The diary game (16-06-2024) [ The visitation and celebration of salah with my Muslim friend 💞 ]

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE24 days ago (edited)

I will be expressing my self in today's diary game.

As I always wake up in the morning,then I pray to God almighty for making it possible for me to see another day like this, and I also thank him for his abundant grace in my life, after that I brushed my teeth and then began to perform my chores at home. I first of all started by sweeping the floor and mopping it after which I washed the clothes and my brother also washes the plates, after the days chores,


Me after church

I then took my bath and went to church at 7:30am to reach on time before 8:00pm. Actually it will not take me up to a minute to reach the church because the church is actually close to my house. I then reached the church on time and the holy mass began, I also learnt a lot of doctrines from the days teaching by the Rev father, He taught us to be good Christians and to also obey the commandments, and that we should always put interests to serve and worship the lord and we should always make time to worship him just as we make time for our daily routines because of the gift of life God gave to us and the the lord made us to love and serve him.


Me and my fellow mass servants at church


After the mass ended I had to go to see some of my friends, I also meet my top guides on the platform while in church. Then I went for a meeting in the church's hall, because I was a member of the mass servants,we usually have a meeting after mass. I then took a picture with my fellow mass servants. After church, I went to the fields and relaxed after the days work. At the fields, I log into my steemit account and saw 13 notifications, this notification began my highest notifications on the platform after checking the notifications I commented on a users post which was also a dairy Game, I then left the fields and went home to have lunch, after lunch I then returned back to the fields.

I and my friend

As I reached the fields I went to visit my mentor but he told me that he is about to leave home immediately for an urgent matter,he said he was about to go to the town to get things in order so I escorted him and wished him a safe trip. I later remembered that my Muslim brothers were having a salah celebration, I then decided to go see my friend who's name is Abdul Jarbar on my way to him house I bumped into him and we saw each other and smelled, I then told him I was actually going to visit and celebrate with him. He replied by saying that I am welcome the we should both go to his home together. On our way to his home I asked him that amount that he got his ear pod for he replied by saying that the amount is fifteen thousand naira ( 15,000 ). The price of this ear pod in steem is 35steem .


What my friend gave me to eat, the next picture you will see us with ear pod in my ear and the leaves we got for his 🐐 goats.


I and my friend reached there house. We have already discussed on exchanging some details from my phone and his mother's phone so he went in the house immediately and brought his mom's phone. On our way I discovered that he was a Eminem and Dax fan. I was shocked to see my friend play those songs because of his religion and on such a day. He also said that he only has Eminem and Dax music in his phone and also sent me a application that contains all Eminem's songs.


After I and my friend exchange stuffs through the phones, he then gave me a food to eat,it was made using flour and other ingredients I didn't not eat it till I got home and it tastes delicious it was actually my first time of eating such a food. I then followed him to go get leaves for his 🐐 goat to to eat, he climbed the tree and used a cutlasse to cut the leaves. After we cut the leaves we brought it and feed the goats, after I helped he, we the hug each other and I went home to have dinner. After dinner I played games on my phone till 7:55pm and charged my phone and slept to have enough energy to go to school on Monday.

Thanks for being part of my post.
