Contest - The Importance of Reading a Newspaper


There are so many importance that information gives to us and not only that there are so many benefits that we get to have when we are actually informed about the things that are really happening around our society and country. One of it is through newspapers. Today I have bring to you my entry concerning the contest held by @shiftitamanna. So stay tune.

Do you read the newspaper every day? What are its benefits?


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Since childhood and even till today, I am really a big fan of newspaper. My dad happens to also been a lover of newspaper so without stress, I have access to newspapers updated every day ranging from Punch, Tribune and many more. Over the years, there are a whole lot of benefits that I have come to realise that newspapers helps me to get which I will shortly and briefly be sharing with you below.

  • Stay Informed.

The first benefit I will say I stand to gain is the fact that newspapers has really helped me to stay informed. What do I really mean by that? There is a way newspapers helps me to provide information about both the local, national and even international news. I have come to discover that by me reading newspaper daily and regularly, I have been able stay informed about any event whether past or current ones happening around the country and even ranging from politics, economy and even much more. This knowledge I always get by reading the newspaper has helped me to engage in discussions in various aspects of life.

  • Critical Thinking.

The second benefit I will like to share with you that reading newspaper has really helped me to achieve is the fact that newspapers has helped to give me different perspectives about a lot of tissues around every aspect of life. By doing so, it has helped me to develop my critical thinking skills and this has really helped me to shape my opinions also in society.

  • Improves Vocabulary and Language Skills.


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Another strong benefits I have come to discover that by me reading newspaper has helped me to develop is the aspect of developing my vocabulary. How do it happen? By me reading a whole range of vocabulary and languages, even though sometimes I tend to face some complex sentences along the way, but it has really helped me to shape and enhance my vocabulary and languages communication skills. This benefits has helped me in my academics, career wise and every aspect of my life.

  • Promotes Civic Engagement.

The last benefits I will also like to share with you is the fact that been well informed through the newspaper I read has make my civic life to be in another level. Either through voting in elections, I know much more better how to behave as a citizens in my country Nigeria and get informed about things happening as a citizen of the country.

What kind of news do you usually follow?


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There are a whole lot of ranges of news that I always explore around when reading the newspaper.

  • Local And National News.

By reading newspapers, I always explore the local news. This types of news involve what happens in my community, city and my region.
This can include what is happening in my local government and even community initiatives. This has helped me to know what is happening also in my surrounding. So most of the time I read the local news.

Not only local news but also national news also. These types of news now help me to focus on the events and issues that might be happening in the national level. This cut across every aspect of the country. This types of news includes the development affecting the nation. This makes me informed about the country affair.

  • Business and Finance News.

The second section of news I always read are the Business and the Finances News. These sections of news helps me to cover information that is related to the performance of the economy of the country. This Involves news ranging form markets, companies, industries and even financial trends of the country. Whenever I read this section of news, I get updates about the stock market.

  • Science and Technology News.

The last section of news which I always find interesting and probably it's because I am a science student are the science and technology news. This section of news actually helped me to stay informed about discoveries, innovations and even the advancement in aspect related to science. Fields like health, engineering and many more.

How do most people get the news in your country?


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There are a whole lot of forms and mediums that people in my country actually get access to news in my country Nigeria. They includes the following also below.

  • Newspapers.

I will still mention the point of newspaper as a way people get news in my country. In fact newspapers have really helped a lot of old age people in my country to have access to news happening in the country. There are a whole lot of newspapers in Nigeria like The Punch, The Guardian, Vanguard and many more.

  • Radio.

The second form people get news in my country Nigeria is through radio. In fact I have come to discover that Radio have become a very popular medium source of news in Nigeria. A lot of Nigerians make use of Radio Stations like Radio Nigeria, Cool FM and many more to get access to news updates.

  • Social Media:

The third form of medium people get news in Nigeria are through the social media platforms. Social Media platforms like examples of Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram have been used by Nigerians to get access to news and information happening around the country Nigeria.

Do you think international news is important?

Perfectly well, I so much believe that international news is very important. Someone should not only be limited to what is happening in your country alone but also what is happening all around the world and that is what international news can really help you to actually offer.

One of the things international news helps you to do is give you update about events, issues happening even beyond your country. This helps you to stay informed about global events happening all around the world. So I definitely believe that international news is really important. I as for example, I am a big fan of international news.

I invite @lovelystar , @newekemini5 and @okere-blessing to participate in this contest.

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


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Achievement 1


Reading newspapers helps in building our vocabulary capacity like you've stated. Some of these newspapers come with puzzles to solve and new words to check up on.
An educative piece you have here.

You are very right. There is so much benefits that lies in reading newspapers only if we are aware of it

 5 months ago 

I salute you for always following the latest news from your childhood until now, today's young people may not be so interested in reading newspapers, they spend most of their time with gedjed, good luck to you

You are perfectly right. There is so much benefits that lies in actually reading newspapers

 5 months ago 

of course because newspapers are a source of information, news, cuisine, lifestyle and sports

Reading newspapers comes with so many benefits. It all begins with the kind of information we are looking for. When you have chosen the kind of information you want, then you go and read up about it.

There is so much benefits that lies in newspapers

In this advanced age, a popular News distribution method in my area is the social media and the radio
set especially when citizens want to confirm if the Saturday compulsory sanitation limits movement, lol.

Access to news no matter the medium is so important.

I think I have really been able to learn a lot from your comments

 5 months ago 

There is need to read Newspapers because it carries the news of the world. Newspapers provide information, general knowledge, a country's economic situation, sports, games, entertainment, trade and commerce. Reading newspaper makes a good habit and it is already part of the modern life.

You are right. There is a massive benefits that lies in reading newspapers

It sounds so amazing that since from child hood, you're a fan of reading a news. Reading of news papers actually plays so many important role in our life by keeping us conversant with the current happenings. I wish you success in your entry

I really love reading newspapers

I like reading news, sometimes news can lead to opinions, some are in accordance with reality, some also increase stability, especially political news.