Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | A Picture + Comment - 6 Steem



Do you:

Want a Better Life
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If yes, share a picture you like with comment.

Monkey Business

25 word comment Contest  A Better Life(2).jpg


Write a creative comment of at least 25 words in the comment section about

The picture you like

Tuliskan komentar kreatif minimal 25 kata di kolom komentar tentang

Gambar yang Anda sukai


• Post in the comment section

Original text written by you
No AI generated text

• Minimum of words: 25
Add a description and an English translation if needed, make yourself visible

• No plagiarism

• Mention your sources

• All Steemians are welcome!

• Upvote + resteem this post

• Invite someone new instead curators, moderators and mentors

• Read at least 3 comments and talk + upvote
Not supportive? You can't win.

• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment

• Deadline: payout of this post


6 Steem

paid by @wakeupkitty

#1 | 3 Steem
#2 | 2 Steem
#3 | 1 Steem

Winners of the last 25-Word Comment Contest

Will be announced in the Comment Section
Pemenang Kontes Komentar 25 Kata terakhir
Akan diumumkan di Bagian Komentar


Header/Photogrid: Canva
Picture: online card received from a prisoner
I am a mobile phone user only

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

CC @disconnect

#betterlife #contest #comment #friendship #steemexclusive #kittywu #club100


IMG_20240628_105511.jpg Foto propia de mi equipo Redmi.

Me encuentro en un lugar muy agradable y acogedor, diría espectacular, estoy admirada; luego de de la terrible Pandemia del COVID-19, al salir y pasear por mi pequeña ciudad, sólo observaba, locales cerrados, sus puertas clausuradas por el embate producido por la gran recesión económica que se tradujo en miseria, emprendimientos frustrados.

Hoy mi amado esposo y yo decidimos comenzar el Día de su Cumpleaños, festejando con un desayuno fuera de casa y comenzamos esta celebración en este lugar, me alegro mucho porque los emprendedores han continuado su inversión y les va muy bien, ruego a Dios, las inversiones e inversionistas se animen y podamos regresar a los buenos tiempos, con el favor de Dios. Estoy feliz! Mi pequeña Ciudad se está recuperando en su aspecto económico!

Saludos cordiales y bendiciones para todos, invito a nuestra amiga @magavic para que participe en este maravilloso concurso.

¡Felicidades a tu marido! Espero que paséis un gran día. Es difícil de creer cómo de un día para otro tantos fueron presa de las restricciones. Hasta hoy muchos empresarios no volvieron. Sólo las grandes empresas están vivas, les va bien y obtuvieron pingües ingresos, mientras que todos se vieron obligados a parar.


Gracias por su atención amigo @wakeupkitty-pal y su amable comentario, así fue mi esposo se sintió muy feliz y complacido en todo.

Acá en Venezuela fue doblemente un caos por lo de la recesión económica e hiperinflación experimentada, por eso me complace ver cómo hay un resurgimiento económico en algunos sectores de la ciudad donde vivo, ellos cerraron y vendieron, otro compró y ha comenzado muy bien, excelente atención y calidad en el servicio.

Saludos cordiales.

 2 days ago 

Con nosotros nadie tenía dinero para empezar de nuevo. Sólo grandes deudas. Los shoos están vacíos y abandonados, la gente sale poco, los restaurantes, los cachorros todos luchan pero eso es lo que quiere el gobierno. Todo el mundo depende solo de 1. Eso hace que castigar sea mas facil. El encierro fue una buena prueba de obediencia. Cierran tiendas, te quitan la cuenta bancaria y dejan que la gente duerma en la calle, familia incluida. Todos deberíamos ser iguales. Es la guerra y no va a mejorar. Binance está prohibido, USDT lo está y nuestras noticias son limitadas, pero al menos podemos decir que vivimos en una democracia gobernada por un grupo no elegido durante casi dos años. Incluso las elecciones son falsas.
Es bueno saber que disfrutaste.🤣🤣🤣


Hola amigo @wakeupkitty, es lamentable, pero eso nos sucedió a todos, por supuesto el que más tenía, más perdió, los de las élites mundiales se aprovechan la situación para ganar más y sigue el binomio: El hombre por el hombre; los que más tienen y los más desposeídos y así sucesivamente, la mayoría fuimos presa de la minoría potencial adinerada.

Sí, disfrutamos al máximo ese día y lo seguimos haciendo, convirtiendo las espinas en rosas con el favor de nuestro Dios que es bueno y para siempre su misericordia.

