Today, November 8, 2022 - in 300 characters

in CCC2 years ago

After 10 years, the Ikea pot rack fell off the wall. It happened at nigh. Luckily it didn't wake me up. I cleaned up all day. The 3rd arm warmers are finished. The new project is tanning a sweater. The sweater I bought as a birthday present already has holes in it, it is completely worn out! Boohoo.

20221106_132846.jpg#3 there are more leftovers

20221108_192945.jpgLet's see how long it takes me to finish the pullover. I am not as fast as my grandmother was.

Screenshot_20221108-192239_Samsung Internet.jpg

See @hive-166850 for the contest about today


It's very, very pink but they look lovely and are unique. You can show off with them. 😃

LOL it is indeed. I'm not fond of this colour but find it so cute.🍀♥️

Colourful and warm is what cold grey winters need.

Thanks for sharing your today with us.
