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RE: Merci

in Freewriters5 months ago

I wouldn't feel like saying anything to her if I were in your case and it would be so awkward.

I wouldn't know what to do. I guess the only thing I might do is just to smile and make facial expressions.

But maybe she's a lonely person. Maybe she doesn't have a gist partner. Maybe people don't want to listen to her chitchat. Or it could be that she's just a talkative.


I believe she isn't only a lonely person but also a lovely one. It takes energy to feel sick, be in pain, get out bed and be kind to customers.
I believe she needed someone to listen and to hear she did something great and the daughter shouldn't take her hard work for granted. In a way I believe she does and also that she feels ashamed for her mother.

Awkward it is but if someone openly approaches me I listen although it takes energy.

Let's hope it helped her and gave her a good feeling.


I also hope it helped her.

Listening takes a lot of energy but I think it's worth it.

I might feel awkward because I don't know what to do with my hands and what to say after they're done anyway.

Well, I held a shopping bag so my hands were full and while I moved into the direction of the door a new customer showed up and said she felt sick as well. The two could talk together. Indeed it takes a lot of energy so I will stay home for the next weeks or months. 😐