The Escape

in Steemit City3 years ago


Pearls College of Education was an all girls school which was located in the islands. It was what one could describe as the school for the wealthy. It was where you could find the kids of government officials that weren't studying abroad. Cars of different kinds and model trooped in and out of the school at all times.

The time was 2:45pm. The peon had just rang the school bell indicating that it was closing time. Smiles could been seen on the faces of the kids as they all happily ran out of their classrooms to go meet whatever it was that was driving them home. Most of their parents were always busy so it was no surprise that most of the kids were picked up by their chauffeur.

Lisa had been one of those happy kids eager to go home but the expression on her face had changed when she couldn't find her dad's driver parked at his usual spot.

“That's odd. Was he running late?” she asked herself as she decided to wait a while. Telephones were banned in the school premises so she always left hers at home.

Thirty minutes later and there still was no sign of him. The school was beginning to feel empty so she decided to go take the bus. Her dad was a very busy man being a Chief judge of the Supreme Court but he had never for once forgotten to send Ben, his chauffeur to come pick her from school.

Lisa was still walking to the bus station when a black Mercedes screeched to a halt right in front of her. She stood still, probably frozen out of fear when the occupant in the backseat of the car opened the door and shoved her in. The whole thing happened so fast that no one around noticed the kidnapping that had just took place.

“Where are you taking me?” Lisa asked as she struggled to break free from the man holding her.

“Be still. Do as we say and we promise you will be fine.” the driver said to her without taking his eyes off the road.

Fifteen minutes later and they were pulling over in a warehouse that looked abandoned. “Stay here with her, I will go let the boss know we're here.” the driver said to the other man who had a dirty look on his face before walking out.

Lisa recognized that look, she had seen it in the movies. It was one given to a prey that was about to be devoured by its predator.

The man brought out a pen knife the moment the driver was out of sight and slowly advanced towards Lisa.

“Oh no.. It's happening.” Lisa said to herself as the man bent over towards her but she immediately struck him in his groins.

“Ahhhh you stupid kid.” he yelled out in pain as he laid on the floor his hands on his manhood.

The driver quickly ran over to the man on the floor and asked what happened.

“That crazy girl kicked me on my... ” he couldn't finish the sentence, the pain was excruciating.

Lisa saw this distraction as an opportunity to e cape and so she stood up and ran. Running with your hands tied to your back wasn't an easy task but she cared less. Escaping was the only thing on her mind.

“Hey! Get back here.” the driver yelled just as she got closed to the door and ran into someone.


“Lisa. I though I asked you guys to untie her the moment you got here” Lisa's mom said to the two security operatives.

“I was about doing that ma'am before she attacked me.”

“He was going to rape me!” Lisa said and turned back to her mom. “What's happening? Why did you send this thugs to kidnap me?”

“They're not thugs honey. They're your dad's security operatives. He sent them to bring you here because he had been receiving threats concerning the ex governor's trial. He wanted to make sure we were safe”

“So why didn't they say anything rather than to kidnap me. I would have followed them willing if I had known they were sent by dad.”

“Time was of the essence darling. They had to get you here as quickly as they could. There was no time for explanation.” Lisa's mom said and motioned to the two guards to leave them.

Lisa could hear one of them mutter some words as he leaped away. How was she suppose to know he only wanted to cut loose the rope that was used to bound her hands together. She felt bad for what she did but she was also impressed. Hours of seeing action movies were paying off after all