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RE: YOU are on your deathbed! Can you answer this before you die?

in Freewriters2 months ago

Who is on his deathbed? Is it me or you or are we both? Should we really have a chat right now or can we let it be? I have no idea how I ended up in one room with you, what happened?
It depends on the reason why I, you, we are dying but there's no need to call the ambulance. You know what they said dead isn't a sin and besides Death is my best friend and I like to be with him again.

Regrets? I doubt you like to hear what I have to say. I regret I never became a hitman but it doesn't matter since I still have that list and will haunt everyone no matter where I'm staying.

The crawling, begging, and sacrificing I ended a long time ago. Why should I try to please those who will never please me? I had this slogan during my life: Gutheit ist Dummheit and learned that a bully will always be cruel and humankind is an unsatisfied species, rarely honest and carries 1001 masks. Do you like to see my list before you die?

No one is invited to my funeral. No way I will let them drink coffee and tea on my expenses. Don't you know I am a cat? Cats leave and die alone so it would be great if you get out of that bed and find yourself another place to stay.

What I think? How annoying it is to have a selfish person questioning me when I'm dying or is it you who will pass away?
If you want to click that button be my guest, you can do it for yourself I pass. I have no intention to be 20 years younger and change something like I said death is my companion and trustworthy.

My first and last thoughts are always for the same person and nothing will change that.

P.s before you leave, bring me a cup of tea. Thank you.


Gutheit ist Dummheit

I know this phrase as "Die Gutheit ist ein Stück von der Dummheit", which my mother told me to have been said by her ancestors.

We riddled about the meaning and guessed: "Gutheit" here not points to moral good will but to some kind of laisser faire, especially not to give contra on words or things that are not acceptable (from the own point of view).

 2 months ago 

If "gutheit" is only a part of stupidity the question remains what the rest is. It reminds me of what my grandmother used to say: the brutal reign of half of the world which doesn't make sense it should be reign or reign the entire world.

The interesting thing about these expressions is that depending on the personal situation the meaning can change. To me it was a good reminder to say NO. Did it help? Some habits die hard so every few years I wrote it in bold and to help me remember that there's no need to be kind to everyone since if it comes to it it will not be repaid. I must say that after I changed it was a fight for years since abusive people became met and it took longer for them to understand that I simply had it with them. My life improved, it became way better, and I met great people all over the world and the manipulation and abusement were gone. So I keep this one as my personal slogan.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Too funny! Still you need a cup of coffee before leaving! Is that how a coffee dominate your life ? @wakeupkitty

For @anassharkawy, why you asked ambulance the time of your death was almost there ? Maybe you didn't like death and still you want to live a long life.

 2 months ago 

No coffee for me although I might try your coffee one day if ginger covers it.

With us the ambulamce is nit allowed to drive corpses. It's already bad enough if someone dies although I doubt they still clean the ambulance properly.


Really, every place have a different rules. There ate people died in the ambulance before reaching the hospital.

Tell me if you can buy beans or coffee and share with you how to mame it step by step. It is better than buying nescafe.

 2 months ago 

Dying in an ambulance is not the same as driving corpses which can infect sick people and is therefore dangerous. Ever smelled a car or house where a corpse was left for several days? That smell will always remain.

My son has coffee beans and makes it with a filter pouring hot water on it.... You can share the recipe, please 😁

Of course, I will my dear

Roast the coffee beans until color changed intto golden brown.
Make it into finest powder using blender.
You need cardamom 2 pcs, ginger powder 1 teaspoon, cloves 2 pics.

Boil a water , add the coffee powder for 5 minutes add the other ingredients.
Transfer the ready to drink coffee and you can drink it morning up to afternoon or as you wish as long it is still hot.

Take care.

 2 months ago 

Thanks for sharing the recipe. How long will you let the coffee and the other ingredients (spices) rest before you drink it because the clover will need it's time or do you use the powder?

Im nkt using powder clover , 2pcs only enough and take your coffee after mixing it. It will stay for how many hours but you can drink it right.

My boss don't like left over , they need fresh from the fire hahaha so hot.

 2 months ago 

They make ice coffee out of left coffee here, the finest hotels and restaurants do that.
One of my grandmothers gave it with the leftovers (food) to the dog. No waste. The animal reached a high age.

I LIKE THAT ONE A LOTTTT. the post was mainly about a couple of questions that I thought everyone of us should have an answer for so that we maybe can alter our path or actions. Knowing people’s opinion doesn’t matter anymore, what could’ve you changed about the way you lived your life? I believe I personally should often ask myself these questions and that the consequences will be fairly beneficial

 2 months ago 

With a bit of creativity it's easy to change whatever is meant and change the written word.
All one has to do is to read, watch through different eyes and perhaps use a bit of imagination or craziness. I could say what is the first thing you think of if you read a few words of your text back? What is the first question but more what would you answer?
"Wasting" or investing time in people.. it can be it's a waste of life but if you never try there's nothing to win - not in the first place friendships but experiences. No matter how crazy or bad they are good to write about. Let's give it a try.
What would you answer?

I absolutely agree with you, I'm trying out different styles in the meantime but mainly trying to write something authentic and not to pay much attention to grammar mistakes, punctuation and what not. As if I'm just talking to a friend rather than an eloquent writer