🗺 🌍💰EUROPEAN BLOCKCHAIN CONVENTION 2021!!! DAY 5_HIGHLIGHTS🌟⚡️ 🌎💎💶steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Europe3 years ago (edited)


💎💶Welcome to the 5th day of the EUROPEAN BLOCKCHAIN CONVENTION 2021!!🌍💰

Topic 1: How to control our ever expanding Digital Footprint?

Every day people need to sign up to new services, banking, shopping, different cultural and economical activities. The consequence is not only the fact that we have to live with several passwords but the most relevant topic is that every time we do this we expose our identity and data to serious security threads. Thinking of the blockchain technology and the scalability and expansion of its use, it is extremely necessary to put an eye on how the blockchain technology and applications will find a solution to the IDENTITY. As discussed in the day 4 of the convention, the weak point of the current Web 2.0 is that it was built without an identity layer.

It is clear the current system or Web 2.0 needs and upgrade, needs to solve the problem of the digital foot print and give to people the real digital foot print they want to have. The ID and ID Sovereignty are crucial topics to be solved in Web 3.0. There are many questions released from this interesting subject:

Is the current footprint representing what we really are?

Who will be having the sovereignty of the Digital ID?

What will it happen with the data we create?

How the legal and custodian issues will be solved?



Below a summary of the conclusions and discussions in the panel of experts:
  • The World will go more sustainable and we need to take the risk

  • It is expected that in future everybody will have a wallet and this will represent the identity

  • Need to further manage the protocol, with tokens, and the technology

  • Education to the general public is crucial to implement blockchain in an inclusion way

  • Education and information to general public will make people aware of the importance of the Digital ID

  • The challenges to embrace scepticism is to believe this is a Revolutionary Technology but the implementation must an EVOLUTION

  • COVID Credentials will demonstrate that it is necessary to evolve

  • Use and share data across boarders for a more sustainable world

Topic 2: Blockchain for Government Digital Disruption: the example of Catalonia

Catalonia is heading the blockchain revolution is Spain with several applications in tourism, governmental administration, traceability of products, energy trading, etc.

The Blockchain strategy of Catalonia:


The Catalonia Blockchain Ecosystem is already large:


An example of blockchain project in Catalonia is the Shared photovoltaic self-consumption which is a decentralized way to allow energy trading between producers and end consumers:


Another decentralised blockchain project is the COVID-19 digital Health Pass the AOK Pass which will contain the health clearance if you had already Covid or if you were vaccinated. This will allow more people safe circulation and reopen the economy (restaurants, cinemas, concerts, etc).


Another ongoing project is Blockchain-based Loyalty Program. This program will allow tourists and people participating in the different activities to win tokens for their wallets:


In Barcelona the blockchain projects are basically financed by the public administration and sometimes is a mix between EU Funds, Barcelona Administration and private.

Related links: Centre Blockchain de Catalunya

Topic 3: Where Do We Stand on Self-Sovereign Identity?

As discussed before the Digital ID and Sovereign Credentials are relevant to implement the blockchain technology. The change in paradigm:


Self-sovereign identity shifts identity and credential management from the client-server model of centralized identity systems, which creates silos, to a peer-to-peer model. A new concept arises: the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)

A new paradigm shall be based for the IDENTITY. It is necessary the collaboration of all stakeholders: government, people, institutions, etc. There must be regulations to protect people by allowing them interoperability.

Below some pictures of projects related to ID:

ALASTRIA: the transaction is registered but there is no traceability of the user activity


DALION: at the Proof-of-Concept Phase:


Companies having this DNI will benefit in the future

There is a blockchain project for farmers in France which allow them: CAP declarations, food contracts, etc. The project was done in collaboration between the public and the private sector and enables the recognition of the identity.


In an SSI Ecosystem the wallet will be able to be used in different Ledgers: travelling. health-pass, medical treatment, finance, etc


The Evolution shall put the individual in the center of the scene. SSI shall simplify the process and life to make a more sustainable world. We need a standardized mechanism to enable full interoperability, market

Is the SSI going to be free of advertising-noise?

The technology giants will still have a market, however, it is expected that the user will have more authority to be able to decide more on where he wants his data is used

Google, Microsoft, etc will play a role in providing infrastructure. It is important that wallets in mobile phones have a secure back-up recovery process.

