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RE: How to free write?

in Freewriters8 months ago

Hi, I really liked your text on how to write without having any idea of what to write. I think you have given some very useful and practical advice for those who want to express themselves freely and improve their writing. I find very interesting the journal game and the freewriting method, which allow you to empty your mind and find your voice. I also found it funny about ignoring Grammarly and writing with one finger from bed. You are an example of perseverance and creativity.
I think you have written something very valuable and you don't need any more words to prove it. What is important is quality and not quantity, and you have been able to convey your message with clarity and humor. I congratulate you for your work and I encourage you to keep writing, sharing and doing what you love. 🍀❤️

 8 months ago 

Thank you dear for stopping by and commenting. With you I agree it's about the message not the 550+ words. I read so many texts where people keep repeating themselves just to reach the minimum of words (can be 200 or 300 as well but they advice to write a minimum of 550 to make it a quality post. It doesn't make sense to me.

I write in bed, you can try it somewhere else. If you ask me the bathroom is good for a 5-10 mimutes write too.

Most time I waste with editing/justyfing and looking for a picture that fits to the story/title (I am not great if it comes to that, Canva eats my time 🥴).

See the latest post of the freewriters community (prompts) and feel free to tag me.

Perhaps this post helps you too? I basically write everything in a freewrite style it sames me a lot of time.
Searching for links, 'truth', fact checking and so on I do too but after writing. It's time consuming as well.
