Bad Panda in the Deep Bamboo Forest.

in Freewriters4 months ago (edited)

| Old Panda sits in a lazy creek that has washed out tree roots. | Concerned Panda comforts Old Panda in the creek bed. | Wise Panda comforts Concerned Panda. | Young Bad Panda makes excuses for his dad.| Bad Panda, because a Panda gotta be a Panda.

Old Panda

| Old Panda sits in a lazy creek that has washed out tree roots.|

| Listen children... The pack of young pandas forage for food and shelter from the impending storm brewing over the Deep Bamboo Forest. Some dependent on their elders just to crack a bamboo chute. Many older have taken to battling with the bamboo, and often hurt one another badly.

We Come here to get away from the people. The weather may be harsh, the terrain often difficult, and treacherous; but we are away from the hunters. We enjoy our own and evolve our own entertainment, which mostly consists of fighting, bullying, and harassment; though you wouldn't think we were saying anything.

Pandas are like statues. You never think we are thinking, talking, or even hating. I for one grew old of the spiteful and disambiguation that the silent panda lifestyle has brought to our kind. We can't take the infighting. We also can't take the hunters.

Knowing that we eat living creatures (once their dead) might shock you. But then I have seen the hunters and know why they hunt. Safely, I and the other panda elders have made it deep enough into the bamboo forest that we can survive. Away from the hunters.

Collectively, we can get along. But we all enjoy are privacy and solitude. Enchanting as this sounds, there are drawbacks to the packs lifestyle. Although the young pandas are at play, I worry as to the wanderlust of some of the older pandas. Will the younger pandas take that fateful trip with them. I hope not. |

Concerned Panda

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| Concerned Panda comforts Old Panda in the creek bed. |

| Old Panda, you don't have to worry. I will always bring you some bamboo chutes. I don't know why any panda would leave the bamboo forest, let alone the deep bamboo forest. Look at all of this bamboo. This is my home, Old Panda. And no hunter is going to lure me out of it.

This is heaven for a panda. Bamboo provides all we need, shelter, food, and toys. I mean weapons. We should stop using them on one another. It is eating at my conscience every time we play, one of us gets mad, hurt, or worse. I can't let this happen anymore.

That's why I am not out in the bamboo. Bad Panda is smashing everyone's shelter because he says the creek is gonna rise. I just wanted to tell you about it, I mean ask you if the storm could. Bad Panda spoke of a... uh... a flood, I think he called it. He said it wiped out half of the panda pack many years ago.

If it wasn't for the water we wouldn't survive, could a flood of too much water actually hurt us. I swim, I fish, I even clean the mud off of me in the water. Bad Panda says a flood pushes all of the water for miles into a place downstream at once. I can swim against some waters. I don't know about that kind. |

Wise Panda

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|Wise Panda comforts Concerned Panda.|

| Concerned Panda you should trust only part of what Bad Panda is telling you. I heard he was smashing shelters also, he's been warned about this. I want to know what got into him. The Deep Bamboo Forest has washed out all of the hang ups for the water. It won't just stand here, It will go to a spot downstream.

Bad Panda isn't thinking straight. Did he and Young Bad Panda have lose a wrestling match. They are always challenging people. Don't let them try me and Prodigy Panda, I've been training him for just such an occasion. There are a few things that being a bad apple can't hold a candle to, if pandas had candles.

I was here in the forest when the flood happened. It washed out all of the tree roots so that now to get shelter we just stack bamboo up against the tree roots and sleep under them. We only move off into the bamboo whenever there is a storm so that we don't drown in our sleep.

Bamboo makes good shelter wherever. Bad Panda is just cranky and needs a nap. I will give him what he needs, just let him charge me. I'll give him whooping his grand pandas will feel. There is some type of ironic joke to that, but I don't know what that could be. You get me don't you Old Panda.

I will bring you more chutes when I get done explaining to Bad Panda about what he is not going to do here. Maybe, I'll help rebuild shelters in the bamboo. Old Panda you have inspired me to be a helpful panda. I hope one day, I get to be as old and fat as you. Maybe if I could collect enough Bamboo, or... Naw... C... Could it... I could move the bamboo forest by putting the chutes in the ground somewhere else. I wish Smart Panda were here...

Young Bad Panda

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|Young Bad Panda makes excuses for his dad.|

| Yep, dad has been through here. The bamboo is all over the place. He thinks that big pool of water up stream is going to flow down the creek and wash out the Deep Bamboo Forest. I see his point, I also see the others point in that the Deep Bamboo Forest has seen lots of rain, it's what makes the bamboo grow.

Dad doesn't like that bamboo is so useful. He wants pandas to use everything in the forest. He also wants me to fight every panda. I'm okay with it, I guess. It just hurts a lot, but I'm a Bad Panda. Dad says we can take the pain. Dad also finds ways to give himself pain. I guess that means we can take the pain.

Being a Bad Panda isn't always bad. Dad says Bad Pandas are the coolest because we don't have to adapt to changes we make. Dad also can't seem to keep a job. Bad Pandas are pretty cool since we always got the upperhand in the bullying. Everybody fears Bad Pandas.

I just wish Dad wouldn't be so aggressive. Maybe he could slow down and see the Bamboo forest does provide all we need. I eat fish like Dad, I like it. I guess you could say I'm a chip off of the old block. Dad isn't so bad, he's just a Bad Panda. |

Bad Panda

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|Bad Panda, because a Panda gotta be a Panda.|

| I see why they call me Bad Panda. I am really giving it to 'em. All they wanted was shelter away from the water. They weren't gonna get it here. That pool of water is full and I've been there recently. It's gonna flow through here like the Niagra Falls. I think that's what they call it.

They should really call it something else, like "Alottawata Falls." That is not common sense to humans. Pandas no better, and I know more than most Pandas. Old Panda and Wise Panda think they know everything. I'm an old, wise panda and I know a lot. I'm gonna show them one day.

The day they get me, I hope they choke on it. I hope they choke on it if they don't get me also. I'm the Bad Panda and I've got young panda cubs just as bad as me that will take down any panda that I want. Well, maybe not all of them. That Young Bad Panda spends a lot of time around Concerned Panda. It's making him soft.

The other day I caught him playing with a live fish. Not slapping it around, or slapping it on the ground. Nope, he was tickling the fish by the gills. I tried to tell myself that this was some passive aggressive way to strangle a fish. I know that I was lying to myself. He's not going to be a Bad Panda.

I love my cub. He can't really do no wrong to me. Who am I fooling, that cub is like his momma and he can't handle the real world. He won't make the tough decision to smash everyone's shelter because the water is coming down this creek and not the other 50 in the Deep Bamboo Forest. I am certain of that. |


A lovely story. I enjoyed reading you.

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