mistake.
Listen, happiness does not come from receiving anything. Happiness comes from within. From the depths of the heart.

It is not possible to write everything in one composition. I will come again with the next part if you want.

Let me say the last valuable thing, however,
When you want to be very happy, very much so, then a voice will say to you in a silent cry, "Oh fool, this is the world. There is no paradise. There will be a little sorrow." You will hear it only when you recognize yourself.

Haha, if these words were uttered by a great sage, then perhaps you would attach great importance!


Wise words indeed. I would encourage anyone to read this.

Your image encapsulates the idea perfectly, as the mind is the thing which poisons people the most. The unconscious mind will fill ones head with negativity if given the chance.

If you are alive, can breath and stand on your own two feet you have a lot to be thankful for. Everything else is a bonus. Life is what you make of it and how you perceive it.