Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Mirror
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Monkey Business
Write a comment about the mirror
Tulis komentar tentang cermin
• Post in the comment section
• Original text written by you
No AI-generated text
• Minimum of words: 25
• No plagiarism
• Mention your sources if needed
• All Steemians are welcome!
• Invite someone new instead of curators, moderators, and mentors
• Read at least 3 comments and talk + upvote. Engagement is important.
Not supportive? You can't win.
• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment #mirror
• Deadline: payout of this post
SCB will use the topic of this contest and link to it
paid by @wakeupkitty.pal
#1 | 2 uvf
#2 | 2 uvf
Winners of the last 25-Word Comment Contest
Will be announced in the Comment Section
Pemenang Kontes Komentar 25 Kata terakhir
Akan diumumkan di Bagian Komentar
Header/Photogrid: Canva
Picture source
Date: 7.1.2025
I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP by writing. Please, do NOT post in it unless you are invited!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty
cc @disconnect
I walked up to my mirror chanting the magical words from the famous Snow White, “mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all…. “
When i was expecting to see a perfect man at the other end of the mirror, my monkey face shows up… displaying all the imperfections that I have tried to ignore over the years.
This imperfections are part of what makes us humans. When we look into the mirror, it’s not just our physical appearance staring right back at us but the emotions, thoughts, ideas of our internal self.
Sometimes, I wonder what the other guy at the other end the mirror feels like been trapped in the shadows of my movements, bound to mimic me endlessly. On a second thought, what if I’m the one been trapped and my mirrored image is living his life to the fullest?
Well, we’ll never know because that’s the mystery behind every mirror. They show us the true reflection of ourselves and also leave us questioning everything else.
@jasminemary, @comfortpeter and @ameh123, hope you won’t mind joining this comment challenge
#betterlife #comment #mirror
2.14 SBD,
7.33 SP
If I hear "mirror" my first thought is the magic mirror as well. The one of the "queen" or other mirrors. They have a certain magic around them.
Didn't we share a story about a mirror? I suddenly wonder how it ended. Did we gave up on it or was it dead end because the mirror got tired of telling the truth?
@rokhani do you know a story about a mirror or do you have some thoughts to share? Doesn't mean a broken mirror bad luck? I broke one by the way or two....
P.s. I like that picture!
0.00 SBD,
0.06 SP
I am sure you felt scared and like crying at first when you saw a monkey's face because even if I were the one I would shout for help. Good luck to you
This is all you have to share about the topic "mirror"?
How does it feel @sbamsoneu if you receive such an answer? Does that happen often?
0.00 SBD,
0.06 SP
Hahahaha… you can be so funny when you want to be sarcastic in your replies..
I wish I’ve a comment to say but I rather remain quiet. I don’t have your kind of guts..😊😊😊
Gunakan cermin jangan hanya untuk berdandan, jangan hanya untuk melihat keburukan dan kejelekan serta kelemahan diri sendiri, sekali-kali lihatlah kelebihan, seberapa manfaat diri ini untuk orang lain, disini kamu pasti akan menemukannya dan akan menjadi lebih bersemangat lagi. ayoo jangan banyak diam dan termenung nanti di patok ular
0.01 SBD,
0.03 SP
A super comment which makes one reflect (or not) 🤣
@ wakeupkitty
Kita sebagai manusia hendaknya bercermin pada kaca, siapa kita, bagaimana kita ada apa dengan kita, semua itu akan kita temukan jawabannya jika kita bisa mengartikan kata-kata bercermin pada kaca.
Mungkin sebagian orang berfikir kata-kata itu sangat kasar atau malah ada yang tak dapat mengartikannya. Kalau kita bisa melihat diri kita di cermin, maka tanyakanlah beberapa pertanyaan, siapa kita, dari mana kita berasal?
Kadang kita terlalu jauh melangkah dan kita lupa melihat ke belakang, kadang perkataan kita juga berlebihan tanpa kita sadari siapa kita, oleh karena itu bercermin pada kaca dan sesuaikan tingkah laku kita, saya tidak mengatakan untuk siapa pun ini sebagai renungan untuk diri saya sendiri saja.
Bagaimana dengan bu @watii, @pencintabunga, @missyleo.
#betterlife #comment #mirror
1.60 SBD,
5.49 SP
Itulah yang sering terjadi Bu,orang menghina kita tanpa berkaca dahulu dia itu bagaimana
Nah kan .....itu ibarat meludah ke atas ujung-ujungnya jatuh kemuka sendiri. Lebih baik kita sabar Bu, tapi kalau udah ngelunjak dan itu di di depan kita harusnya kita tabok aja sekalian biar ngak tuman🤭
Betul itu buk😁
If it comes to the reflection of ourselves I believe this is something most of us will have every few years. Will it help to look back to the past? I am not sure. Some things one can better leave there if making a chance now or in the future.
Does the mirror show us how we are? What we see is mirrored.. so can it be so is the person who stares back or the one who claims to know who we are?
