Make your comments and replies count! Tips to write a good comment...

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 years ago (edited)

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What a response I had on my post, The 5 main reasons why posts goes wrong

In closure to this post:

SC01* With content we prefer detail over vagueness
* With photos we prefer selectivity over quantity
* We really don't like repeated photos, and photos without captions
MeIt is wonderful that so many Steemians not only read, resteemed the post but also started to put it to practise.
That’s all we ask, learn and then put it to the test.

That brings me to the second part of what was written by the “Steemit team” (This time I got it right :-) and which caught my attention.

It is to be found in the Community Curators for September post.

The third significant change that is being introduced for September is voting on comments.
High quality relevant comments add a whole new richness to the Steem blogging ecosystem.
Good comments can be as interesting and as valuable as good posts.
We want good comments to be encouraged and rewarded.
Therefore for September we are looking for the curation teams to allocate a significant proportion of their voting capacity to comments.

I could not have been happier with this!

The first time a curating team introduced this was when I was part of The7Up.

Team Lucky Dip then enhanced this initiative and took it one step further and now the Steemit Team is taking it even further.

Today I am going to help you to be prepared for 01 September when the new curating teams kick in.

1. The difference between a comment and a reply

Comment –This is when you give your thought or thoughts on a specific post

Reply – This when you reply on a comment of the author who made the original comment. In other words, you are continuing the “discussion”.

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2. The importance of a response

I am sure most of you are familiar with Uncle Sam’s chicken, KFC.

Some years ago I attended a business seminar held at one of Johannesburg largest conference venues. The presenter was very clever as he marketed the event as FREE seminar, he advertised it to be held only on ONE evening and he never advertised that it was only going to be an “introduction” seminar.
Of course I booked, not only for me but for all twenty of my staff. They had to go and learn what makes a business successful.

The venue was packed! During the presentation the presenter told us about the bad experience he had when he ordered food from a local KFC. Bad as in BAD!

Now, let’s picture this. Let’s say there were 2,000 people attending who all heard his comment. They then each told 5 of their friends, family members or colleagues about what they have heard. These 5 tells another 5 and they tell 5 people and they each tell 5 and they each tell 5 and… and… and…

That my Steemian friends are the power of a comment not only in real life but also on a reply on a blog or a post.
There is no doubt that a response on a post can attract the attention of influencers.

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3. The how’s


You have to read the full post from the heading to the last word to enable you to give a good comment or reply. I have seen comments in the last few weeks where you can see that the author only read the header or the “conclusion” at the bottom of the post which resulted in them “missing the plot”.

With curators now looking for good comments and replies you are not going to get away with it.

What also helps is to read the comments and replies from other authors before you write yours. It often happens that you will find two replies from two different authors which is similar.


You have to analyse the post to be able to comment or reply on it.

  • What is the post about
  • What is the author trying to tell
  • What is your understanding of the post
  • What are you “seeing” in the post
  • Is the author asking a question
  • The what, the where, the how

Of all the posts I have seen the “The diary Game” posts are often the once with the lease responses on and the “crafty” once the posts with the most.

How can I respond on a day that someone is sharing? Easy!

By analysing the post you can.
• Look for key facts
• Look for specifics
• Look what is captured in an image
• Look for those stats and questions

This morning when I was doing some moderating work I didn’t know what to reply on one of the posts to make it catchy and then I saw it, an empty coffee cup! I know that Indonesians just love their coffee and I had my comment.
“An empty cup of coffee? No my friend, you are letting me down :-)”


You now have to respond by putting your thoughts down as a comment or a reply. If you are still unsure about the difference about a comment and a reply go back to the top of the post and read it again.

Most of us responds on a post when we are in a hurry and therefore we don’t give our responses must thought. Yah, I can see all those guilty faces.

Three quick tips for writing those responses even when you are in a hurry.

  1. Write something nice about the post
  2. Mention something which shows that you know what the post is all about
  3. Add something which is helpful or from which others can learn or answer the question if asked

Of importance is to remember that a little bit of motivation can go a llloongg way!

There has been numerous responses on my posts in the last week.

My favourite so far.


In the end it is all we want,
• Interaction with our posts
• Responses that we value

Lastly let me share with you what you need to avoid when you write your responses.