The use of blockchain still need scale and commercialization. New business models with collaboration and ways to monetize and scale it globally.

Are we going to come together Public and Private Blockchains?

It is crucial that collaboration is coordinated to share credentials that can be used in a proactive way to bring value to all stakeholders. It is certainly needed coordination between software solutions, banks, users, regulation, interoperability to be able to reach an adequate scale.

Topic 4: Blockchain Moves to the Public Sector

The blockchain technology can be applied to the public sector allowing process optimization, cybersecurity and integrate hyperconnected services while bolstering trust and accountability.

The key points for the public sector blockchain:

  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Improve Identity in the IoT (Internet of Things)_there are a lot of registers already in place
  • Multilayer technology where government/legislation etc are fitting in this world and it is able to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT. The convergence of these aspects is important.
  • Blockchain in Education to provide credentials on Diplomas_would it be possible in the future to have your Diploma's credentials in your wallet?
  • The individual must be in the center of importance ** an EU eID is needed!!** to avoid the fragmentation of the market

Links: Indonesia - Blockchain in voting process

Topic 5: Public & Private Sector Collaboration in the Blockchain Space

More governments are now thinking of implementing blockchain in their administrations. With blockchain public administrations have a big chance to become less-paper work and bureaucratic by optimizing the operations.

It is necessary to increase trust in blockchain technology by bringing legal certainty.


Can blockchain technology increase the unemployment in the public administration?

Blockchain will definitely impact the dynamics of the public administration work but it shall help to improve the operation. The employees will have more chance to concentrate on the relevant aspects of the job like content and leave up to the blockchain the more routine and systematic tasks. It is expected that the public administration personnel will need training and education.

Link: GDPR-European General Data Protection Regulation

Topic 6: Building A New Internet: The Bold Plan To Decentralize The Web

The session gathered the representatives of top blockchain developing companies: Polkadot, Cosmos, MINA Protocol, etc. The transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.


  • In Web 3.0 we will be able to communicate one to each other without the control of intermediaries
  • The weak point of Web 2.0 is that it was built without an ID-Layer. Web 3.0 need to bring them together in one single layer of consensus
  • Web 3.0 shall strive for security auditing
  • The future chains will be all connected together
  • The current Web 2.0 is based on an Add-tech ecosystem profiles. That is kind of a broken system and it is becoming not wanted by people anymore. We need a more respectful web.
  • Web 3.0 shall empower individuals and communities
  • Although the threaten of giants always exits, the current "Facebook model" of selling automatically data from people is not longer wanted. We need an option to that world!!
  • In future every company will need to be in Web 3.0 to survive the coming world
  • There will be Interconnection Protocols to interconnect all blockchains
  • Developers and users need to get as much as power across all communities and ecosystem
  • Transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 is already starting with the cryptos. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are also part of it
  • We need to unsilo the data and put it in a decentralized ecosystem
  • The responsibility of the revolution is on people's hands!!
  • What people want will shape how the world would look like!!

Links: NFT-Superrare

Topic 7: Should we sell our data? A panel on the ethics of individual data monetisation

How are we going to manage our data? Is it right to sell our data? Data from the things like a coffee machine, how is going to be used


Below a summary of the discussion:

  • we move to a pair to pair decentralized network
  • do we need now the DataUnions to protect us from misusing our data?
  • the big platforms are seeing as a threat as they want to share data but it is not safe-OCEAN Protocol tries to tackle this problem
  • it is necessary to educate and make the people aware to see the value of data and not having the impression to producers that they don't care about the data
  • the privacy policies shall be more simple and clear for the users
  • Reduce the cognitive load. As a user, am I ready to share my data for?
    -The blockchain ecosystem shall incentivise people to share their data
  • Are we going to use the data coming from things (eg: a coffee machine)? Is the data coming from your car yours or it belongs to the car manufacturer?**
  • Need for international laws and standards
  • Create different levels of licensing for data

Links: Databroker’s use-case guide that brings you strategic insights and use cases about the growing value of human behavioural data

@mundo.coach, @meins0815, @inspiracion, @stefano.massari,@mikitaly, @upvotebank, @voinvote, @levoyant, @graceleon, @cryptokannon, @riosparada, @steemcurator06



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