Actsofkindness : We Distribute Funds of Rp. 3.5 Million & 6 Sacks of Rice to Orphaned & Poor Students

in Steem Japan2 years ago

Alhamdulillah, Last Week We Distribute Funds of Rp. 3.5 Million & 6 Sacks of Rice to Orphaned & Poor Santri2 DAYAH MAFADH ABIYA Baidhawi MUDI.
Congregations Who God Gives Sustenance, Let's Help Allah's Religion, Can Cost Orphans & Poor Students, Dayah Books, Land Waqf & Operational Vehicles for Recitation & Da'wah Geutanyoe, ETC, Infaq send to BSI: 1058597615 AN: RIZAL AZHARI, Confirm WA 085362473416 🕌
May Allah make it easy for all affairs and Raseuki Donors & Family, Beutroeh lagee bans the intentions and aspirations of Donors, May Allah always be in God's goodness & guidance And always be protected by Allah & Healthy Sabe, Beu Happy in the Hereafter and Beutroeh Rewards to Donor Parents...Amen2 oh my god

List of Donors Who Have Donated:

  1. Muchtar Akadir Bireuen BSI Riski Ramadhan Rp. 300.000.
  2. Servant of Allah in Batuphat Via BSi Riski Ramadhan Rp 500,000.
  3. Servants of Allah at Krueng geukuh via BSi Riski Ramadhan Rp 100.000.-
  4. Tgk Yusran at Bireuen Via BSI Riski Ramadhan Rp 300.000.-
  5. Tgk Rijal Aron BlangBlahdeh Via Haidar Rp 150.000.-
  6. Haidar H.Abdul Hamid Via BSI Riski Ramadhan Rp 300,000.
  7. Abi Najaf Malaysia Via BSi Riski Ramadhan Rp 1,600,000.
  8. Pak Muzakir Via BSi Riski Ramadhan Rp 100.000.

Congregation Who Allah Makes Sustenance Easy: Let's Help "Dayah Walk" Operational Vehicle for Recitation & Da'wah, ETC, As Our Practice & Vehicle for the Hereafter, with the double reward of this blessed Ramadan, send infaq to BSI: 1058597615 AN: RIZAL AZHARI, Confirm WA 085362473416

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahiwbarakatuh。


See you again on another occasion in the next post.

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✍ About Me : Tgk @rijalaronaceh

Silahkan Ikuti Pengajian Saya Setiap Hari di Link Ini :
Dayah Babussalam
Blang Blahdeh Bireuen
FB: Tgk Rijal Aron BlangBlahdeh
Twitter: Rijal_Aron_Aceh
Youtube: Tgk Rijal Aron Blang Blahdeh
WA & Telegram: +6285362473416
Discord: rijalaronaceh#2619



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 2 years ago 

@rijalaronaceh さん、こんにちは。

💡 アップボートガイド 💡


