in Freewriters4 years ago


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Unity does not dictate the type of people, the kind of race or culture to be united, all it cares about is the coming together of people from different race, different background, different culture coming together to do things in common without hatred or bias mind.

Of recent Racism has become a very vital and crucial issue we need to tackle. We are are still trying to come out from the pain corona virus pandemic has kept us all then the issue of Racism sprung up.

Whether you are black or white, it is not a determinant or pointer that our heart, behaviour, senses should be directed towards the skin colour.

We are all humans and surviving by the same air, we dont need to segregate ourselves because my skin is different from yours.

A quickly recap of what is Racism, Racism is treating a particular fellow in a particular way due to his skin colour or race. Its a feeling of superiority of a race over another and the act of trying to subdue a particular race under another due to their own perception.

In recent times, it has cause many upstir in some sectors and places but up till date a lasting solution has not being found.

Killing has been noted as the key factor pointing towards racism, white killing blacks, blacks killing white, Asians killing Africans as so on but its has its foundation in lower forms like recruitment process, Educational sector, even in broadcasting medium. Jobs are given to people with a particular colour or race, In some schools, there is separation of races in classes and not allowed to mingle together.

Even in sport, especially soccer, its has been a long time battle between the footballing authorities and some players/Fans.

It is so sad that we are controlled by sight of race rather than our brains and sense that we are all humans and the skin is just colour and nothing more.

I beseech us all to live in peace and harmony and neglect every form of racism in any form, as it would not lead us anywhere.

Lets peace and love rain.