Prize Puzzling Psychology Post

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE3 months ago (edited)

or... The Psychology Behind Winning on Steemit

Did you win? No, I don't mean the lottery or a debate but a prize in one of the contests hosted on Steemit. Share in the comment line if you did, how many times within one month in the same community and if it was paid.

The P Plagiarist(1).jpg

The good and the Lousy Writer

Of course, they say that the fact you never won is because your content is not good enough. We talked a lot about it also in this community. @goodybest hosted a contest at least twice with this topic.
What is good? I can't give you a definition and neither can you. Together we guess. Most of you write the same lines as hundreds did before you from the moment Steemit started.

You are good but.. you can't always win.
It's not allowed at least that is what I was told two days ago. If you are good, you cannot win more than once a month within the same community! This should be a rule set by the Steemit top.
If this is true, I wonder why on earth you and I bother joining all those community contests hosted by communities accepted by Steemit. What's the point? It can't be engagement since not even 5% cares and a part of those who do are using AI.

By accepted I mean those communities asking for a booster, to be allowed to host a SEC contest, they have to follow certain rules. Rules not followed by all those community equally.
BTW; WOX and some other communities do not take part. If you join them a club, CSI, SP level and using an upvote bot is no issue and your post is not moderated but curators do upvote you because this is a rule set by the Steemit top!

The winner is the one who?

You guessed it right, the one who didn't win before. This is the criteria I was told. If true it explains why terrible text wins and knowledge and reading skills are not important if it comes to hosts, admins amd moderators.
The question is: Should I, as a host of contests, agree with this rule?
This is what has been discussed in the past days (not in this community by the way).
I do not see any point in rewarding what is not good just because the writer did not win this month. It doesn't make sense to me.

Why not? Because since the day I joined this platform, I heard Steemit (or whoever represents it) scream for good writers. If so why sticking to that rule and not reward those who do their stinking best to make the difference?

Btw: Does the Steemit top have any idea how much time it takes to write long text on a cellphone? Any idea how much time it takes to write something short (every word counts)? Poetry, real creative writing is not written within two minutes and using the hsshtag CreativeWriting doesn't change a text into a creative epistel, poem or lyric.


What's the meaning of a prize? Isn't it meant as a reward for something good?
As this platform saw the daylight it was about posting whatever you like. We had fun, and not too many rules and stress. We did our best to read, support, and upvote. Many of us learned how to write. We felt motivated to build something together. We upvoted or let it be and connected.

If it comes to upvoting you shouldn't do it endlessly and... you cannot upvote friends only if you want to keep your CSI high. A daily vote for the same good writers, people you find entertaining will be punished with a low CSI! Did you know that? I figured it out since I upvote daily and check, keep checking, my SP. It is wanted that you stop upvoting if your SP is 80 but that can be hard. At times I want to give upvotes because it's deserved. So I do and I reward comments like a maniac. I'm not the lazy type, I engage and have interaction with many see my high score at the recently started Monkey Business comment contests. The result for my upvoting style is... I am punished and my CSI drops rapidly.

What shall I do? Stop upvoting just like the top, many hosts, admins, and moderators.? Or will I continue and do it my way?

It's hard to be rewarded. It's also hard to donate on this platform. Since January 2024 I've been more than once reprimanded for setting beneficiaries. The moderators disapprove, some disapprove if I transfer Steem to @worldsteem or my own Hive, that Hive that rewards story writers and isn't used to upvote myself!
I am punished for upvoting comments and for upvoting the same 128 people, for setting beneficiaries and donating. I like to know why while those who set the rules,the most feared do not practise what they preach. How come the Steemit top can be greedy, lazy, upvote the same 20 friends and you and I can not? What is the difference between them and me and you?

All those rules take the fun away. Let's be honest, no one will read what I just wrote mainly because there are too many words, the average concentration ability is not even 3 minutes and reading comprehension is for skilled readers only! Will Steemit read this? No way, but still I like to know if all those rules are true or made up by a few admins and moderators who love to show how powerful they are.
I want to know if it is so black and white. If it is black and white without a shade of grey for the plebs of Steemit, I would like to hear if black has so far been able to turn the negative into the positive?

