If you must know the real truth about marriage then this post is for you

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


I have asked myself why do we have lots of issues in marriage? Why can't husbands support their wives and why can't wives love their husbands? I will show you on the real facts about marriage and why you should marry And why you shouldn't. Now let's go as we read to discover and to understand more about what marriage is really all about.


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Marriage is defined as: Legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife; state of being married. Other word for legal is connected, and other word for union is partner. A partner is someone who takes part with another in some activity. The man is the master builder and the wife is the help- mate.

The word stand can be defined as: have take, kept and upright position, balance, support the body on the feet. Marriage is been expected to last up to everlasting, marriage is expected not to be broken by any means. That's why you are given the grace to take your time before engaging yourself in the far journey.

Marriage is a journey and you must do all it takes to see that the body gets on its feet. Get yourself prepared well enough to have taken all that you need, that you may not ask anyone for help in your journey days, is really true that most people didn't take their spirit with them, neither are they mindful of their spirit.

You can't do anything without your spirit, many are lost because they do not have their spirit with them and couldn't fine their way back home. You need to get yourself prepared first and when you are prepared then you are ready to go.( Genesis 2:24) Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.

The husband and the wife are connected into one body to do the same thing at the same time as long they are married. any other person additional to them is a visitor to them, is very easy to let go a visitor, but not easy to cut off your own hands, because without your hands, you can't do anything: your hands are your helper, in other words your wife is your helper, and you shouldn't for any reason cast her away from you, else your body can't be on the feet.

The husband is the master builder, while the wife is the help-mate and without the help of the wife, the husband gets confused, and when the wife can't help she gets distracted. When distraction and confusion comes in between the man and the woman, the marriage will never work out to be something well spent.

The husband should be mindful to know what his building to have as well know if his hands can carry it out. Marriage is a journey, meaning you are actually heading home, now what have you built? how beautiful is it? have you seen a picture of your home to be? many people never cared to know, and haven't built anything, they live in their distraction and in their confusion.

The purpose of you getting married is for you to stand to your feet: The question is who are you standing with? or who do you intend to stand with? The angry man or the angry woman can't stand with you, because they get angry with all kinds of reasons: The child is always right even when he seems to be wrong and when you try to correct them, they see you as the real enemy, who doesn't want good for them.

An angry woman is childish in all her ways and she can't be of help to you, an angry man can't give to you nor support you, he is foolish in all his ways and wouldn't for any reason love you. Never you choose to stand with an angry man or angry woman in them there is no help. an angry man speaks childishly likewise the angry woman, their thoughts and words, understanding are childish. age is just a number so marry someone who is matured in words and in understanding. spend more time to have get your self well prepared that you may not regret your journey days don't be forced to have marry and regrets everything.


I strongly believe you now know, and understands what marriage is really all about? Your husband choose you because he knows you are really the only one to help him so please do not turn your back on him because he wouldn't do anything without you.

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 2 years ago 

If you are single and made this post, you will be a better husband and if you are married already your wife is at the top @kingbolo16855
All who want to get married need to read this post, am happy to see your text-justify is very neat, and you have supported all4one project

All4one @steemaliveyes


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Thank you ma

What that being the case when re-define marriage outside usual known , as learnt here which is indeed . In summary , marriage as union between two , of which husband is master /builder and wife a help mate ; for instance when wife isn't helpful as could be expected and husband not building any thing as could equally expected . There what happened reversed being their case . Problems . Good reading here.

Your husband choose you because he knows you are really the only one to help him so please do not turn your back on him because he wouldn't do anything without you.
Yesooo, and me cant do without him

Lol that's amazing