Learn to think and write every day

in Freewriters3 months ago

Learning to think and write daily is a highly beneficial habit that can help you better understand yourself, enhance your expression abilities, and improve critical thinking. Here are some steps and suggestions to help you develop this habit:

Daily Thinking

  1. Set a Thinking Topic:

    • Self-Reflection: Review your daily experiences, consider what you did, what you learned, and what can be improved.
    • Specific Topics: Choose a topic you are interested in, such as technology, philosophy, or art, and think deeply about it.
  2. Set Thinking Time:

    • Fixed Time Slot: Reserve a specific time each day for deep thinking, either in the morning or evening.
    • Record Ideas Anytime: Carry a notebook or use a mobile app to jot down sudden thoughts and ideas.
  3. Ask Yourself Questions:

    • Question Techniques: Ask open-ended questions like “Why...?”, “How...?”, “What if...?”.
    • Deep Analysis: Go beyond surface-level thinking and try to analyze the problem from multiple angles.

Daily Writing

  1. Set Writing Goals:

    • Word Count Goal: Set a daily writing word count goal, such as 200 words, 500 words, or more.
    • Time Goal: Set a writing time, such as writing for 15 minutes or 30 minutes each day.
  2. Choose Writing Topics:

    • Diary: Record daily experiences, feelings, and thoughts.
    • Essays and Reflections: Write freely about your views on a particular topic.
    • Reading Notes: Record and reflect on the content of the books you read.
  3. Maintain the Writing Habit:

    • Fixed Writing Time: Choose a fixed time slot each day for writing to form a habit.
    • Create a Writing Environment: Find a quiet and comfortable place for writing to minimize distractions.
  4. Edit and Reflect:

    • Regular Review: Review your writing regularly to identify progress and areas for improvement.
    • Accept Feedback: Share your writing with friends or writing groups to receive feedback and suggestions.

Tools and Resources

  1. Notebook and Diary: Carry a small notebook to record thoughts and inspirations anytime.
  2. Writing Apps: Use writing apps like Evernote, Notion, or Scrivener for easy recording and organization of your writing.
  3. Reading and Learning: Read books about thinking and writing, such as "Deep Work," "On Writing," and "Thinking, Fast and Slow."

Motivation and Persistence

  1. Set Short-term and Long-term Goals: For example, complete a month of diary writing or finish a collection of essays in a year.
  2. Record Progress and Achievements: Track your progress and achievements to motivate yourself to keep going.
  3. Find Support and Encouragement: Join writing communities to find like-minded people for exchange and progress.

By thinking and writing daily, you will gradually find that your thoughts become clearer, your expression skills improve, and you can better understand yourself and the world.

 3 months ago (edited)

Hi free writer!
I like to ask you to join my comment contest.
All you have to do is to post a photo/pictute/drawing and add a comment of at least 25 words.

The new curators started their job and I hope they will upvote your work more than once this month.

Please l, join and show how talented you are.


 3 months ago 

Thank you for your invitation

Very true! That's why we run pic1000 as well.