No answer is the answer I already know. It's a big NO, it's all about farming, investing, keeping the Steem in the (same) wallet.

The dilemma of the Winner

What to do? Will I join the group's opinion based on fear of what Steemit will do? Will I stop reading, save myself time, play lucky number and simply pick a winner out of the entries or will I ignore what they say and reward what is good?
If you know me, you already know the answer. I take my chance and go for good, out-of-the-box, original, funny, creative, awesome, a delight to read and see. Words, photography, riddles, drawings, a post that blows my mind and brightens my day. Something that makes me think, consider and smile. I go for art.

I read every entry more than once, I read all the comments, I invest many hours in reading and commenting, and...I want quality for my money!
Quality as in what I like. I do not ask for some booming upvote or whatever can be filed for. I gladly pay myself for something good. A prize the author will receive 100% and which will not be denied because s/he already won,been nominated or a curator just stopped by and voted. To me, this is the world upside down.

Some of you might think I only reward my friends, those I know. You might be right. The fact is that I search daily for many hours and over six months for good writers. People who do not join a club and feel free to post what makes them happy.
A part of them is on Steemit for years and has been forgotten. They post in different communities or on their blog. It was me who contacted them to join and see what Steemit looks like.
It was me who invested time in them while they did the same for me. The result is a circle of creative Steemians who can write, touch the reader, are entertaining, have a style and a niche. These are the ones who can make this platform better, a fun place to be if they are only noticed and rewarded. It is not nothing to leave a part of your thought, soul behind on a platform unable to recognize talent.
Feel free to join this circle. It's not an elite group, you don't need an invitation all that is asked from you is that you know how to write out of the box and you are supportive.

NOTE I do understand it's frustrating, it demotivates if you never win. It can be this is the reason why Steemit wants to give everyone a chance to feel the victory once. If this is the case my suggestion is to reward for different reasons and please, don't make me spell it out.
_Okay, I will since stolen ideas thrive well on this platform. _

A reason to reward can be the Funniest, most Creative entry, the best Photographer, Commenter, the last Participant (who will read you if you are the last one, no one right?), or an Encouragement Prize. Everything is possible except fooling the winner with the idea that s/he wrote the best post out of 275 entries.
Fooling people is not done/and it will backfire. If the winner is a fraud, a lie, it stands for giving a bad example and it will not stimulate editing, better writing nor will it set good writers for an example. You can not learn how to write from an illiterate!

It's my money, my call. I decide who wins!
Most likely it will not be the same person for the 5th time in row unless no one joins.



Did you win?

Congratulations. If I am the one who paid your prize it's well deserved. If you won elsewhere you can ask why. If you are that good for sure your post was impressive enough for the host to remember.
And If you, dear reader are a great, skilled reader, whocan read behind the lines, you have your answers.

Many of you might not care about the reason and I understand. You are here for the money, the fame and that's fine too. Just be aware that what you wrote might not stand for good but is a prize given for psychological reasons.

What is good?
I wrote about it more than once. I noticed many do not care if it's told how to improve so I can only conclude there will be no improvement. About 98% responds with "I do it next time". If I read such an answer I keep asking myself Why not now?. That next time turns out not to exist since the same mistake is made over and over again. That's fine, you are not pleasing me by not improving yourself and you are right if you say the ones at the top aren't the greatest examples themselves shows all the details.

In Short

For the contests I host: I pay, I decide no one else.

Am I playing Russian Roulette? Is this decision of mine a reason to downvote me? If so it says more about the downvoter/Steemit than about me.

Free Non- Judgementing Creative Contest You Should Join to Relax

  1. Contest: A Better Life - Music - Steem for BetterLife
  2. Daily Prompts -Free Writers
  3. Pic1000 - Free Writers
  4. Monkey Business - Share a Picture - Steem for BetterLife

    free writing 15 steem.jpg

Header/Photogrid: Canva
Prompt: psychology - @freewritehouse
Date: 5-7-2024
I am a mobile phone user only

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
Happy Writing
@sbamsoneu @bahrol @alee75

#betterlife #freewrite #steemit #contest #steemexclusive #kittywu #column #club100

 3 months ago 

Is it all about being an artist who wants to win an Oscar?
Entering contests is preferred because of the prizes (for those who want them) is it true that they want 2 steem for long contest rules of 600 words?

