Another Landscape Photography in My Area
Hello friend in the steemit city
Still in the hinterland of Bireuen, precisely in the village of Tanjoeng Beuridi, Peusangan Selatan sub-district. This time a small river named "Krueng Meuh" became one of the landscaphotography objects that I captured by using a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 camera. Natural scenery is an attraction to capture it, small hills surrounding the river that become a source of water for the sustainability of local community plantations are beautiful landscaphotography, here are some photography that I captured in one of the hinterland of Bireuen Regency, Aceh-Indonesia, hopefully My steemian friends would likes it.
All pictures were my own documment
Thank you for your attention. Keep Steem On!

Warna airnya seperti kopi susu atau sanger @uncleboy. Kalau jernih, akan lebih indah.
Mungkin hal itulah yang sebabkan namanya jadi Krueng Meuh bang 😅