  • Don’t respond with less than 40 words (First response)
  • Take other authors points of view in consideration
  • Don’t write garbage
  • Use facts and not fiction
  • Don’t copy text from the post and then add a couple of your own words. If you copy text write a meaningful reply on it
  • Do not get into arguments
  • Avoid sarcasm
  • Don’t share big images
  • Don’t post without checking spelling, grammar and punctuation

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Don't let your responses take you to jail but straight to the start where you can collect!

“Our responses are the fingerprint of our heart and the DNA of our conscience.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough

 2 years ago (edited)

This is one of the reasons why you are loved by many other steemian, you really interact with them and they feel comfortable.

Your last two posts bring new nuances, without having to use the hashtag #learnwithsteem, but in my opinion this is what is called learning with steem.

Actually everyone wants a fun conversation by throwing ideas or jokes to interact with each other, but often this is hindered by the interlocutor who only responds by saying Thank you very much for stopping by at my blog,,, thank you very much for your support or even with short words Thks

Despite all that, now I feel it's important to read more blogs, and you've managed to bring your audience here 😂

 2 years ago 

Oh wow! You have set the bar high with this response my friend. You have read, analysed and responded
Best of all you’ve responded with more than enough words.
You have passed the test! Well done! 😊

 2 years ago 

I should get good grades and a small reward for this🤗 ha ha ha ha ha

One warm hug for a good friendship

 2 years ago 

Let's make Steem to a giant public chatroom ;-)))

 2 years ago 

I can just imagine how that will be 😊

 2 years ago 

We learn daily and this is a lesson for the day.

Comments and replies. Yes, meaningful comments that is more than 40 words and has something to do with what we learned from the post is the key. And to elicit interaction, we can make it conversational by adding a question or a thought that we will like the author to respond to.

For instance, @patjewell, please, can we repeat what Uncle Sam's Chicken did? Talking to 5 people about steemit and encouraging them to do same? That will surely create more awareness about steemit.

In all, I admire your style of writing. It's captivating. Thanks for these points. I believe we all have something to learn from it. September here I come. I am getting ready for the lucky ones that will be chosen for September curation.

 2 years ago 

Talking to 5 people about steemit and encouraging them to do same?

Now this is great marketing. Word of mouth is by far the best marketing one can do.
Guess what? I will join you, I will also get ready for September. Curators and moderators.. here we come! (•ิ‿•ิ

 2 years ago 

We are ready already

 2 years ago 

And it rhymes! (•ิ‿•ิ)

 2 years ago 

Straight up

 2 years ago 

Very informative @patjewell, I would love to make my comments count and maybe receive not just a reply from the author but from the Steem curators too I will apply this strategy you are offering though I apply most of them already, what will be added is the point on analysing other comments to get an understanding of the post that's clever.

Thanks for sharing
 2 years ago 

If all your replies are like this you will be noticed!
Follow the 3 steps in making your responses good and your will be noticed.
That I can guarantee you.
Good luck!

 2 years ago 

Thanks for that friends, hope it's ok for me to call you friend.

 2 years ago 

You are more than welcome my friend! (•ิ‿•ิ)

Great post👍 Reshared on @southernafrica

 2 years ago 

As usual, you have done justice to this article, you make the article in a simple way making it easy for everyone to understand. Yes, we should be making a valuable comment because to me it makes me believe that someone like and understands my article. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece, I enjoyed reading this and also learned from it.

 2 years ago 

Good morning!
Thank you for your kind words.
You are right, if there is a valuable comment you do feel that the person has put effort into reading your post plus he or she understands what you are trying to say.
I'm glad that you could learn from it. As I said, 3 easy steps.
Wishing you a beautiful day!

 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing this information dear friend, it is always important to take into account the comments when interacting, we must give value to each good publication of the steemians, success 😄💜

 2 years ago 

In the end we all just want to know if;

  1. The post was enjoyed
  2. The reader could learn something from it
  3. Answers on our questions

Thank you for your engagement my friend! 🎕

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04.

Curated By - @simonnwigwe

Curation Team - The Efficient Seven

 2 years ago 

Thank you!! It means a lot!

 2 years ago 

An excellent post dear friend, I agree with you. The comments should be of better quality. I can still observe comments that have nothing to do with the user's post, something I find very bad and disappointing. We all want our content to be valued.

We can always be more empathetic and attentive to what they want to convey to us in their writing.

Best regards!

 2 years ago 


It was so nice to read your reply! Thank you!
It is indeed a never ending story.. quality posts and quality replies.
We can you just keep on giving support and advice.

In Steemit it is not lending a helping hand but lending a helping eye (•ิ‿•ิ)