Steem Education Community Regular Contest Edisi#2



Steem Education Community regularly organizes various contests since it was first launched until now. The contest organized by the Steem Education Community is open to all steemians who want to participate with a number of prizes.

Although currently the contest in the Steem Education Community is initiated by the Delegators, Moderators and admins, Steem Education provides space for steemians who want to join and become part of the contest organizer by becoming a verified member.

We also open opportunities for users to develop creative content related to community orientation. Becoming a country representative is a form of Steem Education's openness in building community spaces globally.

There are 3 contests that are regularly run in this community, including:

  • Steem Investing Contest - 10th
    This 10th edition of the contest is a Power Up-oriented contest, this contest is based on the community's goal as a form of promosteem and increasing STEEM Growth through PowerUp as part of maintaining the balance of the STEEM Ecosystem.

  • Contest Markdown Style - 4th
    As a representation of markdown learning in Newcomers Community which is the basic learning about STEEM in Achievement 4, Steem Education Community encourages users to get used to creating content that has artistic value, this is realized through a contest initiated by community moderators. @klen.civil as a moderator and a single steemian with high creativity, many contests will be born from his thoughts in the future.

  • Contest : "Steem in the future", What do you Think About Steem for the next Two Years?
    @liasteem, a mother of two children has an amazing talent about platforms, she is growing and developing so fast that it has great potential towards the advancement of the Steem Education Community. This contest is the 2nd edition of the contest after the first contest Contest : What was your biggest challenge while on STEEMIT??? managed to gather a lot of contestants who participated in it.

Contests held with the approval of the Steem Education Community will be supported by the @booming account until the end of August 2021.

Steen Education Community also has a long-term target for member growth through contests that will continue to be initiated in the future, it is targeted to have at least 5 regular contests, of course this can be realized with the encouragement of a great team every time.


Steem Education Community secara reguler menyelenggarakan berbagai kontes sejak pertama di launcing sampai dengan saat ini. Kontes yang diselenggarakan oleh Steem Education Community terbuka semua steemians yang ingin berpartisipasi dengan hadiah sejumlah jadiah.

Meskipun saat ini kontes di Steem Education Community digagas oleh para Delegator, Moderator dan admin, akan tetapi Steem Education memberikan ruang kepada steemian yang ingin bergabung dan menjadi bagian dari penyelenggara kontes dengan menjadi member terverifikasi.

Kami juga membuka peluang secara terbuka kepada pengguna untuk mengembangkan konten kreatif terkait dengan orientasi komunitas. Menjadi perwakilan negara menjadi salah satu bentuk keterbukaan Steem Education dalam membangun ruang komunitas secara global.

Ada 3 kontes yang dijalankan secara reguler di komunitas ini, diantaranya :

  • Steem Investing Contest - 10th
    Kontes edisi ke 10 ini meeupakan kontes yang berorientasi pada Power Up, kontes ini didasari dari tujuan komunitas sebagai bentuk promosteem dan meningkatkan Pertumbuhan STEEM melalui PowerUp bagian dari menjaga keseimbangan Ekosistem STEEM.

  • Contest Markdown Style - 4th
    Sebagai representasi dari pembelajaran markdown di Newcomers Community yang merupakan pembelajaran dasar tentang STEEM pada Achievement 4, Steem Education Community mendorong pengguna untuk terbiasa menciptakan konten yang memiliki nilai seni, hal ini diwujudkan melalui sebuah kontes yang digagas oleh moderator komunitas. @klen.civil sebagai seorang moderator dan merupakan steemian yang masih single dengan kreativitas tinggi, banyak kontes akan lahir dari buah pikirnya kedepan.

  • Contest : "Steem in the future", What do you Think About Steem for the next Two Years?
    @liasteem, seorang ibu dengan dua anak memiliki talenta yang luar biasa tentang platform, dia tumbuh dan terus berkembang pesat sehingga memiliki potensi besar terhadap kemajuan Steem Education Community. Kontes ini adalah kontes edisi ke 2 setelah kontes pertamanya Contest : What was your biggest challenge while on STEEMIT??? berhasil mengumpulkan banyak kontestan yang ikut berpartisipasi didalamnya.

Kontes yang diselenggarakan atas persetujuan Komunitas Steem Education akan di dukung akun @booming sampai akhir Agustus 2021.

Steen Education Community juga memiliki target jangka panjang terhadap pertumbuhan member melalui kontes yang akan terus digagas kedepan, ditargetkan minimal memiliki 5 kontes reguler, tentunya hal ini dapat terwujud dengan dorongan tim hebat setiap waktu.

cc :
@steemcurator01 @pennsif @disconnect @heriadi @irawandedy @radjasalman @klen.civil @sofian88 @miftahuddin @liasteem

 3 years ago 

Hello everyone, @klen.civil, @liasteem and @irawandedy, I joined the community today, I would like to know what I should do to verify myself as a member of the community. Additionally, I wanted to ask if the publications should be based on the 3 current contests or if publications on education and learning can be made in the classrooms.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for being a big family of Steem Education, here you can write anything about STEEM education, about PowerUps, Investments and maybe you can publish the process when you invite your friends to join the platform, teach them about post achievement1 and more.

To become a member, simply paste the achievement1 link at the end of your post.

Note: steem education is not a general learning post at school

 3 years ago 

Ok, now yes! I perfectly understood that the essence of the community is education on Steem, on the platform, on our accounts. I am happy to make my first post.

@irawandedy saya ingin bertanya

mungkin Anda dapat mempublikasikan prosesnya ketika Anda mengundang teman Anda untuk bergabung dengan platform, mengajari mereka tentang post achievement1 dan banyak lagi.

Pertanyaan 1. Saya telah mengundang banyak anggota tetapi sudah beberapa waktu yang lalu. Pertanyaannya adalah apakah boleh saya memposting tautan mereka setelah postingan mereka melewati 20-30 hari yang lalu postingan?

Untuk menjadi anggota, cukup tempelkan tautan achievement1 di akhir posting Anda.

Pertanyaan ke-2 saya adalah apa saja larangan dalam memposting didalam komunitas?

 3 years ago 

I will also love to join the community. Will the achievement tasks 1 be linked to the first post I make or all my posts.