The Legendary Juan Gimenez
Hello everyone.
I am sure many of you have heard already, but the legendary artist Juan Gimenez passed away today.
He was 76 years old, no spring chicken, but it is still hard when someone of this talent passes.
I don't think I have been this sad about a "celebrity' death since Bernie Wrightson (the term Celebrity is used very loosely here, both of these people were insanely talented artists and should not be dismissed as Celebrity culture in any way whatsoever).
So in honor of Mr. Gimenez I am going to share some of his work with you. I first discovered him through "The Metabarons", which is a prequel to the character The Metabaron that appears in Alexander Jodorowsky's "The Incal".
My copy of "The Metabarons" is still one of my most cherished books. After reading this book I went on to try to find anything Juan Gimenez put out which included another great book called "The Fourth Power".
To my knowledge, most of his work was done in physical media. He used ink and paper and produced his lush color work with gouache (a medium similar to watercolor).
So without further ado here is the might Juan Gimenez.
Rest easy sir.
A really sad and valuable loss.