Club100 👍 BetterLife–Thediarygame |22.04.2022| Historic Port and Trade Center. – I am visiting Karaköy district to buy electronic equipment.


Historic Port and Trade Center

I am visiting Karaköy district to buy electronic equipment.


Hello everyone who enjoys life,

When the sun is out, I want to throw myself out and go outside. Today I need electronic equipment for Business. This material is not available in ordinary electronics stores. That's why I will go to Karaköy district, which has a very old history. Because this is a big trade center for years and there are thousands of companies here.

During this trip, I caught many beautiful landscapes. I took many beautiful photos such as the ferry trip, historical buildings, stairs, street vendors. I don't want you to miss it. Let's continue our trip.


Karakoy Ferry- W3W Address - Google Maps

Transportation to Karaköy district can be done by car and ferry. I always prefer the ferry to get fresh air and sea air. In this way, I throw all the stresses of life into the sea. 😊

It gives me pleasure to watch the surroundings on my ferry journey. When the ferry moves, it is really nice to watch the sea slipping under you, the clouds constantly moving above you and the surroundings. Therefore, you will probably prefer this journey like me.


Golden Horn View.

You can see many different passenger ferries where I live. Some are owned by the municipality and some are owned by private companies. The passenger ferry you see above belongs to the municipality. The ferry you see below belongs to a smaller private company. But 2 ferries do the same to bring us here.

You can see the Golden Horn bridge in the photo below. This bridge is a historical bridge. It can be opened and closed, but I have never seen it open completely. There are many fish restaurants under the bridge. Everyone who comes here eats fish here because the fish here is very delicious.


Golden Horn Bridge

Karakoy Port

Since it is a historical port, many ships used to come here for trade. We'll go into the interior of this region in a moment. But after getting off the ferry, I saw a street vendor next to this pier.

It is very nice to eat fresh crispy bagels on the ferry. That's why this seller found a very nice car to sell his bagels.

Karaköy harbor and street vendor selling bagels.

I am not a professional photographer. But I took a lot of pictures which was nice. After I took the photo I shared with you below, I liked it very much. The simit and ferry duo actually tells a lot. That's why it became a meaningful photo for me. 😊

Fabulous double bagel and steamboat.

Banks Street.

We have to walk inland of this area to get our electronic part. There is Bankers Street here. All banks have their main centers on this street. In the 19th century, this was the meeting place of banks and insurers. It still continues today. Since the buildings here are historical buildings, their exteriors have been corrected with new restorations.

Banks Street and historical bank building.

Lovers' Ladder

As we walk up the street, we see a staircase on our right, built with a good architecture. I did some research on the history of this place.

It was built between 1870 and 1880. Abraham Salomon Kamondo, a wealthy family at that time, had this place built. His grandchildren attend a distant high school and travel long distances to get home. He is making this way to make it shorter and to make it easier for his grandchildren to come home. It is said that the reason why he built the stairs in this way is so that those who fall from the stairs can stop at one point.

Lovers' Ladder

Trade Center

It's nice to travel and see new places. Let me give you some technical information. 😊

Where I work, there are Flex cables inside the robot arms. These cables can move flexibly back and forth when the robot arm moves. But over time, with this movement, there are breaks in the copper roads. Therefore, it is necessary to buy a new one and install it.

Since these are sensitive materials, they are not available everywhere. Since this is a historical trade center, you can find everything in the field of electricity and electronics here. Materials come here from all over the world.

As an Electronic Communications Engineer, I came here many times. I bought the materials of the electronic circuits I made many times in my school life from here. I can say that there is nothing here that we cannot find in this area.


The protagonist of my trip. Flex Cable.

My post was a first for me. Because I have shared with you both in the style of travel and in the field of electronics. It's been a good day for me.

I am lucky. Because where I go to buy electronic materials, I can see historical places like this. I hope you enjoyed my sharing. Your comments and support are important to me. See you in the next post.

Stay Healthy. Goodbye.


 2 years ago 

You have written a very nice article both educationally and visually. You are very lucky that you come across historical buildings and structures wherever you go. It was a pleasant technical trip.

It's really nice to be able to find such electronic parts, last year I needed a flex cable for my computer. When the place he lives in was small, I ordered from outside. But unfortunately they sent wrong cable many times. And now I can't use my computer.

It's really nice that you can easily supply parts :) and I really liked the photos you sent us from the places you visited. If we have the opportunity, I would like to travel all over Istanbul. A very beautiful city.

 2 years ago 

This is a really good comment for me. I'm glad you enjoyed the trip. It was very enjoyable for me. 😊

The place where I live has many disadvantages, but also many advantages. As you said, if there is no place to buy near you, it can cause many mistakes and you will also have a waste of time. Sorry about your computer.

If you can come, we will tour. We'll also take a look at your computer. 👍

Thanks for your comment. 😊

 2 years ago 

I hope I come one day, I would love to travel together :)

I also love to travel by ferry. ☺️ The lovers' staircase is very beautiful and its story caught my attention. Having electronic materials here is a great advantage for everyone.

 2 years ago 

The ferry tour makes people feel comfortable. That's why I like the sea route more than the land route.

I didn't know the story of the stairs either. I've passed by it many times. I did some research while posting it here.

Thanks for your comment.