How to survive in a world which is full of hypocrisy and selfishness?

in LAKSHMI4 years ago

Hi friends!


This world is full of hypocrite and selfish people. Those people always try to exploit your kindness, genuineness, austerity and innocence. They are always in search of someone whom they could exploit for having some benefit. In this world there are even so many people are in abundance who can harm you just for fun. I have met many such people and also got cheated from them. I don't know what was my fault but, I realize that being too good is bad. These double faced people used to say good things in front of me and tried every means to destroy me in reality. It hurts a lot when you trust someone and that person stab in your back.

We all use double standard in our life. We also treat people unequally and fairness is seldom seen in most of our behavior. We don't like our children to tell lies but, our children see us lying every time. This is hypocrisy and double standard of us. I think the key of making a good world is to change ourselves. We should be the change that we want to see in others. This is the only way that we can make this world a happy place for everyone. Beside this we also should be alert, more attentive and also should realize our weaknesses. We like a person if he or she flatters us. We never realize that we are not perfect and we also may have shortcomings. So, when someone praises us too much we should become alarmed and try to see the real motive of that person. Too much flattering is the sign of having a vested interest.

So, honesty is the best policy and also being alert is the way to keep off hypocrite and selfish people.

Love from @erica005