Saludos fraternos 👍

Me imagino que vivís en Argentina, país que quedó en mi corazón (viví allí por un tiempo con los parientes de mi madre). La Argentina fue uno de los países más afectados económicamente por la pandemia. Hay empresarios que quebraron en tan solo 3 semanas, pues fue locura copiar el lockdown europeo. América Latina no es Europa: por lo menos, no sigue el mismo patrón económico. Te felicito por el paseo y feliz cumpleaños de tu marido.


Wabah COVID telah banyak merugikan semua pihak. Para pengusaha offline harus berusaha memutar otak mereka untuk mencari jalan agar bisnis mereka tidak bangkrut. Masa itu sangat bersejarah karena entah kenapa pengaruhnya hingga terjadi diseluruh bagian negara.
Anda sangat beruntung karena bisa melewati nya dengan baik, anda terlihat sangat bersemangat difoto itu... Salam sukses sayang... 🤗😘

A bit late but congrats to your hubby. I like your dress!

Gracias por sus felicitaciones amiga @pequeña aine, se lo haré saber. ¡Si!

Saludos cordiales, eres muy agradable 🤗



It is a farming season in my village that I my mummy took I and my younger sister to the farm to plants some maize last weekend. My younger sister is a foodies who cannot keep her eyes off fruits in the bush.

As we got to the farm and started working on the portion of land my mother have shared for us, my younger sister saw fruits closer to the bush and stop working immediately because of the fruit 🍓 🍑 she had seen in the bush. Luckily for her as she was cutting the fruit I went and started videoing and snapping her, which before I could know I saw Scorpion 🦂 closer to her leg which she shouted and ran.

Is that scorpion after the leg or fruits? I thought your sister likes to come along to snack a bit till the moment you mentioned that scorpion.

 2 days ago 


Alam ini menyimpan banyak kekayaan baik berupa tumbuhan, hewan, maupun mineral yang terkandung dalam perut bumi.

Saya tinggal di pedesaan yang banyak kebun kelapa tetapi milik orang bukan milik saya, disini juga terlihat hutan kecil yang alami, namun hutan ini hanya semak belukar yang tumbuh di kebun kelapa. Selain kelapa disini juga terdapat tumpukan bambu yang di gunakan untuk pembuatan pagar, bahkan menjadi penghasilan bagi pemiliknya dengan menjual setiap batang bambu dengan harga Rp.20.000 perbatang.

Saya berada disini hanya untuk bersantai dengan menikmati angin sepoi-sepoi. Kebetulan juga di tempat saya mengambil swafoto ini, ada masyarakat lokal yang memanen kelapa, namun tidak terlihat.

Saya juga tinggal di daerah pedesaan. Akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali suara bising, terutama suara burung. Di sebelahnya ada bunga matahari dan juga di belakang saya. Bukan milikku. Saya akan melihat apakah saya bisa berbagi foto nanti. Pertama, sekarang waktunya minum teh.
Apakah kelapa mahal?

Satu batang bambu semahal itu?

 2 days ago 

Ia bambunya sudah sesuai harga, sudah siap dengan biaya untuk tebangnya, kalau kelapa sekrang sudah menggunakan timbangan dalam bentuk kopra, 1 kg sekitar Rp. 5.000


Saya juga tinggal di pedesaan, jika anda melihat postingan saya, anda akan tahu bahwa saya sangat dekat dengan point A, sedikit panas. Saya melihat bahwa sepertinya anda berada di daerah yang sejuk.
Kelapa, bambu, sawit, dan durian, adalah beberapa tanaman yang paling dicari diperdesaan apalagi jika bisa dimakan langsung dari pohonnya.. 🤤
Semoga sukses selalu brother.... 👍


Terimakasih atas semangatnya, saya sangat senang bila ada yang berkunjung, beginilah suasana di pedesaan, cuma di tempat saya ini tidak ada durian. Saya berasal dari daerah pesisir utara. Kalau kelapa disini banyak, langsung petik, di buka langsung menikmati airnya.


Sama-sama,, suasana yang sejuk dan pepohonan yang rindang menjadi hal yang sangat diminati apalagi cuaca saat ini yang mendung tapi suhunya 30 C... 😌


Itulah panasnya bisa goreng telur, kalau disini banyak pepohonan seperti ini, kalau di tempat anda itu bagaimana stuasinya.


Saya di Aceh Utara pak...
Waduh panasnya MasyaAllah... 🤣


Panasnya minta ampun buk.

