Daily- Weekend- & Story Prompts for Free Writers

in Freewriters3 months ago

Teal Gold Dust Motivational Quote Facebook Cover.jpg

If you like to freewrite

or want to give it a try, like to improve your skills here are some prompts for you. Set a timer (this one or one of your choice) and write. You don't need a storyline, or any knowledge just write and stop if your time is up.

Note: Do not care about grammar, don't edit while you type, focus on writing, think out of the box!
You can edit your text and justify it once you are done writing.

Let's trigger creativity

The aim is to help you keep writing under all circumstances, improve your writing skills, fight writer's block and learn to think out of the box.

We do not judge. You do not need to join a club, everyone is welcome.
But we do hope you will upvote each other and show your support by clicking the upvote button. If you support others they'll support you too!

Please, use the right hashtags: (what fits to your content only!)

Advanced settings / Author rewards:

If you give 25% of your reward to @ null you can use # burnsteem25 (without this tag they find you too).

Is your freewrite exclusively for Steemit (posted on this platform first)? Use # steemexclusive

We ask you to promote yourself on social media. Be proud of what you wrote

Happy writing!


Black mirror

Hyena arena

Not as free as you thought


Out of stock

Best holiday ever

Breakfast with...

Knock yourself out and find out how much you can write in 5-10 minutes. Feel free to use other prompts.


Write a 350 word story in the crime genre. It's about a jealous brother and should include a table. Also use the sentence 'Run!'
Bonus prompt: Winter is long and extremely cold.

Or See 'The Story Shack' for more prompts.

#freewrite #club100 #steemexclusive #creativewriting


We had three great stories and hope to reward the writers with the pay-out of this post

#1 @elian23khan wrote the story Unraveling the Mystery of Enigma Books - 15%

#2 @ibesso continues the story Unraveling the Mystery if Enigma Books - The Codes of Secrets - 15%

#3 @wakeupkitty A Better Life & 15% to @hive-169911 instead.

We hope you keep sharing your freewrites with us.

A great, creative week to all.

Much appreciation
We will keep sharing

Thank you, may creativity always be our travel companion, greetings to everyone 👋

👍 fingers crossed and congrats! Let's upvote.

I have a few more questions.

Can I post my own stories on this community, or does it only have to be based on prompts?

Can I post fanfiction?

Can I post work that I've already posted on other Steemit communities?

Thank you.

You can post whatever you like, there's no need to use our prompts.

You can not repost since that might be seen as spam unless you delete the iriginal post and post it here.
It may be clear that what you write is original since we stimulate writing, not using AI to generate text.

You can also post in your own blog and use the hashtags #story and #freewrite.

Ok. Thank you for being so helpful. 😊

You are welcome

I've been trying to connect some of the prompts, so far with mixed results but here you go:


I hope someone might enjoy it. I'll be adding more over the next couple of days. Maybe it might even end up making sense fingerscrossed

Should've put these in a single post, but now the damage is done. Part 3, Marketing:


I feel bad about spamming the community page btw.

No need to feel bad we are totally fine with it. 👍