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RE: Red the brave man!!! (Short Story)


His time has come, but I did not leave him behind, I took him and brought him home for a proper burial ceremony (in fact I was so embarrassed strolling while expecting no one else to see that Red has gone, LOL).

Thank you for laughing together for this little thing

Have a good day for you

 last month 

What's the thing with embarrassment I would never be embarrsshed about such things. I wonder if I ever was... Perhaps as a child as my mother scted weird on that rare day a schoolfriend was allowed to come over and I was allowed to watch TV. But I think it wasn't embarrashment but I felt ashamed or? Thanks for making me laugh.

I still wait for the duckS.

A great day with your new friend? Red or Blue, Green or Grey?

 29 days ago 

Normally, I would throw it away and walk barefoot, but seems Red wanted me to bring him back, so I brought it home by pinching the rope between my toes.

A great day with your new friend? Red or Blue, Green or Grey?

I guess the original one was white but now it turning grey just like my hair from pure black to light grey recently thought of making myself to be a whale on steemit LOL

 29 days ago 

I think Red wanted to be remembered.

Grey is better than white. Not too dark and not too bright.

Grey can come overnight isn't that strange? Too many worries but I think it looks good all you have to do is get that shave and rest more so your back won't start again.

My son finally found some ginger. Later I make tea, kefir and hopefully yoghurt.

The Whale is the way out of here or being an Orca also good for support.
Aren't there sharks around?