The game is not over, the contest is not a machine or one person for 2-5 contests? Are they real or fictional? But for AI it's not difficult, right...

I am someone who likes to enter contests with themes that I like even though it takes up to 3 days to create them with almost 1200 words. But is it a winner? Not really... In fact, no one supported the curator or comments that came my way, at least I asked for mercy because I really wrote it with full dedication...😌 but I am satisfied with the results and it is a challenge for me in the future, .. No It's easy to publish an interesting article with the conditions you say.

I'm behind a lot, but is this really happening now???
Boom support is currently limited, but I'm very tempted by Steem... 😉

There is also about "Emotional influence". Are feelings of envy also very influential here? I see those who prioritize someone and fight someone, I also see someone who works with their heart but is thought to be "looking for face". If the quality of the post is good, why should it be ignored? Or are they trying why should we leave them?

If it comes to Steemit and other social media people will not visit it to read 1200 plus words. Since Steemit is a method to earn most will likely write, post and leave.

@pousinha writes long stories in @italy, she writes herself, no AI generated text.
None if the communities will accelt that at least not those with SEC contests.

There are plenty of contests if you like to join The minimum is usually 300 words, some ask 550.
I doubt you receive a better upvote, I don't see any difference.

The only difference I see is where I post.

You can have a look at @ dusconnect for contests.

How many accounts Steemit has? How many post do these accounts generate?
How many people are willing to upvote someone else? If we all would upvote we all could grow.
To 80% if not more upvoting isn't a habit. All they want is to receive a vote themselves.

You can see in @ steemitblog how many curatirs there are for July. It is a very timeconsuming job to find good content.
Hardly no one uses the right hashtags. On what should they search?

What ifbeveryone writes 1400 words and they have to read and check the content and writer first? If they can do 4 within 1 hour it's fast.

 3 months ago 

I'm sure there are many great writers, I also found out our friend @muksa wrote a very long story for a diary game and it wasn't AI content. Sometimes there are times when someone who writes gets an idea like flowing water and when they stop it turns out they have gone very far.

Finding good content is a very time consuming job.

There is another side, I feel there are also those who avoid this because of what I said before, where someone doesn't want their friends to go to the top, so whatever the content is, they will definitely avoid it.

Hardly anyone uses the right hashtags. What are they looking for?

I remember someone used to make a small summary of the hashtags that curators should use and search for.... In the past, steemitblog released an innovation where each curator (3-9) had a special hashtag. Maybe this time it feels less effective. I think thediarygame hashtag is the largest and most effective because it will show the author's productivity and is only 350 words long (referring to thediarygame rules). And yes, Upvoting is not a habit because it is chasing drain rewards. And of all SPs, only 5-50% are used.

I believe that behind all events there is a reason, and I really appreciate the curators who have taken the trouble to read our posts. I will improve the quality of my posts💪
Thank you also @wakeupkitty.pal for this discussion...

The hashtags are still there, the old list still exists but people ignore and 80% has no idea what those hashtags stand for.

The Steemit watcher says they fight abuse of the wrong hashtags but I saw them only once!

#story for example rarely shows a story
#creativewriting: not even 1% is creative!

I can continue the list but it is pointless. The only option I see is that the most common hashtags show up if you want to post in a certain community or participate in a contest.

Hashtags are meant to search for certain info. Only the first 4 work. No one will search for steemexclusive burnsteem25 or thediarygame
If you search it is for a certain pist + topic.

For example a story about cats #story #cats
A recipe with rice #recipe #rice or #recipe #nasi
An opinion about the use of drugs #opinion #drugs
Information about powering up on Steemit #steemit #powerup #howto

It's the same for promoting on X the more hashtags you use the more people will find you.
What's the point promoting with #steemit if only Steemians will find it?

Can be you are right if it comes for searching for good content but after many years I can only conclude that the majority just posts and leaves. Readers? You will not find many here.

Thanks for the great talk.


