Four Nominees, is only one not a Loser? - Congratulations

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE21 hours ago (edited)

Should I nominate or not?
My journey was a lonely one and it made me leave more than once. The second try the freewriters welcomed me. @mariannewest was helpful and so were the others who showed me around and told me what I could do. If people are helpful you help them back. Many of those I knew back then died or are seriously ill today.


The Best Teacher

I never really had one, no mentor but there are Steemians I still remember no matter if they are still present.
@patjewell I nominate you. You are the only person I know who sacrificed literally everything to help this platform and Steemians out. How many still remember you or were you only good to fill the pockets of others and the working horse of the Ladies of Steem? There's no better, attentive, helpful person than you, always reaching out to the biggest idiots and brainless people without discrimination.

The Best Student

At the start of the year 2024, I roamed Steemit and met someone I like to nominate today.
@jiva34, indeed not a 70+ level but an old and elderly Steemian (77 years old) who is doing her damnedest. I invited her to join the freewriters. It is a pleasure to read her and she always surprises me with her words, ideas, the way she finds her way on Steemit and her kindness.
Her account was hacked and with some help, she managed to generate new keys and I am glad she is still here. I would not want to miss her, because she is what this platform needs. A fast learner and without that hack she would still be in club100. Do we only do #learnwithsteem and participate in all SLCs? She followed #wewrite and had to give up because of a tornado, but is still active. She is the example of a student you can only dream of, she has learned and puts what she learned into practice unlike all other students I see

The Best Contest Maker

That is me since I have the most response plus I am everywhere but let's not be that selfish.
@solperez, instead of me, I will give you the honour with your contest Art & Writing. How hard have you tried and still try to give art a popular face, the SEC went great but next? You still post and your contest is unique and it takes a lot of time to find all those painters, more than anyone will ever believe. It's not a quick copy-paste post. You are creative and broaden your horizons and are active in different communities. You have been a curator and joined a learning team. This year was a good one for you, Steemit and I hope art as well.

The Best Allrounder

@cryptopie I nominate you. You write daily, share and care, no matter how you feel and you are an investor, exactly what the platform wants. You kept your trust in and enthusiasm for Steemit and never hesitate to promote the platform. You are definitely one of the best commenters and are always willing to give a helping hand. Tips you give, to newcomers as well, are helpful. It's an honour to know you.

Wait... I nominated but hey, I don't have level 70+ unlike my other account but does that really matter Steemit Team? I believe I like those I mentioned proved our value for this platform and indeed nothing is sure and we all can drop dead on the spot but so can you.
Of course, you are free to set the rules but at times I wonder if that is the case why exceptions are easily made by you and always the same are in the picture. Did they really deserve it?

Dear nominees,
and all those I know (yes, there are many more I believe deserve a place in the spotlights because you are good, attentive, helpful people, not farming and not corrupt and you daily learn on this platform).
Let's see if the witness @etainclub with the new app EverSteem can make a difference in the near future. This platform can only grow if we all invest and reach out to one another. So write, comment, connect, reward, and upvote (with this app it is also possible if the post is expired which is a good reason to post something better).

Yes, the picture is mine!

 10 hours ago 

Mi amiga, suscribo todo lo que has dicho con respecto a @patjewell. Realmente, con ella, con @weisser-rabe, con @dove11 y contigo he logrado tener una conexión maravillosa. Creo que somos almas que disfrutamos más "dar que recibir". Además tenemos mucha sensibilidad hacia las artes. Quizás por eso también rechazamos las trampas, los abusos y los intereses descarados. Pero, ¿cómo hacerle frente a esto?

Creo que haciendo lo que hacemos, sobre todo lo que haces tú, "decir verdades" cuando haya que decirlas.

Me siento honrada de estar en esta lista. Y sí, no es fácil llevar el Concurso de Arte y Escritura. Pero para mí. no hay nada mejor que aprender. Un abrazo.

 8 hours ago 


Haces bien y el arte, los creativos, los inventores pueden parecer aburridos pero son los que colorean la vida y los viejos artistas no deben ser ignorados: escultores, arquitectos, pintores, músicos, poetas, narradores,, cineastas.... ¿Qué sería de la vida sin ellos? La sensibilidad es un don, pero también puede ser una carga, un motivo para luchar y rendirse. Espero que te siga gustando buscar todas esas almas creativas y que el público crezca.


Hola @wakeupkitty.pal apoyo tus nominaciones y la tuya también.

Creo que eres muy justa con tus palabras para argumentar cada categoría.

En la última categoría no sé que decirte porque no conozco a ese usuario, y no es por él sino porque con mis habituales problemas de conexión me es difícil chequear la plataforma como lo hacía antes.

Eres trabajadora, auténtica y humilde ya que no postulaste tu propio nombre.

Un gran saludo!

 11 hours ago 

Hola querida, gracias por tu respuesta. Si los nominados no son elegidos que así sea, pero al menos he mencionado su nombre. Un largo CV en Steemit no prueba nada. Eso es lo que he aprendido este año.

Una mala conexión es una carga. Luché con una durante muchos años. Es comprensible que no se puede navegar libremente. Se necesita mucho tiempo si el Internet es limitado.
Gracias por visitarme.


 8 hours ago 

Perfect is the word for this post. I wish @patjewell would come back and take the reins of the communities. It was real fun to learn in her contests and as a junior curator in a team.

There was always something to learn from her even if there were no questions and she showed a lot of energy which worked positive. I hope she's travelling now 😁 A well deserved trip. Offline life is important.

Thanks for stopping by. I miss her but @jaynie too.


 19 hours ago 

Oohh goodness, it's been ages since I read @cryptopie's post.. you are amazing, man! Thank you kitty for bringing back some good memories through this post.

 11 hours ago 

Let me know if I have to find more of your old friends. If you stay in SEA you won't meet him. He indeed is amazing and you can't beat him but you can always try. 🤣

 9 hours ago 

I remember a name, but she's already gone😢 I can't move on from SEA, because I need to wait for a few friends to come back and i have to be there.

If they are back you notice it as well. You can be like me a flying Dutchman and read/be everywhere.

 19 hours ago 

Excuse me, Kitty, did you understand the rules? The issue was „I, me and myself“, wasn’t it?

 11 hours ago (edited)

You won't believe this but I have issues.. With rules and my brain. I don't learn fast. Let's say I am a super slowpoke with some brain damage.

Perhaps you can spell it out how it should look like and I edit it. Or better type it down so I can copy-paste the text.
Thank you very much.


P. S. Is xmas over yet?