Tidak semua orang mengenal dirinya sendiri, dan tidak mungkin juga kita berharap orang lain akan sama dengan kita, istilahnya "rambut sama hitam, tapi pikiran tidak sama/berbeda"
Seharusnya kita bisa mengenal diri kita sendiri tidak harus melalui cermin, karena cermin itu kan cuma istilah saja, seperti yang saya katakan tadi ,kita akan bertanya pada diri kita sendiri " siapa saya? Saya menyadari siapa saya, bagaimana ekonomi saya, bagaimana cara saya berperilaku, dengan penuh kesadaran saya menempatkan posisi saya sesuai dengan diri saya.
Jangan sampai kemapuan saya 1 tapi gaya saya 10, itu arti saya tidak tahu diri, atau pun saya berlagak seperti orang kaya tapi pada kenyataannya saya tidak memiliki apapun, jika sampai orang tahu bukankah itu sangat memalukan(bagi orang yang punya malu)? Oleh karena itu saya selalu bercermin supaya saya tidak salah langkah, kira-kira seperti itu teman 🙏.
Mirrors have been used since ancient times, with the Egyptians making polished bronze mirrors as early as 2900 BCE. These flat, round discs symbolized the sun-god Ra and often having handles made of wood, metal, or ivory. Similarly, in China, casted bronze mirrors dating back to around 2000 BCE have been found.
Yeah, people were vain too a very long time ago.
1.20 SBD,
4.10 SP
You shared interesting information and it's no wonder the first mirror was still water. As I read the text you left the link for I waited for the moment a certain god was named who fell in love with his reflection.
What is it I see in the mirror if I can see at all? A mirrored picture of someone most of us don't recognize unless you train your brain and make it believe that that the mirrored person is a reflection of yourself.
I watched a video where a photographer explained why it is that we frequently don't like the photos taken of us. It all makes sense to me.
Maybe we all are too vain to accept what we are physically.
@ wakeupkitty
A mirror is like a shadow that always follows what its owner does. If they do good and walk on the truth, the reflection in the mirror will be more beautiful when looked at. If they come with bad things, the reflection in the mirror will not change anything and their bad things will still be visible.
The mirror is a reflection of our own lives, the mirror never disappoints whoever is in front of it, they will always be honest in showing the authenticity given. Mirrors are not only a tool to help when dressing up or seeing intersections such as those in vehicle rearview mirrors, but mirrors can also be given a deeper meaning to our own lives and personalities.
The words to look in the mirror before judging other people can be material for reflection so that we don't carelessly comment and judge based on our own standards.
said inspiration
Generally, people find it easier to see other people's mistakes than their own. Everything is judged by one's own standards so considering everything that is not the same is wrong.
said inspiration
Maybe that's all from me about the mirror and the meaning of this life, before we see and judge other people we have to see and judge ourselves in front of the mirror to see whether we are greater than them. maybe that's all and sorry if some of my words hurt you and I didn't mean that. Greetings @jalpasee
0.06 SBD,
0.19 SP
You know what mirrors I like? Those laughing mirrors. Now I think about it I don't see them often these days. It would be a good thing to introduce them again and have a good laugh. We all could use that.
If you ask me, the mirror disappoints most people, and many would rather avoid using it because it mirrors what is shown, and it's hard for our brains to cope with that. Also, photos of us aren't mirrored, although the settings of smartphones are set to mirror as well (you can change it).
There's no need to say you are sorry if your words hurt. You have the right to share your thoughts and opinion.
0.00 SBD,
0.20 SP
I can only smile this time 😊😆😆😆 thank you and always be healthy
wahhhh... ini menggunakan cermin cembung apa cermin cekung....
Cermin secara umum itu digunakan untuk melihat diri sendiri saat berdandan, di dalam cermin akan ada pantulan diri sendiri. Disaat dirimu melihat cermin sama juga dengan melihat diri sendiri. Pantulan cermin adalah bayangan diri sendiri yang tidak ada bedanya, apa bernoda atau bersih semua akan terlihat dengan jelas.
Makna cermin diri ini bisa menjadi sebuah introveksi akan diri sendiri, jangan suka melihat diri orang lain, lihatlah diri sendiri terlebih dahulu, Sebelum memantau orang pantau dulu diri sendiri, apakah diri ini sudah benar?.
Tetapi kita juga bisa melihat kesalahan diri sendiri, dan juga kelebihan kita melalui sifat. Untuk menumbuhkan rasa semangat dan percaya diri, kita juga perlu bercermin untuk melihatnya.
Kutipan Pepatah:
Berhenti mengatakan hal-hal negatif tentang dirimu. Lihat ke cermin dan temukan sesuatu tentang dirimu yang positif dan rayakanlah itu!
@abdullah79 @whalewinners @ridwant
#betterlife #comment #mirror
0.03 SBD,
0.11 SP
Betul sekali itu pak. Saya sangat sependapat dengan postingan ini
The mirror... what can I say about it? Is there a need to have one or does the reflection in water or glass does the trick as well. Who is it that we see if we have a quick look?
The winners of last week are
@deelyt and @collins012
for both of you 2 UVF and 2 Steem
the prizes are paid by @wakeupkitty.pal
Wow... A big congratulations to us.
Thanks a lot dear for selecting us as winners.
My Joy right now know no bounds.
Gracias 🙏
Thank you very much @wakeupkitty
I am very delighted to be chosen as a winner
Congratulations to us @collins012
You are welcome. Time for another round.