Promotion Challenge - Steemit Promotion Design on Facebook & Instagram


Designed by Rexzitek
Hello, and good day my steemian friends of this community. I'm so excited to partake in this steem promotion contest,as i share my promotional designs and activities. I hope you'll cherish it.

The steemit platform is a web 3 based decentralized social media platform. It's a social platform that connects people from various part of the globe. Apart from it's rewarding system, steemit is a breeding ground for knowledge, as we learn from post and articles written by different authors from different parts of the world.
Steemit has numerous benefits as a social platform.These benefits needs to be shared with the world, in the same manner,promoting it. For this cause, I've taken steemit promotion personal.
Using the various traditional social media platforms was a great start for me. As a graphics designer, I have been creating quality and eye catching flyer designs for the steemit platform. Below are some of them


Facebook is a world wide known social media platform, having over a trillion users. Collective consistent steemit promotion on Facebook will certainly boost awareness. Below is a simple flyer designs i made few days ago.


Instagram steemit promotion as been the #1 since the past weeks. I have made more than 8 flyer designs. Below are some of my recent designs



Click on the post link below to see the full post

Link to post :


Twitter promotion is a "must do task" here in steemit. Sharing each post or article on twitter is a very good way of promoting steemit.
Recently, i designed a steemit promotional flyer and shared it on X.


Promoting steemit is a collective responsibility. Together we can push steemit foward.

Hope you found my designs eye-catching? Thanks for reading

@bossj23 @goodybest @dexsyluz

to @steembetterlife
 4 months ago (edited)

As I read your first sentence I thought: No thanks, this is getting exhausting. No idea what he's talking about.

Facebook? Overhere it's nearly dead, old people's
Place and for lazy entrepreneurs not willing to build a site, those who will never answer if you leave a comment.
So I scrolled through your post a bit allergic to the words and looked at the pictures.

Block and Connect Like Never Before!
This is the best, most awesome, happy and modern slogan and picture/ad I saw in a very long time.
It sparkles, it's simple, no false promises, you hit the nail!

Tag me if you start on TikTok I take an account to watch you promote whatever you feel up to! You got yourself a fan 😁

Sorry, Steemit I already have 3 accounts


Kopie van #comment - cat read and support.jpg

 4 months ago 

No creo que esté muy pasado de moda atraer audiencia de Facebook, aun hay personas que les gusta escribir allí dentro! De hecho antes de conocer a Steemit, estuve activa en Facebook por más de un año en un blog donde compartía reflexiones cristianas (estoy hablando del año 2020), y al conocer Steemit comencé a hacer mi blog aquí

El blog aún tiene más de 9000 seguidores

 4 months ago 

Puede que sea diferente donde vives. Lo más probable es que la gente esté mucho más interesada en las criptodivisas que aquí.

 4 months ago 

Thankyou @wakeupkitty. I'm glad you liked my designs. Thanks for your comment. I really appreciate.

 4 months ago 

You are welcome! It is awesome.

Very nice. Will you use it? 👍

 4 months ago 

Thanks for your comment @freewritehouse. I really appreciate. But i didn't get your question

Will you use the pictures you made to invite people to Steemit?

 4 months ago 

Yes!...sure i will