 3 months ago 

Does reading also require technique? For example, only certain points or looking at pictures with little information, or reading the first point in the first paragraph.

If you have to read 1200 words it will take a long time. Likes reading and reading are two different things.

There was a post by @ulfatulrahmah which experienced a rare incident, all the tags he used were unreadable but were found in the community. Why?

People create the right hashtags to be on target and based on what they commonly search for and see... Yes, habit is the source.

I may not be "perfect" in writing. but I try from day to day to make it visible and contain positive and informative things.
I like reading, but sometimes I have limitations in language. I understand English but find it difficult to write well. there are so many factors that go into "misunderstanding" in writing that the post is actually very interesting to read.
I agree that once we read something interesting from someone, we will try to read it again and again.
effort and learning and mastering emotions, I think that's what I'm learning here.... 🤗☺

That's right sis, at that time I tried to ask Mrs. @patjewell, even Mrs. Patjewell was very surprised, even though I had given the correct hashtag from the start of my post but my post wasn't visible, it was very strange 😆😂

 3 months ago 

That is correct and ever since then I've been keep a keen eye on contests and hastags. I have not see it happening again.

And are the posts visible by now or can you only see them and we can't?

It can be your post is removed. I noticed that years ago. At first, all my posts were visible but after 1 year or 2 I could not even find one. It's strange but I start thinking too that what we face today is an EU rule, already was used years ago.
The EU government restricts us what we are allowed to see on the internet. YouTube, google, TikTok.X, facebook, Amazon, AliExpress,, all platforms where people can meet, leave a review behind is called dangerous and part of terrorism to this new law. They say it's to protect the people of the EU. You know, those living in a democracy and can't think and decide for themselves if it comes to what is right, wrong, the truth, a set up...

TEAM 6 : Congratulations!

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Curated by : @sofian88

No matter if we write or talk, misunderstandings will always be part of it. I am afraid we cannot avoid that neither we can please everyone. The most important thing is we write what is good for us and if readers do not understand what we write they can ask. There's nothing wrong with that or?

My English isn't perfect either. I check dictionaries serveral times and more than one if I write. For sure in my native language the texts will look different, better, also more idioms and more lively. At least that's what I notice but no one will read me if I write in Dutch. Besides I noticed that the translators mess up my text if I use them.

I think we are doing well and we can learn daily by reading others if we like to.

Thanks for the talk and a great day to you.

 3 months ago (edited)

You are welcome dear.... 🤗😘🌼

TEAM 6 : Congratulations!

This comment has been curated using steemcurator08. We appreciate your efforts on making useful comments. Thank You! 😊


Curated by : @sofian88
TEAM 6 : Congratulations!

This comment has been curated using steemcurator08. We appreciate your efforts on making useful comments. Thank You! 😊


Curated by : @sofian88
 3 months ago 

Terima kasih atas undangan ini? Saya hanya melakukan yang terbaik untuk saya dan bermanfaat untuk semua orang, saya bukan penulis atau pengarang yang baik untuk saat ini. Mungkin itu, tetapi anda mengingatkan saya tentang hal itu yang menjadi motivasi saya dan banyak orang di planform ini. . .

Saya harap kita semua selalu sukses dengan karya asli di planform tercinta ini🙂🙏

Yang penting adalah menulis untuk diri Anda sendiri. Anda harus merasa senang dengan hal itu. Segala sesuatu yang lain adalah tambahan. Jika Anda menulis dengan cara seperti itu, waktu yang Anda investasikan tidak akan pernah sia-sia.
Kekurangannya, saya menemukan fakta bahwa semua tulisan yang saya tulis tidak dapat saya temukan kembali, dan itu menyakitkan dan berarti saya harus menyimpannya di tempat lain.

Selamat menulis!

 3 months ago 

Te soy sincero, todo esto a mi si me desanima, todas estas reglas que solo cumplimos los pequeños hace que estar en steemit sea algo malo, sea una experiencia incomoda y siento que ya no debo seguir, esto afecta muchísimo nuestra creatividad, nuestras ganas de trabajar.

