The Diary Game || 15-11-24 || Attending a Botany Field Trip



Dear diary, it's been a stressful day but I hope for the best nevertheless. Without much ado, let's get straight into the details.

Waking up to see a bright new day is a golden privilege. That's why it's important to appreciate the Creator for his benevolence of good health and life. After that, I did my house chores and prepared to enter school very early today. The reason was that I had a field trip to attend earlier that morning. I rushed out hoping that I won't be late.


My priority was to attend the field trip and charge my phone since there was a power outage in my region. Arriving in the school premise, I discovered that I was super early and I went into the faculty in order to wait for others. As time passes by, they came in and the lecturer in charge gave guidelines for the field trip. In his words, he said that we should follow every instruction given in the field. With that, we proceed to the proposed site of the event.


Everyone with the guidance of the lecturers moved in a single file to the site. On my way, I saw the vibrant sun coming out to brighten the Earth and I had to take a shot. The distance was a bit far but lively. To my humourous personality, I saw the students moving out of captivity from unknown masters😹.


We reached the proposed site and the Botany HOD briefed is of our activities there which was sampling which she will consider two types. The two types according to her are Random and Stratified sampling. Random sampling is the art of sampling using random means while Stratified sampling is systematic in nature.


In the field, she made use of a quadrant which is a square shaped instrument for sampling. With that, she did justice to both types of sampling she highlighted. From then, the current lecturer gave a school based work to be submitted that day by 1:30pm.


With that, she set to action and the calculations began. I had to stay in the laboratory to fulfill my second goal which was to charge my phone while doing the school based work. The lecturer came in later and asked everyone to submit which we did.


After that, I attended Animal Physiology class which I later bid farewell to Uniuyo that day. On my way back, I saw my neighbor and we moved home together. Coming back, I did some house chores and retired to have family time.

That's how I spend my day

 6 days ago 

You had a successful day. I want to ask if you are studying Botany. Continue sharing your quality posts with us, success!

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 6 days ago 

No, I am in the Department of Science Education (Biology Education). Botany, AEB and other courses are just borrowed courses. Thanks for your valuable comment ☺️