Do you like it in the countryside or rather live in a city? I once was city, now a village and like it.

 14 hours ago 

Saya senang dan menyukai hidup didesa, saya lahir di pedesaan. Desa saya ini bujan desa yang terpencil kepedalaman, hanya 3 menit jauh dari kota bila menggunakan motor.

 2 days ago 

At first glance, this photo might seem like an ordinary shot. Only showing two mini backpacks, each decorated with a similar key chain. The key chain is green in the shape of an adorable old gameboy character. But for me, this photo is not just a simple visual image.

I took this photo some time ago, when my cousin, Y, and I spent time together at a small mall near my house.

The two of us had been apart for years. A huge storm in the family separated us physically and mentally. Throwing away the closeness we used to have. However, as the saying goes, "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."

Even though we are literally blood relative, our bond is closer like a strong pact. Why is that? Because we have realized that prolonged hostility is a waste of time and energy.

After all, when we were kids, hate was never in our vocabulary. We are not responsible for what happened in the past.

This keychain, for us, is not just a simple physical object. It transcends its material value and becomes a symbol of a pact between the two of us.

This gameboy key chain reminds us of the days of carefree play, a time when laughter and jokes were our main language.

It is the embodiment of our promise to always support and respect each other, regardless of whatever storms may come our way.

Happy you and your cousin are together again!

 23 hours ago (edited)

Thank you for your kind words, sweetie 💕

Sometimes in the family it is not uncommon for many storms to attack. This all comes back to how we respond to it. Some people choose to forget each other, and others choose to return and love each other as before.

All choices are not wrong. Everyone has the right to make the choices they make with full rationality. Even though the choices we make look bad in people's eyes, that doesn't mean they are bad in essence.

And we, as I said, chose to reconcile over a conflict we never caused. Sometimes those who have no contribution are the ones most affected in a conflict. And yes, that is the actual reality of the world.

Something similar had happened to my mother and her younger sister, but thanks God their bound was so strong that they reconciled. And now I'm abroad I regularly keep in touch with my aunt.


Saya percaya karena tampilan benda tersebut nampak seperti baru...
Ikatan yang kuat dan perasaan didalam benda tersebut tampak saat kita bisa menghargai benda tersebut dengan sangat baik. Anda sama-sama memiliki itu,
Saya juga sangat setuju bahwa apapun yang terjadi saat masa kecil kita tidak bertanggung jawab...
Marah anak kecil sangat berbeda dengan marahnya orang dewasa, owh, tidak sanggup diingat bahkan bawang merah saja bisa dibawa kemeja hijau... 😌
Semoga selalu sukses sayangku... 🤗😘

 22 hours ago 

Benar kak, foto itu langsung saya ambil sesaat setelah gantungan kunci couple-nya kami checkout dari kasir.

Sering kali benda yang kelihatannya sederhana justru terlihat mewah karena nilai intrinsiknya. Nilai ini sangat subjektif dan berbeda-beda bagi setiap orang.

Dan oleh karenanya kita sangat dilarang untuk menghakimi seberapa excited-nya sesuatu bagi seseorang, bahkan jika sesuatu itu terlihat sangat sepele di mata kita.

Seandainya kita diberikan kekuatan super untuk menyelami isi kepala orang lain, mungkin kita akan paham kenapa sebagian besar perempuan masih menuntut pada prianya, “take me on a date!” atau sebaliknya, para pria membutuhkan feminime energy dari wanitanya. Kadang tuntutan jiwa tak selalu hal-hal yang bersifat materialistis. Atau jika pun berupa materi, pastilah ada nilai intrinsik yang menjadikan si materi ini jadi berharga.

Eh, BTW kayanya diskusinya kejauhan deh. Kok tiba-tiba pembahasannya jadi macam di buku “ Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” ya wkwkwk.

Mari kita lupakan badai yang telah berlalu dan berpalinglah ke arah bianglala. Terima kasih sudah singgah di komenan saya yang karap meulalat ini. Lama tidak bersua, kak!

 21 hours ago 

Haha memahami juga ingin dipahami, setelah dipahami tidak ingin memahami.
Siapa yang kejam? Pikiran! Apakah dia bisa berbicara? Tidak! Disitulah dia menang tidak ter-gubris, pelaku utama tapi seakan-akan seperti tidak tau diri... 🤣

Meulalat hana peu asal jd #fyp biar heboh , gosip kita bukan tentang tetangga jadi kagak masalah.. Mari kita bangun komunikasi sedini mungkin biar kalo ketemu gx dikira orang lain...
Sering-seringlah mampir dan semoga kita bisa bertemu face to face walaupun sejak anak akak 2 sekarang hingga 3 hal ini blum terealisasikan.....🤣

That would be precious to me as well. I like this pucture.


