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RE: I Want To Be A... SOLO Curator


What a surprise to see your application!
I applaud you for applying. You are braver than many of us, my friend.
I have no doubt in my mind that you will be kept busy but that you will also enjoy it.
Ek hou styf duim vas vir jou! Mag jy tref!

 11 days ago 

I did it because I was asked or should Ibsay told to LOL.
Solo will fitbme, well it's always solo not that we team up and hit a button in turn. I just don't like to write these posts and next all the data. Bureaucracy is not my hobby.
I would say if not I won't apply again, got better things to do holiday or so beach would be good, but I already made another promise so after the next I qive up 😉
I have plans, plans and plans.

Ik zal wel duimen voor jou dan kan ik duimen draaien.

 10 days ago 

Well... I wish you all the best for your plans!
In the end things always works out to the best for all of us.

Lekker daggie! 🎕

 10 days ago 

Een hele fijne dag voor jou. Tijd voor thee!

 9 days ago 

Skuus! Ek is 'n hele dag agter. 🎕

 9 days ago 

Dan maar voor morgen bewaren. 🙃