Thediarygame for 30/6/2024|| Bidding farewell to my in-law with a smile and heartfelt goodbye



Finally my in-laws returned back to their state of residence after staying with me for 2 months, I will remain forever grateful for the memories. When she came in to stay with us

She actually came to give birth in a place where I can monitor her health, make sure she and the baby is fine and took care of them. Her stay was actually fun because she is fun to be with, she is always having full package gist to tell at all times.

The remaining part of her pregnancy journey was being monitored and cared for by me and everyone in the family, we made her feel at home and she felt relaxed and not tense by her situation.

Finally she gave birth to a beautiful princess

Then after intensive care in the hospital we came back home, the mother and daughter was fine we are home

So on Sunday it was time for them to go home happily so I got up early and prepared breakfast, I cooked porridge beans and white rice. I prepared custard pap for my daughter as well.


All of us ate happily, after eating my in-law and the wife gave a lovely words of appreciation to us, it was so emotional that I shed tears of joy. They appreciated us for the care and love and I thank them too for giving us the privilege to express our love for them.

I came from a very loving and united family and I always wish my daughter to also grow in a loving, united and caring family too. So I make sure my in-laws are always happy and united, I usually take the initiative to help them strengthen their family bond.

I was so happy that this whole plan was carried out successfully, all thanks to the God of love who we imitate his love and grow in love.

After the heartfelt expression of appreciation, it was time to bathe and prepare the baby so she can be more relax on a long journey they were to embark on.

Baby Keziah

I bathe and did a little massage on the baby, wear her clothes that soothe the weather and their traveling journey. I covered her well, the baby is just 2 weeks old so she needs intensive care as they will be traveling back.

Oh! I missed baby keke as my daughter usually call her cousin.

I took a selfie with them and I bide them goodbye 🫂

My daughter was already missing her cousin so I allowed them have some play time together, she sang for her, gave her lovely kisses, my daughter knew baby keke will be going back, I felt the missing already.

My daughter and baby keke

It was time to see them off at the park so they can move that morning because the road to cross River state is really bad so they have to leave in the morning. We took some photographs for memory 🫂

I and baby keke parent

I and my in-law took a memorable photograph with his family. I appreciate their stay with us, I'm missing them already, although we will visit them soon to see how they are doing but I miss the staying together. You know one thing in the family is when the bond grows, you can do anything out of love for your family. I believe the bond we have built will continue to grow stronger each passing day.

My daughter giving a warm hug to aunty baby

They went to the park and boarded a taxi back home to their state. We returned home and prepared for meeting that Sunday. The meeting was refreshing and I went out for return visit after meeting then went back home to have some rest time.

Later that evening, my hubby invited me to his sit out space and entertained me in appreciation for my good heart and what I've done for their family.


So many things came to my mind at this moment when he was also appreciating me from his heart. I also thanked him for giving me the opportunity to express my love for their family. Of course my husband elder brother was there, he is part of our growing team, his support was really really appreciated 👍

So this is my family story line, we love ourselves 💕


 3 days ago 

Saludos amiga que linda la foto de tu hija con la bebé se ven muy lindas ambas, tus suegros pasaron unos días en tu casa lleno de puro amor y usted siempre pendiente de ellos y de que todo marchara bien el ese embarazo hasta que fuera a dar a luz esa hermosa bebé que Dios la bendiga y la llene de mucha salud siempre
Un placer haber leído tu diario

 3 days ago 

Oh my goodness 😍 I'm so happy to receive this lovely message from you. Thank you for your words of encouragement 🙏 I appreciate you best wishes 👍

 3 days ago 

Your welcome friend it's my pleasure

 3 days ago 


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 3 days ago 

Thank you @event-horizon


Missing everyone already staying with you guys was worth every minute every hour and every second. I will always appreciate and love you guys.

 2 days ago 

Love you too 💕💕💕💕

 2 days ago 

Saya dapat merasakan ketulusan anda dalam merawat keluarga suami dan juga bayi cantik itu. Ya, keke nama yang sangat indah, secantik sang bayi.

Semoga keluarga kalian selalu bahagia dan berkah sayang.

 2 days ago 

Thank you I appreciate your sincere comment and your best wishes.