Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W3: "Kindness that changed my life

At one point of our life, we have been exposed to one kind act or the other. It is either we have been show an act of kindness or probably we have been kind to some people at one point before and this make it right because what humanity is created for is for goodness and kindness.

In fact as humanity is very much concerned, we are to show good and kind to people around us and not find it difficult to do so. One major thing I have discovered about kindness is it always have a way of paying people who rendered it back in more folds. The good thing about kindness is it doesn't take anything to show an act of kindness, it just warrant an heart who is ready to show an act of kindness that is irreplaceable.

Every body needs your act of kindness and don't always think your act of kindness is too small to show. There is no act of kindness that is to small to show to your fellow human I must confess, there is no how small it is, the world of humanity still needs it

What was the act of kindness that impacted your life? Describe the situation



Okay I will start by saying all through my living, I have been exposed to different act of kindness which people have shown to me and I must confess that in one way or the other, they have come to my rescue beyond which I can ever imagine.

One of the act of kindness that someone has shown to me that has really touched me I must confess was the period I was looking for my school fees. That was two years ago if I can still remember vividly. It was really a tough time for me then and I was patiently looking for funds that can pay my school fees because the truth is without the school fee, I will not be able to write my exam that semester and that means I will definitely defer for a session. It was really a hard time for me.

But someone came to my rescue, that was someone close to my parents who offer to pay my school fees worth 200,000 naira that is close to $300 according to 1 dollar to 750 naira rate.

That is one of the act of kindness I can never forget because who knows if the act of kindness was not shown, I might have probably drop out of school I must confess.

What were the emotions you were feeling at that time?



Oh my God I must confess I wasn't able to describe how happy I was then and how joyful my emotions was at that particular time. It feels like I was set free suddenly from the chains of Depression.

It was really serious before the act of kindness was shown which I must confess bring a relief to my life. I was close to facing strong emotional Trauma I must confess but thank God for how it come through then. I was feeling joyful, happy at that time.

How did that act impact you? (Financially, emotionally, etc.)

In all round, it impacts me positively not only limited to the financial or emotional aspect, even academic aspect, it impact my life beyond which I can explain. The truth is financially it helps me to be able to focus and prevent me from running into debt. I tell you that if that act of kindness wasn't shown to me then, I will have been forced to borrow which might have lead to another thing entirely I must confess so it goes a long way in preventing my financial life to struggle

And also emotionally just like I said earlier, it helps me to balance emotionally. The fact that I wasn't thinking about school fees and the frustration or discouragement that comes with it, trust me it goes a long way in delivering me from a lot of emotional trauma I will have faced then.

What are the lessons you learned from that incident? Did it change your perspective on kindness and the way you treat others?



I will say one of the greatest lesson I learnt due to that act of kindness is never to give up no matter what you are facing or no matter how hard it might be

No matter the situation might look so hard, the best thing is to keep hoping for positivity and keep believing things will certainly work for good and good in later years to come. Never lose hope. I must confess the act of kindness never change my perspective about kindness instead it made me to see the importance on the need to show act of kindness around no matter what is happening.

Did you manage to pass it forward by showing kindness to others? How?

Yea sure just like I said earlier, it made me to believe more in the act of kindness and trust me, it made now to believe why there should be need to keep showing act of kindness around.

This helps me to keep showing act of kindness around even though it might not have been much in financial level as then but trust me, it goes a long way

I will like to wrap up this discussion here. Thanks for staying with me. I hope you got value. Let me do well to invite my friends @mandate @great-a @gboye.

This is my introduction post below


 last year 

A veces los actos de bondad llegan porque nos encontramos desesperados ante un problema que queremos resolver y nos sentimos atados de mano porque carecemos de los recursos para enfrentarlo. Pero nuestro anhelo pareciera que convoca a un milagro y aparecen esas personas bondadosas a resolver lo que no podíamos, a prestarnos su ayuda para que comprendamos que sí existen buenos corazones en este mundo... Éxitos, amigo.

We should develop the habit of showing kindness to people around us.

Thank you for stopping by

 last year 

Everyone can be kind; They just have to be willing, even if they're enemies or have done you wrong in some way. Being kind gives you a better attitude and perspective about life.

Yea you are right. Kindnesses comes from the willingness of the heart

 last year 

There are many people in life whose kindness and magnanimity are absolutely beautiful. It is because of his cooperation and generosity that you have come this far today. Such people should come to every country and be born in every house. And because of such people we are educated today. I really liked your article. Stay healthy

Yea there are many people that we can make their life more beautiful with an act of kindness we can show to them
