Fredrick Acosta, Mr Delegation, Do you Practise What You Preach?

in Freewriters3 months ago (edited)

practise what you preach
to do the things that you advise other people to do:
He's such a hypocrite! He never practices what he preaches

The P Plagiarist.jpg

Are you enjoying all those rules on Steemit?

Well, our friend Fredrick Acosta seems to be unlike owner Justin Sun he's the one in charge. Rules can be good for the environment where many of us spend over 10 hours per day. We all agree we don't want Steemit to change into chaos, a messy place to be. Yes, it is hard to please all Steemians but Fredrick assured me: Everyone is welcome, this place is a democracy and your voice counts as much as mine.
This knowledge should be good enough to join. If you believe it hard enough it will become a reality.

As Fredrick (you can find him at the @freewritehouse) spoke to me I couldn't help wondering about the effect of his rules. They are set but who are those telling me, I wrote a shitty post? Are they great writers, readers, publishers, or artists, how many books, and stories do they read daily, are they teachers, play writers, photographers, people with passion, are they educated, how committed are they...
Acosta kept his mouth shut, nothing as annoying as a man who pretends he doesn't hear you. Since I know better I continued...
What about aversion to the written word, how about being open-minded? If own norms and values, education, or personal burden weighs too heavy on one's shoulder isn't the vision blurred? What about tunnel vision? Tunnel or blurred isn't objective. Should one with such vision label what is good and inappropriate or badly written?
Fredrick, how many out of 100 can put aside their feelings and read focussed longer than 5 minutes, can understand the meaning and see it from a different perspective?

Can you pay some attention, please, and stop with your food?
He looked up at me in surprise. It was clear he had something else on his mind but at least he didn't shut down and traveled to another dimension to save his arse. I studied him for a while. I don't pity him since his lifestyle was his choice. He likes to be at the center of attention but hides at the same time and never takes responsibility. His luck is he always finds idiots doing his job and taking the fall, of course against a payment since nothing is for free not even for Frederick who prefers to hide behind the screen.

If it's 1 out of 100 it's much, more likely it's not even 1 out of 5000 since we all are who we are products of our education and culture, the result of a broken soul always tiptoeing or trying to compensate for what we start to believe we are missing. Can you practice what you preach or will those you delegate your job to do so? I don't see it Acosta!


Fredrick misses a lot. Not for real but he believes he does because he lacks awareness and he isn't capable of seeing how lucky he is. So old Frederick waited for a chance to rule over a world others abandoned because its future didn't look good. As we all know, where is will is an opportunity (no, god has nothing to do with it) and Fredrick was the first to step in. Not by being active but by delegating and telling others what to do. It worked wonderwell and we all should be grateful for what he did. Indeed, all those rules weren't all his ideas a part he stole from @steembetterlife and smart Steemians who didn't care much about getting rich and famous. He had to since he never was the smartest kid of the year but he read and noted everything said and took the credit (nothing wrong with that, it's not plagiarism or stealing it's very common among businessmen like Bill Gates. He did the same, he stole other's ideas - google maps is a great example of that).

Now we know who The One in Charge is the question is: Who are you, Administrator, Curator, Moderator, Host of contests?



Do you Practise what you Preach? Are you original, creative, and not a copycat?

I see a lot of bad content and with bad I mean really bad. I understand you all have a life and you can be in a hurry, most likely always in a hurry but I do have questions Frederick can not answer. According to him, the job isn't easy, a monkey can do it and indeed there's help from AI, that same AI you are not allowed to use if it comes to text and some moderators or communities even fight the pictures. I wonder why.
The average epistle I see on this platform lacks creativity, repeats itself and there are even writers using the same sentences in nearly every post. You might not notice this but I do.


  1. You are against AI but you use it yourself to figure out whatever you like to know. The fact you can be wrong doesn't count because
    A. You can't read or think by yourself
    B. You are not interested in the text/topic/to figure it out
    C. You haven't the slightest idea what is written
    D. You are not such a reader
    E. You don't like the author
    F. You get paid to leave your stamp behind
    G. Your goal is to be at the center of attention
    I. What you write will not be moderated/labeled as bad content
    H. AI is almighty and always right just like the internet.

