Captain America: The First Avenger – Spoiler Review

in Moving to Hive4 years ago (edited)

I decided to rewatch all Marvel movies starting with Captain America: The First Avenger. I know that Iron Man came out first, but in the order of events, Captain America is the first. The movie is written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, who wrote the screenplay for all three Captain America movies and Infinity War and Endgame. No wonder that there are so many references in Endgame to Captain America movies. Joe Johnston directed the movie and didn't continue on, like most phase one directors. Also careful for spoilers to all Marvel movies.

The movie came out in 2011. So much has changed and so have I. It still bugs me that a movie about WWII doesn't even mention the Holocaust, but there was one interesting subject that it did touch on – Paganism. Hitler's paganism and his believes in the old faiths that existed before Judaism. This movie choses to reference the Norse Mythology for the sake of the movies and the comics, but if you listen to some neo-Nazi speeches and hear them talking about things like the children of the Sun, that's paganism and an old faith that is mentioned in the Old Testament. The totally crazy belief system was actually not that far from reality.

Now let's move on to the fun stuff. As we all know the movie centers around Steve Rogers (played by Chris Evans). A man who wants to join the army to fight in the war for all the right reasons, but doesn't meet the physical criteria until he is enlisted by Dr. Abraham Erskine (played by Stanley Tucci) to the super-soldier possible team. During training under Colonel Chester Phillips (played by Tommy Lee Jones) and Agent Peggy Carter (played by Hayley Atwell), he is chosen to be the one who is injected with the serum. The results are impressive, but not everything goes as planned.

Dr. Abraham Erskine who is formally a German scientist tried to create the serum in the past. He tried it on Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull (played by Hugo Weaving). As the Red Skull name implies, Schmidt was a failed experiment. Schmidt is the head of Hydra – a Nazi division that makes weapons and grows into something more. In order to fuel their weapons Schmidt gets him hands on the Tesseract that is from some reason on Earth and not in Odin's vault He thinks it will give him the powers of the gods. Well, in the end the stone just transported him to outer space. We saw where he ended up in Endgame.

Schmidt finds out that Erskine will try to recreate the serum that was used on him for the Americans and has Erskine killed. But not before injecting Rogers with the serum. After that problem, the division gets shut down. Rogers is recruited for shows that asks Americans to buy bonds. During this show he punches a fake Hitler. A clear homage to the first issue of Captain America, which had Captain America punching Hitler on the cover. Because Rogers doesn't approve of such propaganda, I have a feeling that the Falcon and the Winter Soldier will not approve of Agent U.S. doing this propaganda during Falcon and the Winter Soldier .

When Rogers is sent to do the show in Europe the soldiers are not impressed. But, when he finds out that his best friend James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes (played by Sebastian Stan) is being held hostage by the Hydra he goes behind enemy lines to save him. With the help of Carter and Howard Stark (played by Dominic Cooper). He manages to save him and a lot of other America soldiers and with a few of them and so the legend of Captain America beguns. They create a special division to fight hydra.

In the end, in order to stop Hydra and the Red Skull, Rogers lands the plane full of bomb fueled by the Tesseract that are meant to destroy almost every major city in the U.S.A. in the water and freezes in the ice. Stark manages to find the Tesseract, but it is years before they find Rogers frozen in the ice. So this explains why the U.S. army has the Tesseract in Captain Marvel which takes place in the 90s. From some reason I thought that Tony Stark found it and it didn't make much sense. Also when Rogers promises Carter to take her dancing before landing in the ice and that they should choose a slow song because he doesn't know how to dance just brings tears to my eyes. That dance comes up a lot in the future.

Other Marvel movies reference this movie so much, but mostly Endgame. The most obvious parts are the Carter ones. Rogers has the clock with the photo of Carter wherever he goes. The dance that Rogers finally get to have at the end of Endgame. It is sad in both movies. There is the obvious "I can do this all day" saying by Rogers that stays with him for all of the movies and gets made fun of in Endgame. There is also the "don't do anything stupid until I get back/how can I when you're taking all the stupid with you" saying that was saved for the end of Endgame between him and Bucky. Endgame is a full circle for Rogers. He can't move on. His right dancing partner is in the past. Also, I am pretty sure that some of the music from this movie survived all the way to Endgame. Rogers was chosen for the program because he is a good man that – makes him worthy in the end. So many references. I am sure I didn't even half of them.

Also, when you remember that Rogers fought in WWII, his refusal to let go of old fashion values makes more sense, like freedom in an exchange for a suit of armor around the world.

Rogers is just a good man that has been given a golden opportunity. Now he must learn how to live in the future. Alone. All of his friends and family are gone. He has nothing left but the fight.

This movie holds up a lot better than I thought that it will. I really enjoyed it.

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What is going on with Hive, how long did it take you to get in? I signed up well over 3 days ago on some site that said it takes 72 hours to get in. I got airdropped some HIVE that I can trade out for Steem on Steem-Engine if I can't get in the site. But I even see your posts are still here and not there, does it matter if people enjoy using both? Been staying away from all the usual soap opera drama going on in posts and just enjoying the users that I enjoy and so far I seem to have a split amount of people going one way and others another, but people still posting on Steemit for the most part. I need to speak to a manager!

I share my posts from there here, because I am not sure everyone can see them otherwise. I see HIVE as a form and nothing more. I don't really understand how these new communities work.

See my above reply but I believe everyone is moving over to it from Steem based on what has been done.

I believe everyone is moving over to it from Steem based on what has been done. or

are the places to start, but the way it works is that it's a fork of Steem, so your same Steem keys power your Hive account, and you have a 1:1 balance of Hive and Hive Power (HP) to Steem and Steem Power (SP). I did not have have to create a new account, my keys already controlled eeks and what was in my wallet. On Steem though, I am selling all my Steem and powering down all my SP and will exit Steem fully in a couple months once it's fully powered down.

It will be so sad to see you gone from Steem. Why is everyone leaving? I don't get it. Did the post I posted origianlly in actually on Hive? Because I don't think so.

I opened my account there. Not all my posts are there so I am coping them because I want everything to be there. So I guess I'll see you there.

I just logged into a Hive account. I found a YouTube video that explains how to do it because I am not a technological person. Basically log into with your Steemit information and create a pin code and that's it. You're there.