It was towards the end of April when they put up that poster to promote a Roberto Bolle show I travel that stretch of the subway almost every day, frenzied in the morning and sleepwalking in the evening.

That evening, as I passed by the poster, I was awakened by an infinite pleasure. That body so strong, in such a fragile position, on a poster crowned by impeccable typographic style, captivated me.

I stood there watching it for a few seconds, maybe a minute, which seemed a long time. I was struck by a contrasting sensation. "What are you trying to tell me, Roberto? Is yours a cry against this society that no longer sees the beauty around us, a fight against growing arrogance, or an invitation to sensitize us through your art, to resist oppressive policies, promoting critical thinking and empathy in our city?

*I'm sorry that the photo in the comment doesn't maintain the correct proportions, distorting the true meaning of my thoughts.

Thanks to @wakeupkitty.pal to encourage me to write👋🌈

Don't worry friend about he photo, you did your best!

Thank you, @pousinha, for your comforting words👋

 21 hours ago 

Have Mr. Roberto answer your question or remain the same as you as the plankton in the deep blue see when you swim with dolphin?. No need to say sorry, because we need you here too. Otherwise the story will not be completed.

The masculine poster of Roberto look attractive to some, but as an artist he must be very tired for keeping that posture hence he will never be able to answer your question then....

I..II....III try tell yo...uuu


have a good day @ibesso

I hope that after that minute of introspection between me and Roberto, he didn't fall off the poster.

Thank you for your valuable message and for appreciating my thoughts.🌈

What's wrong with that photo? I never heard of him. Is he a body builder? I guess you want us to check cause you left the link or... Is this you?

Did he lay on the floor as they took the photo?

The photo was adapted to the space dedicated to comment images, distorting it in width and breaking the harmony, the sense of beauty and perfection that it had evoked in me the first time I saw it.

Now, in the post, I can no longer find that feeling; I only perceive the distortion of the body. I'm sorry because you can't see what I saw.

Roberto is a ballet dancer, considered one of the best in the world for the grace he expresses in the strength of his movements with the ballerinas.

Maintaining such a perfect body position is impossible in a relaxed state. Isn't that incredible?

I would have liked to reach such levels, but I limit myself to appreciating the beauty around us.

Thank you for giving me the impetus to delve deeper 🌈.



This is a picture I took when I was messed up. My hair is like a bird's nest and my breath is like the dragon Smaug in The Hobbit". I've been chasing them since they first woke up. The room I had previously cleaned has now become a soft nest for dinosaurs, no! It's more like a sea of ​​clothes in the land of Goa. Voice they couldn't be heard, the situation became silent for a moment, and in that second I felt "It's over" I took a deep breath Krak cruk cruk cruik..., Ha? , it wasn't difficult to find because my house was like Mushroom Bilbo's house. I didn't scream and I didn't get angry. My children were emptying my clothes into a command base. What happened then? Did they choose to run away? reported it to their grandmother and took a photo, they took a selfie. What is this, I or they are the suspects? After that, of course they continued their impossible mission. I finally gave up, apparently my allies were stronger. Hahaha, next time I will close my eyes and fly with Ruby Rainbow.

Such a funny entry! If you ask me looking the other way is a wise thing to do. The only wuestion that remains is who will clesn up. Grandmother?

 15 hours ago 

haha, for them grandma is the jewel of their world, what if the people we love know about our ugliness? what their grandmother knew all along was that they weren't naughty.... 🤣


I went to a temple nearby mountain recently and came across the cats. These cats were so much relaxed as if they had no threat from humans around. Unlike strays the cats in temple are of safe mindset they tend to feel good about their life. They let you touch them and they sleep to get those sun exposure during the rainy or winter season. This one was taking it's sunbath as usual. Let me touch too. Be it dogs, birds, cats, they tend to feel safe around the temple area.

Like they say you feel safer around god as he is the one taking care of you. Despite that life threat around temple are minimal, unless of course these animals fight among themselves. Humans too don't do anything to them.

Cats can feel vibes so for sure it feels the great atmosphere of the temple. I like your story behind the photo. That cat feels home.