The Throphy...

in Steem Schools4 years ago

I won a Throphy, the Medal is Here,

This reward is trully Dear,
It shines it is very Fine,
I wish there were Nine,
Medals for true Success,
To be Happy and relieve me from Stress.

Photo by Pixabay

There is only First Place,

So, I have Smile on My Face,
To be winner is privilege Real,
And that brings true Feel.

This trophy belongs to the Best,

I took the Challenge for the Rest,
No.1 is the best Position,
It is best Reality, not Fiction.

So, play and took the Challenge,

To win and be No. 1,
This is the best Position,
And it is aquired easy in one Mission.

Let's Steem On...Let Us Always Win...


Very motivational poem. There's so much fulfillment in being good at something and also being recognized for it;what other way is better than Winning the first position. Thanks for sharing


