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RE: Sounds Like a Plan

in Freewriters3 months ago

I like to say that I always loved to take such a train and there's one driving in my village, not the entire year and I only saw it depart a few years ago (I guess I am always late). Coal, wood, what is worse for the environment? How about all those smokers and people using electric equipment/gadgets/cars? The batteries aren't good for the environment either at least coal is a part of Mother Nature unlike plastic and all the chemicals. So if I have the chance to take a ride on such a train I take it since I was born too late to enjoy it.
BTW there's a train museum in Utrecht city and it's awesome. They also do a play and such a luxury the train had back then!

 3 months ago 

Personally I think trains are wonderful. It's a great ride. The article doesn't necessarily reflect my personal views. There is a segment of the population who think and act this way. In this world for every "yes" there is a "no".
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 3 months ago 

You are right and I don't care what others say. It reminds me of a political party where the members want to save nature with all sorts restrictions. At the same time they smoke, drive big cars, travel the world, live in luxary, waste a lot and one had hundreds of books. There was a writer who calculated how many trees had been cut for their life style.. Not to mention the rest of the damage and all the waste.

 3 months ago 

World of illusion... Packaging says one thing, the contents is something else.

 2 months ago (edited)

My account has been hacked and everything stollen. I di managed to stopthe power down though. I want to close the account. I would like to transfer the sp about 2177 to you. I know you will put it to good use. Are you comfortable with that?