Justin Sun's Twitter Blocking: He Obviously Does Not Want Open DiscussionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemLeo4 years ago

Justin Sun talks about being the beacon for decentralization, transparency, and trust. It appears that it all talk.

Yesterday, he went on a rampage blocking all Steemians who dared to call him out on statements he made, especially as they contradict the actions he took.

@theycallmedan tweeted how he was blocked which set off a series of responses.

There might be some names you recognize on here:







The screenshots I could take just goes on and on. Justin was very busy with the block button yesterday.

Then there was this tweet which sums up Justin's mindset.


So what do we make of all this?

It is obvious that, for a blockchain that discusses free speech and a lack of censorship there is something amiss. Naturally, Sun is free to manage his twitter account however he sees fit. There are times people ought to be blocked because they often cross the line.

That said, this is obviously targeted at the people who are on Twitter who disagree with Sun and are calling out his actions. The challenge with this is these are the same people who supposedly is interested in working with on making Steem progress forward.

I maintain that Sun revealed his intentions with the very first Tweet he sent out announcing the acquisition of Steemit Inc. He never had any intention of making Steem into a strong blockchain. Instead, his goal was to lure all the applications to Tron, do a token swap, and kill of Steem.

Along these same lines, I feel he has no desire to have an open discussion about any of this. This guy is all about control and feeding his own ego. He is quickly being backed into a corner which is making him desperate. Nevertheless, he is not going to do anything, in my opinion, that is advantageous for Steem. His single focus is upon himself and the control he can maintain.

I understand that negotiations are often difficult and tensions rise. However, when one party is repeatedly taken action that goes against everything he is saying, how can the other party trust him at all? This is the essence of what we are dealing with. While he can maintain the same thing, and with some validity, the fact of the matter is his actions are constant.

At this point, my belief is that it is time to 100% ignore everything Sun says. He is proving that it is not worth even a sheet of toilet paper. Instead, his actions are speaking very loudly to anyone who is paying attention. The fact that he is blocking those who are calling him out for his actions is very telling.

I think it is very clear what we are dealing with here.

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Posted via Steemleo


You leave the guy no choice with your spamming......

Those tweets have nothing to do with open discussion.

I've been unfollowing many too.

I'm on the Steem side, but many are just plain trolling, not discussing.

Exactly my thoughts too.
Those tweets are not in any way trying to achieve an open discussion. The name-calling is the reason some steemians are getting blocked.

It is not a good look for those that claim to care about the future of Steem|Steemit. It is very disappointing to see or encourage as well as childish.

Negotiations seem to be going nowhere. It may be time to fork and delete the ninja-mined stake from The New Chain. Let Sun have the rotting corpse of Steemit.

and all accounts that voted for justin's sockpuppets should also be forked out

One Postal Dollar is backed by one dollar in gold, if for every dollar or equivilant in steem you buy a dollar postal bond and add that to a pool by recording that number as collateral for the new system, givse steem that you own real world value

A fork using the same DPoS protocol would be the short term solution. But DPoS needs to evolve for a NEWSTEEM to survive long term.

Yeah, the current 30 witness vote system has had its weaknesses exposed.

How do you get your steem out of Blocktrades to my account here its kind of confusing

For now at least, you can’t trade other coins for STEEM or SP at Blocktrades:

It's freed up now - you can transfer in and out using block trades (its been working last few days)

Just in, the Sun will be taking over uranis... What respectful planet would be called your anis, I'm just Sayin... Justin Sun is a shill, that is being funded to cause this problem. We need to gather, like minded people, so we can," FUCK" "JUSTIN, in his newly formed anis. And that's what hes talking like and acting like,"Justin Sun," needs to be our victim. The new economy, the believers in, "STEEMIT", other wise I just went to" Bitchute" and I Like it!!~!!

Don’t give him one single @d00k13 😉 fact that anyone thought otherwise is absurd.

Yes, it's very clear. Now, the community can begin moving forward knowing the truth of Justin's intentions by his deliberate actions. What is next? Time will tell.

We need to start communities that trade things through the steemit system that exists now, start trading your talents for value and create your own fork naturally through steemit infrastructure.

What is going to happen to Steem now??...see dammit, there is so much happening everywhere and this is not what we want to hear now...

I thought that he said at one point he wants to sell his Steem and get rid of it.
I hope that he will do a public auction for the Ninja Stake Steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Let him continue. It's his life.

Posted via Steemleo

He is proving that it is not worth even a sheet of toilet paper

Toilet paper is getting scarce enough already these days.

Is Twitter a "block" chain too ;>)

All kidding aside, you put into words what many of us have been feeling for quite some time. It's unfortunate but true.