The World We Live

in Steem Schools3 years ago

I see this world around me,
Full of things trying to find me,
A terrible world of drugs, alcohol and prostitution,
The western world is working like a free institution,
People suffering under their boot,
Ilness and disease destroying our loot,
Our lives taken away,
By this immoral world wanting to stay,
And no way can it sway from the path it is on.

People burning down buildings,
Leaving others behind,
Lives broken and lost,
Like we being put on the cross,
We hurt and we ache,
Nobody cares to take away the pain,
I am wondering if we will even stay sane,
Our minds disrupted, our morals destroyed,
We are coming up on a dark void,
A void that consumes and takes all,
I don't know about yall,
But imma fight so tomorrow don't be like today.

From day to day,
On the path we on,
This evil in this world will never be gone,
But it never ain't to late to change,
Because a new world we can arrange,
From the ashes we will rise,
Never to fall,
And I just want to tell you all,
That God gave us free will,
So don't just stay here, doing nothing,
And standing still,
But try to forever change the world with a goal,
And don't sell the devil your soul,
Because it never is too late to make a difference,
So brothers and sisters keep your innocence,
And let your wings fly you away.

Have A Great Day @Steemitwarrior


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