The Evolution Of Blockchain Interoperability Standards.

in PussFi 🐈6 days ago



Blockchain technology has become popular due to its capacity to form decentralized and secure networks. Nonetheless, as different block chains started emerging, each with its own defined protocols, the problem of interoperability became apparent. This means that it was difficult for block chains to exchange information or transfer any data. Interoperability is crucial so as to increase the usage of blockchains within different sectors since this gives room for a cross collaboration of various blockchains without any hindrances.

With respect to blockchains compatibility, it can be stated that there has been significant changes and advancements made considering the need for developing such standards. Such standards permit interchain communication improving the effectiveness and productivity of the networks. Since pretty much every business section faces a threat of ‘blockchainization’, including telecommunications and banking industries, so the number of requests directed towards such solutions is also increasing. The target of interoperability is to form a single universe of blockchains whereby movement of data and values can be done on various blockchains without any restrictions.

Over the years, many solutions have been put forward and come up with to solve this particular problem. Ranging from cross chain bridges to proper protocols the industry has come a long way.

  • Early Attempts At Blockchain Interoperability:

When blockchain first started, different networks couldn't talk to each other. For example,Bitcoin and Ethereum were like separate islands, they couldn’t communicate or share data. It was also impossible to move value between them, and people had to use centralized exchanges, which was expensive and had a security risk.

The first solutions were to develop something centralized,like a third party exchanges. but they didn't work well as they had their own challenges. They had security risk and they were costly. Then it was realized that a more decentralized approach was needed.

Then, cross-chain bridges were developed, which allowed users to transfer assets between different networks without the need for intermediaries. This was a step forward, but it still had its limitations.

  • The Rise Of Cross-Chain Protocols

As blockchain grew, better interoperability solutions were needed, so developers began working on cross-chain protocols. These protocols were developed to enable seamless communication between blockchain networks. Polkadot and Cosmos are two notable protocols, that were introduced.


These protocols allow different blockchains to interact, there by enabling asset and data transfer. Polkadot uses parachains, while Cosmos uses Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC). These protocols helped paved way for more complex interoperability solutions.

This was a big step forward, as it enabled different blockchains to work together, to securely and efficiently transfer data and assets across different blockchains networks.

  • Standardization Efforts For Blockchain Interoperability:

As cross-chain protocols became widely adopted, the need standardization became necessary, so as to ensure that different blockchain networks can communicate with each other in a uniform and secure manner. Organizations like Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) and InterWork Alliance (IWA) have started developing standardized frameworks.

They did this so as to create common protocols for blockchain interoperability. In order to enable seamless cross chain communication, there by reducing complexity and improve efficiency.

Also, apart from industry led initiatives, governments and regulatory bodies are also exploring the role standards play in blockchain interoperability. This will help ensure that blockchain technology is used safely and securely, and also widely adopted.

  • The Future of Blockchain Interoperability:

The future of blockchain interoperability is very exciting. As more blockchains adopt standards, the ecosystem will become more connected and efficient. Also new use cases like decentralized finance (DeFi) will emerge, as they can operate across multiple blockchains, there by enhancing scalability and functionality.

Some key trends in the future of blockchain interoperability like Layer 2 solutions were developed. These solutions help to improve scalability of the blockchain network. Also as industries adopt blockchain, the demand for interoperable solutions will grow, there by drive innovation and collaboration in blockchain networks.



The start of blockchain interoperability standard, has really helped in the growth and development of the blockchain ecosystem. The industry started with cross chain bridges to advance cross chain protocols and then to standardization. This has helped in addressing challenges of interoperability faced while using blockchain technology.


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