AngryMan Awakens... (A Most Excellent Tale of Woe)

in Curie5 years ago

The darkness enshrouded old @AngryMan 's physical presence as his slowly parting lids gave evidence to an awakening state...


He lay quite still with tempered breath and thought..."Am I truly awake, or is this merely a lucid dream, which seeks to confuse my senses"...???

"Or", he silently wondered..."Am I deceased"???

Hesitantly, Angryman attempted to shift a lower limb for fear it may remain rooted to the linen covered mattress below, gripped by the hand of death!

The leg moved...then another...arms followed, shifting with ease and mild content. Angryman cared little if death had visited during the night, yet pleased that if still alive common motor skills remained.

Rising to the sound and smell of gunfire, not far from his humble abode, Angryman shuffled cautiously toward the wood encased, clouded panes of the backdoor with gun in hand.

Crouched and ready...for adequate defense, against what threat might have loudly and carelessly signaled approach. He peered out from safety into the early, dark haze of morn.

Again came the sound of gunshots, rapidly repeating, not unlike those of a semi-auto shattering the dew laced air of an early, new day . His ears could easily separate a distinction between the fired rounds as two different calibers...

Angryman's instinctual sense, gravitated towards summation that he was under no direct threat of attack from whatever malevolent beings lurked beyond his sight. It was seemingly a personal vendetta being played out amongst others; most likely Lithuanians and Moldavians who have been at odds with one another in Ohio for many centuries.

According to Scholars the grievances between these two dedicated Nationalists began
over laying claim and having lawfully recognized rights of ownership over a small patch of craggy, cliff atop Mt. Vesuvius in Sicily...

The embattled terra firma had long vanished beneath the plume of scolding ash, settling
over the landscape many years ago when Vesuvius erupted, but tensions failed to ebb, regardless of time and circumstance; unfortunately.

With that lingering thought in mind, Angryman suddenly recalled that this day was Wednesday and his commitment to training Senior Citizens in the fine art of Ninjutsu at the Saint Sidney, Old Folk Home in Downtown Miami.

He quickly retrieved his previously packed traveling bag from the jaws of his pet Hippo and successfully fought his way out the door; in route to the airport.

To Be Continued - Possibly...

Another Fine Tale from @AngryMan Feb. 26, 2020

Image: Compliments of

Lucid dream? I'd say more of a cloudy nightmare. And referring to yourself in the third person... are you sure you're yourself at all?

No, @DeirdyWeirdy...I am the 'third person'...and the fourth, fifth sixth, etc :>)

are you sure you're yourself at all?

Ah....ummmmmmnnnnnn…Not really…!?!?!?