Club75|| A compilation of My Day's Activities|| 25th January 2021||Powered up 20.199 steem to join club75|| 10PC to @steemalive

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



Beautiful harmattan greetings to you from me wherever you are. I hope this post meets you in health and soundness of mind. It's been an awfully hectic day for me. Here's how it went.

10Pc goes to @steemalive

Morning Hours

Today i kept waking up from time to time. I remember waking up by 11:30pm or thereabout yesterday night to eat some bread from the loaf I brought back yesterday and a bottle of soft drink I remained the previous night.

Picture of my finished Pepsi and bread

That was how tired I was. Even though I kept waking up and sleeping back again,I finally stood up by 4:00am for my quiet time with Jesus.

By 6:am I was up and fetching water for the house as the water fetched the previous day had been used up and our sumo refused to pump water all through the night there was light.
I had an early morning meeting to Meetup to by 7am and of course I knew I'd go late,but water was needed for I and family members to at least bath so those leaving the house could.

I finished fetching water by 7:15am(imagine) and I hurriedly had a bath,dressed up and stepped into town for the meeting. As God would have it,I met up with the meeting.

After the meeting,sub departments clustered together to meet.

By 10:40am the meeting had ended and I was on my way home,but men and women I saw whiiiinnn😵😵😵. While going for the meeting a roundabout I'm meant to go through called 'Control' was blocked by large trailers and there was a little traffic but the bus driver was able to find an alternate route, but going back home was helele.
I got to 'Cherubim Junction' and you need to see the traffic there. It was a gridlock.

The gridlock at Cherubim Junction

At some point some drivers came out of their vehicles and started exchanging angry words. All these were happening with the road still solidly blocked oh. The worst fared were commuters like myself who stood in the hot 11:am sun waiting for the holdup to clear because buses going our directions were stuck in the traffic. As if this wasn't enough,when the gridlock jam finally let up,there were few buses going my direction and almost all of them were filled. Thankfully by 11:30am I got a bus going my direction.

The harmattan dust is one thing but when you add filling the road with red sand to it,it's on a whole new level. Some road construction guys are filling our road with red sand( that will become mud when it rains🤦🤦) and it's creating such a cloud of dust that if one doesn't wear a face abi nosemask,one will have catarrah immediately. So the moment I stepped out of the bus I wore my nosemask to protect myself t a certain degree

After all these 'travel' stress I arrived home by 12:20pm and decided to take a good nap because I would be stepping out again later. (Pheww😩😩 what a morning).

Afternoon Hours

Powered up 20.199 steem to join club75

Before taking the nap,i logged into my wallet to powerup my last sbd inorder to join club75. I had been in-between powering it up or withdrawing it,but I guess powering up won. So here's proof of my powerup below.



After powering up,I slept.😁

Evening Time.

Like most other churches we've been in our 21days fasting and prayers and this week is the last lap,so by 5:00pm I got dressed and headed to church for today's prayers. I've just decided that today is a traffic day and I have the good fortune of being in it.
There was traffic going and when I was returning from the prayers too,I still met traffic,but thank God I'm home now. I'm about to eat,and do a couple of things before I go to bed.
I hope you enjoyed reading my day's event...till I come your way again...cheers



 2 years ago 

This is very good my dear, to see your power-up spirit it a good thing that should be encouraged..
But my dear, some bread are still remaining in that picture oooh😂😂😂😂😂, I may need it to power-up my tommy 😆😆😆 also.

Thanks for your good works 🤗🤗🤗🤗

 2 years ago 

Lol,it's the tummy powerup for me😂 @caleb-marvel

 2 years ago 

Hahahahha there is love in Sharing ooh

 2 years ago 

It pretty good to hear from you. I love your engagements on spiritual matters. But wait ooo, after fdrinking your pepsi, why displaying it here? Just for me to salivate? It cant work for you

 2 years ago 

Lol 😂 @marajah

 2 years ago 

Why laughing naaa. Stop it ooo

Wow,you really did a nice job by joing club75

Wow!interesting on the bread my own