  2. Are you the right person to tell others they have to upvote if you don't do so yourself?
    A. Yes
    B. No
    C. there's not C since it's clear the answer is A

  3. Are you the right person to tell others NOT to use AI even though you use it yourself?
    It is not unnoticed that there are Steemians at the top using AI to write and comment.
    A. Yes
    B. There's no B since it's already proved this is the case and interesting enough those admins/moderators and curators are like ex-smokers telling smokers how anti-social their behaviour is in a very aggressive way

  4. Why are you against automatic upvotes? Delegating SP to Communities for an upvote is not different from Upex or other tricks communities use to give bigger upvotes to those who delegate, donate, invest or...
    A. I don't benefit from it
    B. I want to be the only one
    C. I can't stand copycats
    D. A, B + C

  5. Do you Practise what you Preach?
    A. No
    B. Sometimes (depends on if it fits me)
    C._No way, the rules are only meant for the plebs (average Steemian), I am Mr. Perfect

    Frederique look I found the answers and I like to ask you Mr. Delegation what will you do if being tricked no longer works and the other part of the platform turns out to be the better half? Will you step in yourself? Will you make Steemit a great fun place to be so more people will like it (and not notice how much time they spend chatting instead on of other social media) or will you take the money and run since you are an investor now?
    Acosta, he's a kind guy, it's true he doesn't care much and it's also true doing the job alone is impossible, not if the goal is to create something better. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out well. More and more leave because there's hardly any fun no matter how hard some of us try to engage. Can it be we live in a time where no one is willing to invest in friendships because we are too spoiled with the luxury this technology age offers? What if the power is switched off and more and more Steemians will deal with blackouts? Will Steemit change in a platform for the rich only, those with good wifi, good devices, all the time in the world to write content long enough to be rewarded?
    Is content rewarded at all or do we only care about our friends, those who might benefit us, whose ideas can be used so we can stand in the spotlight and brag?

It's good to see how a bit of change arrived with the new curating teams, not much since the same is the same and rude remains rude but I noticed a change. A change is needed to keep the good, entertaining, creative writers on this platform without discriminating because we need them. I like to think I made a change since I see that what I did, suggested, and mentioned in my application is practiced by two curating Teams which both didn't mention what I liked to do. I am happy with it, Mr. Delegation, you did something good. A big change will not happen overnight but for surely have a positive effect. I hope that you, just like me agree that there are exceptions if it comes to certain rules but that those who tell others what to do have to show proof of their own perfectness. Right now this isn't what I see. So I like you to have a closer look at those you delegate your work to and ask yourself why they are appointed.
All the best to you Frederick, I keep my fingers crossed.

Free Non- Judgementing Creative Contest You Should Join to Relax

  1. Out of the Box - Pride - Entertainment
  2. Comfort - Better Life
  3. Daily Prompts -Free Writers
  4. Pic1000 - Free Writers
  5. Monkey Business - Share a Picture - Better Life

    free writing 15 steem.jpg

Header/Photogrid: Canva
Prompt: Fredrick Acosta - @freewritehouse
Date: 4-7-2024
I am a mobile phone user only

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

#story #freewrite #steemit #rules #steemexclusive #kittywu #column #club75


moderators or communities even fight the pictures. I wonder why.

I was also a victim of this… I was so shocked when a moderator told me that is against the rule using aI for image… that’s why I’d to reduce my use of aI images.

Will you make Steemit a great fun place to be so more people will like it

I think the board members still need to a lot of research to make it more fun like other social media because I don’t see why content creators would leave a platform that pays and still end up on Facebook and the rest of them..

 3 months ago 

Have a look at my posts and the upvotes plus if still visible who gave the votes. AI picturesvaren't forbidden it's nonsense. All those sitesvwhere you find great free pictures? The biggest part is made by AI. I see them at everywhere.
If AI is not allowed, neither is, all those tools used to track AI and plagiarism (easy to fool), Canva should be forbidden and so on.

Text I understand although it wouldn't be bad if a part of the Steemians would use a keyboard with autocorrection.

Your last remark is a good one.
Fact is most likely 80% rarely earns anything. Being here costs money: time, a device, piwer, internet.. if there's no fun just the stress of being "corrected" by someone who can hardly write, let alone understands what you write the choice is easily made.

No one joins Steemit to read 550+ words.

Nope. I don't enjoy all those rules so I stay away of it. I don't see any point in doing what I don't like during my free time. I work hard enough and have plenty of other things to do.

@sbamsoneu I like to see/hear something that interests me. I'm not a FB fan or such but use YOuTube a lot and other sides (joining mind liked)) and wikipedia thingies. I don't get paid, invest all my free time in it but it's fun. Here I don't find that. can be because I don't interact a lot. It's hard for me plus I like doing my thing.

