Introduction to Steemitscholars: Project to promote steem

in Steem Marketinglast year

A good thing is worth promoting... Steemit is something very good and so it is very much worth promoting, especially for the youth who are growing up.
Most youths come from very poor background that depending on their poor parents doesn't work for them. So thinking about all this, we have made a decided to provide them help with the help we ourselves has also received...that is through Steemit

And that is why, we want to run a project that we call Steemitscholars.


What is the aim of this project? What do we hope to achieve? Who are involved in this project? What are the steps we have taken and what steps will we take in the future?

Well continue reading as I will give you all the details...


About our Steemitscholars project

Steemit scholars is a project particular for youths especially those in school.
We aim at partnering with schools and helping the young scholars to join steemit and to build their future with steem.
Our aim is to include steemit to the school curriculum and give out the knowledge of steemit to the students.


Our Aim, Goal and objective

The aim of the project is create a collosal awareness of steemit in our schools for a popular adoption of steemit in the different exchanges and also to have steemit as an empowerment course in schools

We want to reach High schools and universities if possible, to teach them about steemit, and to get as many as possible to join in and become great steemians.

Our main goal is to promote steemit and to empower youths with it.


Our progress so far

To make it professional we have printed T-shirts and Caps for it.
We have recently printed them and we hope that it represents steemit very well.


Each T-shirt has the steemit logo in front, what steemit is about, which is write.engage.earn.
At the back of the T-shirt we have the name of our project steemitscholars and the username foe each team member


The T-shirt and the cap costs about 30 Steem for each person in the team, but we are happy to have achieved it.

We have been able to meet some school management and a few of them has given us the permission to start even though their are some challenges that most students do not own a smartphone, and some schools we have met do not have good computers.


For now these two schools have allowed us to partner with them :

  • Precious international school
  • Unique skills international

We are hoping to get more schools. We hope to update you more on this.

We have also created a logo as you see in the first image of this post.

We have also created a scheme of work, the different topics we will be reaching the students on steemit. Soon we will break these topics down in a post for you to see.

For now we are gathering schools to partner with. The school section for the year in Nigeria is almost ending and the students are already taking exams so we will be starting the lectures in the next school section which is first week of September.


Who are in the steemitscholars team?

For now we are a team made up of just three people:

As it is said, a tiny drop of water makes an ocean and the little beginnings should never be despised. So with this small team we hope to accomplish great things, and soon we will have more people on our team.

Our future plans

We hope to get more students to join steemit, teach them how to write and earn for their future.
Then having more of them in our team we will be able to form a wider community with our steemit scholars project. Possibly provide cellphones to students who do not have it to make it easier for them to write comfortably.


We hope to get the support of many as possible in the platform, because only by getting support can we succeed in this our new project.
We also want to encourage the students who eventually join steemit by supporting them, we will be updating you on our progress.


 last year 
Me querido gran y lindo equipo nigeriano deseo todo el éxito del mundo en este nuevo proyecto el cual han iniciado y espero que cada día se vayan acercando mucho más a la meta propuesta, pero si encuentran algún obstáculo un el camino solo modifiquen el recorrido pero nunca abandona el gran proyecto que tienen ahora gracias a sus buenos ideas y su gran apoyo a nuestra plataforma.

La promoción es parte importante para dar a conocer algo y ustedes lo están haciendo de manera excelente, siempre pueden contar con mi apoyo aunque estemos a mucha distancia, con mucha sinceridad cariño y buenas intenciones ofrezco toda la ayuda que puedan necesitar de mi parte.

Espero que este proyecto avance tanto y reciba el apoyo que merece .

Steem on amigos muchos éxitos y bendiciones para ustedes.

Que sea JEHOVÁ quien los guíe y aleje de ustedes a toda persona que vaya en armonía con los planes de ustedes .

 last year (edited)

Thank you so much dear queen on mine 😍🥰. For your support and good wishes always. I'm sure with this project we will be helping a lot of people while we promote steem

Hello everyone, my name is @stanley52 and I am privileged to be one of the co- founders or perhaps one of the pioneers of this project and today we solicit for all the support that we can get and like we rightfully stated , the steemit scholars project has the dreams of bringing steemit to school, having it embedded in the school curriculum as to create more inclusiveness, adoption and awareness to steemit, the project has also in it's arsenal the weapons to eradicate what i call unemployment polio in our society.

We have had lots of positive results so far , which is evident in the number of schools who has shown enthusiasm towards partnering with us within a short time, so i want to use this medium to solicit for all your support, ranging from voting , resteeming and more to help everyone in the platform get to know about the project.

Thanks as we anticipate your support.

Saludos, Madilyn, espero estés bien. Qué bonito proyecto se han propuesto tú y tus amigos para ayudar a los jóvenes a que puedan familiarizarse con Steemit y como sacarle provecho a este.

Pese a las dificultades que se presentan en algunos de los colegios y los estudiantes referentes a su dificultad de obtener un teléfono móvil, aun así está bien enseñarles todo lo que tenga que ver a Steemit.

Excelente que empezando ya 2 escuelas los acepten para que impartan sus clases jeje. Les deseo mucho éxito y bendiciones equipo Steemitscholars.

Att: Jasa

 last year 

Hello friend, thank you so much for your support. We hope that despite the challenges we can achieve this our goal as an empowerment to the young people.

Best wishes to you too!

I sincerely hope you can achieve your goals, I will be watching for future updates on your project. 🙋‍♂️

 last year 

I believe that through this we can be able to create steemit in the heart of so many people in our city, Abia state Nigeria and by so doing promote this beautiful platform,
We hope to get support from everyone,

Thanks everyone

 last year 

Thank you for being part of the team. Together we can make this project stronger and achieve more success 💪💪💪

 last year 

I wish you all the success my dear, and your beautiful team. The sky is just your starting point. Keep it up!

 last year 

Thank you so much 😍🥰

Wow que hermoso proyecto, te deseo todo el éxito de este mundo, es una gran iniciativa, ojalá muchos colegios se una y muchas personas acá en la plataforma presten mucho apoyo.

Bendiciones para este gran equipo 🤗

 last year 

Thank you so much friend, we hope to get all the support possible to make it easier for us.


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