Common daisy

You'll find it everywhere, not a garden, not a piece of lawn where it doesn't try to gain a foothold. We are talking about daisies, also known as daisies, daisies and many more. It is one of the best-known plants in Central Europe and belongs to the daisy family.


Each rosette constantly produces new flowers from March to November, which sit upright on stalks and can reach a height of 5 to 15 cm. The flower depends on the sun and closes in bad weather and in the evening. The flowers are visited by hoverflies, bumblebees and bees and dispersal is both seed and vegetative.
The daisy was chosen medicinal plant of the year in 2017.


Recent studies have shown that Bellis perennis has an antimicrobial and cholesterol-lowering effect. It can be helpful as an ointment for age spots.
Young leaves from the inside of the rosette can be used in salads. The flowers, on the other hand, taste slightly bitter, but are also edible.


Very beautiful, thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful landscape

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