So wakeupkitty back to you: I try it here but on my terms. If whoever it is doesn't like it, it's their problem, not mine. There are plenty of others to talk to. I I doubt they all sit there waiting for me.

About your question:
I'm not against AI but stupidity. If against I think all the answers fit depending on the mood

Two should be B but it's A more likely. I bump into moderators daily and can't say they are all sympathetic, more like teachers who can't stand pupils being smarter than they are.

3 same as 2

4 I remember how many became rich with bots here. Kind of interesting after that happened they set the rules and forbid it. Forbid? This platform is a free place. Isn't it cool how everything is saved including the traces of traitors? I stay away from the mess. It's the best for me, less stress.

Last question. I just say or keep my mouth shut. There's nothing to preach to deaf men's ears plus it's against my principles.

I guess I'm in trouble now saying this.
It's a good thing it's nearly bedtime, night shift again.

YOuTube a lot and other sides (joining mind liked)) and wikipedia thingies. I don't get paid, invest all my free time in it but it's fun

You’re very right with this statement… the world is so tough out there. The last thing anyone needs is to come on social media and find it less exciting. 😊

 3 months ago 

Your message is clear and received. 🤣

I haven't spent enough time with the writer to get enough knowledge about them, but this one made me laugh hard enough.

 3 months ago 

That you could laugh is good enough. It's not important who knows who. It's a story. Thanks for letting me know you liked it.


I enjoy reading the rules set up by Frederick and many ignore whatever it is while having a cup of coffee for the day. I keep reading those rules that are already set up. I found some of the rules are just the rules and no one cares anymore. They said: the rules were set up to be broken, and that is the nature of the rules. I am drinking coffee where there are no rules. Maybe Frederick will set the rules on how to drink coffee but I will just read the rules and keep drinking the coffee my way, and when they notice it, I will tell them that the rules were made by me when I drink coffee. I will also say that I have a more complete version of the rule if they want to hear me. I have my own way of drinking coffee or perhaps Mr. Fredirick will customize himself to my way of drinking coffee.

 3 months ago 

I am not so sure you drink your coffee your way and you set the rules since you don't make your own coffee. You could do so at home if you buy a coffee cooker like @ibesso has, the old fashioned way and don't tell me Italians can't make good coffee because they don't do it your way, mister coffee-office-coffee-drinker, it's not true. Their sweeties are great too, made by their rules and you should try them for a change, I'm sure you love to break your rules if it comes to sweeties and good taste. Back to your rules and coffee ruling you, it's the coffee office that rules your coffee. Do you drink the Luwak too or does it cost 50K more? If you over Luwak Mr Delegate or Fredrick might rule by with the rulers club to try out something new. I hope you have enough room in the office and you gave up on watching sports because there's no way one can think if noise rules the place. Coffee?

 3 months ago 

@wakeupkitty and @el-nailul, you made me want to prepare a good coffee. As they say in Naples, “A’ tazzulella ‘e cafè nun se nega a nisciuno.” A cup of coffee should never be denied to anyone. A piece of advice for Frederick: be careful not to end up having to collect your earnings from Pulcinella.

 3 months ago 

You can make him a liter or two it's the only fuel he consumes. He can bring you the coffee and steal it from the plantations the Dutch people left behind. Without them Aceh wouldn't drink coffee today and live in the coffee-office.

🤔 We can start one ourselves and let them taste something else the entire nation is super rich they all drink coffee outside their home.

They also have banknotes with a lot if zero's on it. 1 euro = 17,000. Before we know it we are millionaire if not billionaires.😁
You will feel at home dear @ibesso... Think of all those zeros just like in the old days before we were fooled into the greatness of the euro.

🍦🍦 an ice cream to kill the time till @el-nailul and X show up. Shall I make us some Tiramisu?


 3 months ago 

Mmm, delicious tiramisù. I think I could accept living with all those zeros in exchange for a quieter and less hectic life. We’ll definitely get along with coffee if we make it with my old machine; it’s perfect for making tiramisù too. Who's bringing the “Marsala”? Rum or brandy will do as well.


 3 months ago 

I will, I doubt they have it there. I will add the rum. Good with tea on a rainy or cold day

No one joins Steemit to read 550+ words

You are very right about this…

By the way, this is the longest post I’ve ever seen you made… and the best part for me was those 5 thought provoking questions you asked and also answered. It cleared some lingering questions I’ve always asked before now…

 3 months ago 

I'm working on a longer one, shall I tag you?

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

This post has been upvoted - Steem's Angels with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @weisser-rabe

Let's hope that we are one of the two changemakers you name ;-))