Fairy Tale feat. Cubic Honey -- Part 19

in Magic & Nonesuch4 years ago

Cubic Honey followed the wandering path in the direction of the un-moving sun, which illumined the land without glare or blaring heat. A mild breeze stirred the fieldgrass along the gently rolling hills to either side of him.

After about a mile of marching along, Cubic started skipping. The playful nature of this activity pleased his spirit.


He came to a raw wooden bench built into a recess at the side of the path. Instead of just taking a seat, Cubic jumped and landed with both feet on the flat of the bench, and after staying poised a few seconds, he spun 180° through the air and landed facing the other way. Then, he sat.

His thoughts drifted in daydreamt reverie. Memories flitted through his mind. Some of them -- like the Wolf attack or his meeting with the Witch Doctor -- appeared in stark relief, sent tremors up from the darkness of his inner being out into his limbs and trunk. Others, like his morning visits to the lake to watch the sunrise, came to him with a feeling of placid restfulness.

What were these things -- these memories? And why did they seem to have a life of their own? Was part of him still back there, in his tent, forever suffering the scarring of the leeches? Or were these images just a part of his person, ever accruing with each passing moment? Were they even accurate to what actually happened, or were they the inventions of his mind?

Lost as he was in thought, he had not noticed the approach of a grey squirrel until it was at his side, handing him a folded paper note. Cubic thanked the squirrel. The squirrel scurried off.

"Dear CubicHoney0146,

"Congratulations on the recent completion of your first game, the Wilderness Survival Game.

"I am pleased to inform you that you have now earned a total of 180 MYTH. Keep up the good work. 1000 MYTH is the minimum requirement for entry into the Hall of Legends. I look forward to seeing you there.

"Enjoy your accomplishments, Cubic. I am eminently proud of you.

"Yours Truly,

It was only when he was looking for a place to put the note that Cubic realized he was still in possession of his Magical Backpack. The discovery was a huge relief, especially the 3 wild yams he found inside. Also inside was the mish-mash of dried-up Evil Flowers, his tools, and some fire-wood.

With no one in sight, he collected some fieldgrass for kindling and built a small fire of three logs right in the middle of the trail.

After he had cooked and savored the yams, and with his Hunger Meter for the time being replenished, Cubic Honey carefully un-sacked the sickly wad of Evil Flowers and cast them into the glowing embers of the fire. They hissed as they turned to ash then lost their form altogether.

He watched the roiling embers turn eventual to coal under the bright sun of the everlasting daytime of this realm. The sight of the fire was soothing to him. More memories came and went.

In no hurry, he left with the last wisp of smoke and was gone.

+10 MYTH

If you would like to read the Fairy Tale feat. Cubic Honey from the beginning, follow this link:


Look in the comments for the links to each subsequent installment.



For the next installment (Part 20), follow this link:


Thanks for reading!