
hey @esteban85 You're on the right path, don't loose faith mate. I would recommend two things if you want to learn english. First, read as much as possible, books that you enjoy. Find authors that you absolutely love. Hemingway for example, Oscar Wilde, Hunther S. Thompson, Jack Kerouac. You will notice that each has his own voice and writing style. If you manage to connect at a deeper level with an author you'll do a quantum leap in your english.
Writing regularly will help too, check your texts with Grammarly.

Good luck.

I'm practicing english as well hope to learn more

To learn any language or especially English language you must practice it and that makes you fluent. So i am here to help you.

thanks,my friend.where are you from?

Hi nice meet you.

I also try to practice. I am practicing english on the call.