3 Best Nominations - Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 34
As the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 4 ends with the theme "Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "My best moment", we from the Steem For BetterLife Community engagement challenge team have carefully checked and determined the 3 Best Nominations entries based on their activities during the contest.
We report that as long as the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 3 was released until the close date which was 14th May 2023, there were 183 contestants who participated in that contest. In principle, the engagement challenge was released as a form of challenge for steemit users to be actively involved in this program. A program like this from the steemit team is appreciated as it helps to boost user growth.
3 Best Nominations on Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 4 |

Article : Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "Mi mejor momento"
Author : @cruzamilcar63
Club status : #club75
Score : 9.8
Nationality : Venezuala
Reasons for choosing
The author has elaborated well on every point of this topic, we can conclude that he has narrated his experience when his first granddaughter was born. This is a happy moment for him. but the current situation is very different because the grandchildren don't live near them so they can only see them through photos and videos to relieve homesickness.
Despite this, grandparents still feel grateful for the happy experiences they had and they realize how important it is to cherish the beautiful moments in life and to make others feel special by giving them extra care and attention.
In addition, he also continues to show interaction with other users by commenting and replying to each other. We think he can occupy one of the best this week.

Article : Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "Mi mejor momento
Author : @paholags
Club status : #club5050
Score : 9.5
Nationality : Venezuela
Reasons for choosing
This writer has also tried to write well every point of this season's Topic, she described one of the most iconic and unforgettable moments in her life by presenting and defending her second specialization thesis thus becoming a Bachelor of Communication.
It's a childhood dream come true after years of hard work, and those moments are shared with close friends and family. The author reflects on the significance of that moment and how it opened new doors for their future. Recalling moments like these can be beneficial because they serve as reminders of past successes and motivate us to keep striving for our goals.
No one doubts its contribution to engagement, interaction is an integral part of it. This is a positive aspect that is highlighted and hopefully will continue to be improved.

Article : "Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "Mi mejor momento"
Author : @franyeligonzalez
Club status : #club5050
Score : 9.5
Nationality : Colombia
Reasons for choosing
The author has described this topic well, in her writing she mentioned that becoming a doctor was her dream since she was young and she managed to achieve it through hard work, sacrifice and dedication for six years.
She wrote a positive message regarding her achievements. She said that achieving the greatest goals can be obtained through self-integrity by continuing to focus and work hard because one can achieve anything they thinks of.
The author believes that creating beautiful moments for others is easy if one has the disposition, energy and desire to appreciate every detail.
Congratulation to the 3 users who have made the 3 best nominations Steemit Engagement Challenge Season9 Week3 with the theme "Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "My best moment". And to all participants, you all did well to participate, we hope you will fully participate in this new week's engagement.
Thank You!
Tuesday, May 16th, 2023
Steem For Better Life Engagement challenge contest Team
Written/Posted by
Congratulations to those selected. Greetings
Hola amigos, muchas gracias por la mención, estoy muy feliz por ello. Felicidades a mis amigos @cruzamilcar63 y @paholags ,❤️😁🥳
Felicidades para ti también amiga👏🏻🥳🎉. Que dicha compartir contigo este ranking💚
Felicidades, amigas... Un honor compartir ese sitial con dos leyendas de Steemit: @franyeligonzalez y @paholags.
¡Holaaa amigos!🤗
Muchas gracias por la mención🥰. Es un gran honor para mi formar parte de este ranking junto a personas que admiro mucho💫🌟 y, los felicito porque hicieron un excelente trabajo👏🏻🥳🎉.
Lluvia de bendiciones para todos🙏🏻💚
Felicidades a todos los ganadore michas bendiciones y éxitos 🥳💗
Felicitaciones a los Seleccionados 🎉
Muchas gracias por semejante honor. Siempre es gratificante cuando nuestro trabajo es reconocido y mucho más si se trata de estos retos donde escribe tanta gente talentosa. Saludos y espero que continúen los éxitos para esta comunidad.
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