actsofkindness | betterlife | Take care of yourself, take care of your friends and take care of your family with Vaccines | #club75



Today I would like to convey a message to all of my Steemiant friends, especially for Steemians throughout Indonesia and all over the World, which is that every good citizen of us must obey the President's Order in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 14 of 2021 concerning Procurement of Vaccines and Implementation of Vaccinations in the Context of Combating the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic.



Socialization of Vaccines in Beunot Village, Syamtalira Bayu District, North Aceh Regency

All my friends, before we receive the Vaccine, it is better if we find out accurate information first, because now there is so much misinformation about vaccines in cyberspace and it is very important that we always refer to information from trusted sources such as the Ministry of Health, Public Health Centers and Village Midwives. If we have doubts about the information we can or can't get vaccinated, I suggest all of my friends to consult with a doctor first about whether or not to receive vaccines. Because not everyone can receive the vaccine. Currently, in general, people with the following conditions should not receive the COVID-19 vaccine in order to avoid post-vaccination side effects, namely people with a history of severe allergic reactions to the ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccine. People who are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.



What do we do when we receive the vaccine
  • Follow health protocols. Make sure we always follow the health rules at the vaccination location, for example keeping a distance while waiting for a call or wearing a mask.

  • Make sure your body is in good shape. Rest and drink enough water to feel fit on the day of vaccination.

  • Don't lie, be honest about yourself. Tell your health care provider if you have any conditions to watch out for, such as being pregnant or having an immune disorder.

  • Keep proof of vaccination. Vaccine recipients will receive a certificate or card stating the type of COVID-19 vaccine received, the time and location of the vaccination. Save this card well in case it is needed in the future.

sertifikat Vaksin.jpg


What we do after receiving the vaccine
  • Never forget to follow the monitoring procedure. After vaccination, health workers will usually ask those of us who have been vaccinated to wait about 15 minutes at the location to make sure we don't have reactions such as dizziness, weakness and so on.

  • We must still anticipate the vaccine reaction. remember, friends Vaccines aim to provide immunity without having to get sick. The body's immunity can wake up without any reactions, but if there are also some mild to moderate symptoms, friends, don't be afraid, it will go away on its own in a matter of days.

Below are some of the mild to moderate symptoms that we may experience after vaccination
  1. Pain around the injection area
  2. Mild fever
  3. Fatigue
  4. Headache
  5. Soreness in muscles or joints
  6. Shivering
  7. Diarrhea

It should be noted that all of our friends, if our bodies experience a reaction after we have vaccinated, I hope you remain calm and if there is a reaction such as pain, swelling or redness at the injection site, apply cold compresses to that location. if there is a fever, compress with warm water / bathe with warm water, drink plenty of water and rest.

MESSAGE @djadawadjadi: Take care of yourself and others. People who have been vaccinated can still transmit COVID-19, even if they are asymptomatic. For this reason, we must continue to follow health protocols for the sake of ourselves and others—avoid crowds, keep our distance, wash our hands frequently, and always wear masks outside the house.


Best regards to :


 3 years ago 

Berapi2 ya mas bro....
#club75 membawa barokah 😂
Good job 👍

Terima Kasih Senior on Steemit.