Creo que pronto me voy, trabajar todos los días, colocar null, participar en muchos concursos, participar en la SEC, pertenecer al club, todo eso es muy estresante, es mucho tiempo que se invierte y luego uno ve a SC01 y a SC02 votar todos los días por los mismos usuarios es lo que más duele.

No es bueno estar mas de 3 meses trabajando diario y no recibir un voto, este tiempo incluso llega hasta 6 meses, eso es ilógico, son muchas horas invertidas para no recibir nada.

Estaré activo hasta asistir al Meet Up, luego me voy, esta plataforma no me valora, me gusta mucho escribir, leer, me gusta tomar fotos pero no puedo hacerlo si estar aquí no me da para pagar el internet.

¿Y escribir por diversión? Hay otras comunidades en las que puedes publicar y te recompensan con steem o una parte de las ganancias de un post.

No hay necesidad de establecer @ gracias o cualquier beneficiario. Puedes unirte a @freewritehouse y relajarte. No hay recuento de palabras, no hay moderación y lo único que cuenta es la creatividad. Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que lleva más tiempo seguir todas esas reglas que la propia escritura.

Espero que pruebes otra cosa y vuelvas a divertirte escribiendo.

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 3 months ago 

Verified User✔️
Club Status#club100
Plagiarism Free / AI Article Free
Bot Free✔️
* #burnsteem25
* Community
* Charity

null 25% ❌
steembetterlife ❌

Hi dear Kitty! I know what it feels like to spend 3- 6 hours to put on a good article and at the end of the day, some crap win. I concur with you that a proper reason should be given for choosing a particular winner, was he the most funniest or creative writer? The most commenter, or he came out as a winner just to encourage him. This sounds interesting so that other good contestants will not feel cheated on.

The truth is that learning is a continuous process and there's always room for improvement. But then if someone has a habit of rejecting corrections that speaks volumes about the kind of person he/she is.

I invite you to support @pennsif.witness to grow across the whole platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high-yield developments with the resources available.

Click Here

My dear friend, I make the difference and so can you and with us two many more. There's no platform without everyone being here and investing time by posting.

I understand it doesn't motivate if you never win but does it motivate you after 8 hours writing, a day editing you are not rewarded? I know it diesn't if it comes to me. Why should I be steemexclusive, who benefits if it isn't me? Why investing all that time if a 5 minute post under average is rewarded better?

#thoughtoftheday #betterlife #comment

 3 months ago 

Hahahahhaha, saya sangat senang membacanya. Opini yang sangat tajam dan sangat berkarakter. Sangat sedikit akun yang bereputasi tinggi berani lantang bersuara. Its human rights. Kalimat yang paling saya suka dari @wakeupkitty: SAYA BAYAR BUKAN ORANG LAIN MENENTUKAN. Anda luar biasa, jadilah lilin yang terus memberikan cahaya walaupun kecil tapi sangat bermanfaat sebagai penunjuk jalan kebenaran. Saya tidak perlu menambahkan apapun dari opini anda karena anda sudah memberikan semua opsi jawaban. Tetap semangat kawanku 🙏

 3 months ago 

Saya tidak memiliki reputasi yang tinggi tetapi meskipun saya akan menulis ini. Akan lebih baik jika kita semua mengutarakan apa yang kita pertanyakan. Mengapa hanya mengeluh secara tersembunyi di balik layar (atau tirai) jika Anda ingin sesuatu berubah atau bertanya-tanya apakah yang Anda dengar itu benar? Saya tidak tahu apa kebenarannya, hanya apa yang dikatakan. Jadi yang bisa saya lakukan hanyalah bertanya-tanya dan membangun cerita dari potongan-potongan itu. Saya harap sama seperti Anda banyak yang akan menertawakannya. Tertawa itu menyehatkan dan bisa melegakan serta melihat sesuatu dari sudut pandang yang berbeda... atau tidak. Jika Anda ingin menulis selalu ada ruang untuk itu di Steemit. Jika Anda tidak menyukai kontes ini, Anda tidak perlu ikut serta. Pertama-tama kita harus bersenang-senang di sini karena suara positif tidak dijamin.
Saya membaca postingan lama tentang upvoting dan mengapa itu penting. Mungkin lebih banyak orang harus membacanya. Saya perhatikan tidak banyak yang peduli dengan upvoting, termasuk administrator. Mungkinkah saya satu-satunya orang bodoh yang meluangkan waktu untuk melakukannya? Sudah kubilang itu tidak selalu mudah karena aku juga punya kehidupan yang sibuk dan tadi malam aku tertidur setengah jalan.
Terima kasih telah membaca dan berkomentar!

