A prayer of Hope

in Steemit City4 years ago

Year 2020 was a very challenging year for all of us. Many tragic happenings happend beyond our control. Typhoons, floods, earthquakes, errupting volcanoes, tragic deaths and this pandemic until now we are still facing.

Covid-19 crisis affects the entire world. Many have died and suffered among our loved ones. But still people are still hopeful and fighting to surpass all of this crisis.


Our faith in Him may be tested in this times of crisis especially when our loved ones are also a victim of this deadly virus.


Our main battle and weapon are our strong faith and prayer to Him. That one day this virus will be lost and gone forever that our new normal way of living will be back soon.


Let's all be united in prayer especially to our healthcare workers who worked so hard despite of the risk and danger that they might also be a victim about the deadly virus.



We could also help in our own little way. Wearing of mask, face shield, and social distancing, very simple guidelines that anyone of us would participate to stop this virus from spreading. Staying at home as much as possible and keep away from crowded areas, washing your hands and sanitize.
Together, lets help each other and praying this crisis will end very soon.

Keep safe always steemians.