 3 months ago 

Bagi saya kurator yang baik itu ialah mereka yang mampu menghasilkan tulisan yang baik pula. Sayangnya kebanyakan kurator tidak mau membaca sampai selesai. Berdasarkan pengamatan saya, anda satu-satunya kurator yang berani melakukan eksperimen dengan memberikan benefit 10% dari tulisan fiksi anda kepada saya yang baru belajar menulis fiksi. Itu stimulus yang luar biasa, hanya saja saya belum mampu mengimbanginya 😁.

Saya pikir anda sudah banyak melakukan hal yang baru dan anda tetap baik-baik saja. Mungkin pengalaman hidup bisa membuat seseorang menjadi sangat mandiri dalam hal apapun.

 3 months ago 

Terima kasih atas pujiannya. Saya bukan kurator hanya seorang Steemian seperti Anda. Saya memang mendaftar untuk bulan Juli dan sendirian. Saya tidak pernah mendengar jawaban atau sesuatu yang positif. Tidak apa-apa, saya masih melakukan apa yang saya lakukan dan meskipun dua tim tidak menyebutkan dalam surat mereka bahwa mereka ingin mendukung penulis cerita dan penulisan bebas yang mereka lakukan. Jadi, mungkin cukup dengan menyebutkannya saja bagi sebagian orang untuk menerima pesannya sementara yang lain mengabaikannya? Apapun alasannya mengapa mereka tidak menyebutkannya (takut tidak diakui sebagai kurator?) mereka tetap melakukannya. Jadi hasil akhirnya sama saja.
Banyak orang di sini yang memiliki ide-ide hebat. Mereka punya di masa lalu dan sekarang. Tidak ada yang terjadi saat ini yang belum pernah dilakukan 7 tahun yang lalu. Saya percaya jika ketakutan mulai menguasai, tidak ada ide yang akan terwujud dan semua ide, keinginan, dan impian akan mati di depan mata. Jika ini yang terjadi, kita tidak bisa mencari orang lain untuk itu. Jika Anda menginginkan cara yang mudah, orang lain yang melayani Anda dan mengembangkan sistem, maka Anda harus membayarnya.

 3 months ago 

Selamat pagi...

Bagi saya steemian yang masih baru, punya perspektif yang lain dengan kondisi saat ini. Saya pikir akan sangat menyenangkan situasi 7 tahun yang lalu, tapi sudahlah apa yang anda lakukan sudah mewakili perasaan steemian yang memiliki tujuan yang sama.

Semoga saya mampu konsisten menghasilkan tulisan dengan genre saya sendiri. Begitu juga dengan impian saya terhadap anak didik saya agar mereka bisa konsisten menulis dan akan menikmati hasil kerja kerasnya ketika mereka menyelesaikan sekolahnya.

 3 months ago 

Saran saya, tulislah apa yang Anda sukai dan selanjutnya lihat apakah Anda bisa mempostingnya di komunitas. Kadang-kadang bahkan cocok untuk diikutsertakan dalam sebuah kontes. Bagi saya, ini adalah satu-satunya cara untuk tidak kehilangan diri saya sendiri. Saya mencoba cara kedua tetapi tidak bisa melakukannya. Saya lelah menulis tentang pertanyaan yang sama dari bulan ke bulan.

Yang pasti sejak awal, ada kelompok-kelompok. Saya ingat bagaimana saya menemukan #alldutch dan pada hari itu hal pertama yang saya baca adalah pertarungan di antara para "pemimpin". Mereka adalah Belgia, Belanda dan? Saya mencoba menggunakan tag tersebut dengan tidak pernah menjadi anggota aktif. Saya tidak suka berada di sekitar mereka, jadi untuk sebagian besar saya berada di sini sendirian sampai saya bertemu @narblely dan bergabung dengan #ccc